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What’s Up With the Football Crazy Manchester Police?

Not sure what is going on here, but it looks like some members of the Manchester police like to a play a little football sometimes with people’s heads during their shifts.

An armed police officer was filmed seemingly enjoying some much-needed football practice with a man’s head during an incident at Manchester Airport.

Greater Manchester Police said officers sometimes need to “let off some steam” such are the “vagaries of the stressful job”.

A spokesman for the force said it “acknowledged concerns” regarding the conduct of the officers and would be assessing the football crazy policeman’s conduct during duty.

“This was not the Euro 24 football tournament but Manchester Airport. He should have contained himself a little whilst on duty,” Superintendent Al Splittyer Hayed, told the Sun.

A police officer has been removed from operational duties, Manchester police confirmed on Wednesday night.

What a Difference a Day Makes: Democrats Energised by Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’s first rally speech in Milwaukee showed a remarkable change in energy and hope for the beleaguered Democrat Party, as the Vice President and candidate for the presidency was cheered on by a raucous crowd of Democrat worshippers. The energy Harris brought to the event was in stark contrast to Joe Biden’s mumbling low-energy efforts resembling a creaking rotting corpse. The Democrats energised by Kamala Harris are on a one way rollercoaster ride to a certain election win.

The Democrats now have hope, and Kamala has stepped up to the game, energising the female vote along with the progressive, inclusive vote.

Donald Trump’s team will no doubt be watching all of this and planning their next strategic action, but in all honesty, with the Democrat ballot stuffing, and postal vote fraud that is rampant in most states, he now has effectively lost the election already. Trump may have dodged the Democrat bullet once, but when it comes to election fraud, along with mass censorship from the likes of Google and Facebook plus most Big Tech controllers, as well as the Democrat controlled media in America, he has little chance of beating that level of bias and corruption. When the entire mechanism of Federal and state government, judicial system, Secret Service, FBI, CIA and media are in the Democrat Party’s pocket, what possible chance can anyone have against that level of control?

Democrat Party Election Technique: Ballot harvesting and postal vote fraud 

  • 47 states have the option of early in person voting
  • No ID is required to vote in the US elections, and some people can vote as many times as they want, unlike the UK where to vote one needs valid ID
  • The earliest state allows you to vote 50 DAYS BEFORE the election i.e. last week of September
  • Average is 27 days before
  • In addition, anyone can request a postal ballot, including illegal immigrants
  • Most states allow these to be lodged from 45 working days before election day, i.e. Sept 15
  • Paid Democrat operatives on the ground start pounding pavement in September, getting as many as possible to vote early
  • Financial incentives are offered by Democrat operatives to voters for their positive Democrat postal votes
  • Often by mid-October the race is already over. Unless it is super close, so much of the lead will have already been “banked” it will be impossible to overturn
  • Hundreds of thousands of deceased people, and millions of partially completed votes, along with illegal immigrants’ votes are accepted by Democrat controlled states
  • The Democrat Party utilises an organised system of Ballot Harvesting which ensures their candidates win elections

To this end, it is almost a certainty that along with a rejuvenated Democrat voter base, the campaign is firmly in the bag already for Kamala Harris. The Democrats energised by Kamala Harris will now be a force to be reckoned with. Trump just got sucker punched by a second bullet, but this time he won’t recover, whichever way he moves his head.


Trump’s Chances of Being Voted in Now Minimal

The catalyst for the Democrats dumping Biden faster than a turd after a tainted burrito was the failed Donald Trump shooting incident. That chance was thwarted for the Democrats after Trump moved his head at the last moment, and the consequence of the Teflon Don’s action was a huge rise in his popularity. The Dems had to dump their puppet corpse after that because they were then guaranteed a loss at the election.

What we have here is not only the first black VP but the first black female VP, and because we can’t see Biden doing a full four-year term, she’s going to be the first female black President of the United States, either Biden is going to pop his clogs before his term ends, or his already deranged spongified brain will give away completely, and he will be a vegetable. A lot of blacks are counting on that. Kamala will become president through the backdoor essentially.


Enter, Kamala Harris, who is the inclusive diversity candidate. She trumps Trump in many ways that the Republicans can only have fucking nightmares about. For a start, the millions of illegals who the Democrats opened the doors to will vote Democrat. The millions of African Americans, who breed at record levels compared to European Americans, will also be a huge vote share for the Democrats. The huge population of Hispanic Americans will also support Kamala, seeing as she represents diversity and inclusivity. The vast population of Asian Americans will support Kamala Harris because they have nothing in common with Trump. Socialist Americans will guarantee Kamala votes, simply because they detest Trump vehemently. The feminist vote will be a huge vote share for Kamala, because Trump is viewed as a toxic white male racist supremacist. All religious groups who are not evangelist Christians will vote for Kamala. The woke Marxists will vote for Kamala. America is full of very unintelligent, uneducated, stupid people, and they will no doubt vote for Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris may not have any credentials to be a competent US president, but the Democrats pulled off their trick with Biden for four years, so Harris will be no problem for them.

Democrat Party Election Technique: Ballot stuffing and postal vote fraud 

  • 47 states have the option of early in person voting
  • The earliest state allows you to vote 50 DAYS BEFORE the election i.e. last week of September
  • Average is 27 days before
  • In addition, anyone can request a postal ballot, including illegal immigrants
  • Most states allow these to be lodged from 45 working days before election day, i.e. Sept 15
  • Paid Democrat operatives on the ground start pounding pavement in September, getting as many as possible to vote early
  • Financial incentives are offered by Democrat operatives to voters for their positive Democrat postal votes
  • Often by mid-October the race is already over. Unless it is super close, so much of the lead will have already been “banked” it will be impossible to overturn
  • Hundreds of thousands of deceased people, and millions of partially completed votes, along with illegal immigrants’ votes are accepted by Democrat controlled states

Why has Obama not endorsed Harris yet? This is because he will not have as much control over Harris as he had with the walking dead Biden character, who was essentially an empty vessel manipulated by many people behind the scenes. Kamala Harris seems to have some sort of mind for herself, and can also speak clearly, which is always a bonus when pretending to be president.

The Republicans will now have to work really hard with Trump, especially as they lost their one saving grace — Sleepy Joe Biden, a shuffling morose disaster.

Influencers on all social media platforms are being actively bribed to promote Kamala Harris’ campaign with monetary incentives.

Modern Sins and Virtues: A 21st Century Encounter

Two dazzling Tech Titans and an equally stunning Influencer descended last night from the eerie bedarkened digital clouds through which the Internet invades a lonely insomniac’s mind and whispers seductively. They appeared before me, glorious and grand, posing as if for a viral TikTok video shoot or some cumbersome Felliniesque meme. From all three emanated a neon moonwashed glow, stark against the backdrop of my dimly lit room. Their presence was so overwhelming that I mistook them for the gods of our ruinous age.

The first Tech Titan had a face that defied gender norms, with a physique as fluid as the latest AI model. Their captivating eyes, hazy and enigmatic, mirrored the colour of blueish violet light filters, glistening as though perpetually reflecting screens. I could see Java and C++ code scrolling within their glowing salamandrine eyeballs. Their lips, slightly parted, exuded an aura of fine digital ether, and with every sigh, micro-drones buzzed and sparkled in their heated breath.

Around their sleek hoodie was a belt made of glistening fibre optics, with a serpent-like AI assistant whose blinking lights seemed to scan me. Hanging from this luminous belt were various gadgets—VR headsets, smart glasses, and bizarre biohacking tools. In their right hand, they held a glowing red USB labelled, “Plug in for eternal upgrade;” in their left, an electric guitar, no doubt to serenade their joys and sorrows and to spread the contagion of their innovation on nights of digital debauchery.

Their feet were adorned with the latest smart shoes, and when they glanced down irritably, their immutable vanity was absorbed in the polished sheen of their wearable tech.

They gazed at me with fulgurate eyes heavy with the weight of infinite data, from which poured a seductive haze, and addressed me in a melodious tone: “If you wish, if you wish, I will make you lord of algorithms and master over digital realms even more completely than a coder over their code; and you will experience pleasures ever new, be able to escape yourself and find oblivion in virtual reality, and to merge other digital personas with your own.”

I replied, “Thanks, but my fragile existence could hardly be improved by anything from this digital cabal. Though with memories mostly of shame, I would still rather not forget anything. And even if I didn’t know you, old trickster, your suspicious gadgets, those eerie vials, your ensnaring USB cords, suggest enough the drawbacks of becoming your friend. Keep your offers.”

The second Tech Titan lacked the first’s tragic beauty and polished manners. This was a gross dysphoriant figure, eyes sunken into the folds of their flesh, belly hanging heavily over their thighs, gluteal folds extending far across their Dalecarlian aura, skin covered with undulating tattoo-like QR codes and memes depicting the many forms of contemporary human misery. Tiny emaciated figures, voluntarily enslaved by their screens; minuscule avatars, lagging and glitching, their pleading eyes more effective than their begging hands; and aged users, clutching obsolete devices to their chests. And many more.

This grotesque figure tapped their massive belly, producing a cacophony of alerts and notifications, followed by vague groans of user data being harvested. They laughed, revealing rotten cola’d teeth, a laugh as hollow as the plastic echo chambers of social media.

“I can give you what will get you anything, what is worth everything, what compensates for all loss!” they boomed, tapping their gut once more, its sonorous echo amplifying their crude promises.

I turned away in disgust and declared, “My well-being won’t depend on anyone’s misery; and I have no desire for wealth built upon the digital sweatshop of your degrading platform.”

As for the Influencer, it would be misleading not to admit that at first glance, I found her bizarrely captivating. To define this charm, I can only compare it to those internet personalities who, though past their prime, never seem to fade, their allure lingering with the haunting magic of nostalgia. She had an air both commanding and clumsy, her eyes, though ringed with exhaustion, held an irresistible magnetism. What struck me most was the mystery of her voice, reminiscent of the most enchanting auto-tune, but also the raspy sound of voices wearied by constant livestreaming.

“Would you like to know my power?” she purred with her alluring yet paradoxical voice. “Listen.”

And she brought to her lips a colossal megaphone, festooned with the logos of every social media platform, and through this megaphone, she cried out my name, sending it echoing through cyberspace with the force of a hundred thousand retweets, reverberating back to me with the ripples of distant digital realms.

“The Devil!” I gasped, half enamoured, “that really is something!” But scrutinising her more closely, I vaguely recognised her as someone seen in scandalous vlogs with dubious characters I once knew; and the brassy sound of her megaphone brought back faint memories of clickbait and illusory sensationalism.

So I responded with utter disdain, “Get away! I’m not about to entangle myself with a digital diva’s sidekick.”

Certainly, I deserve some pride for such restraint. But then, unfortunately, I woke up and all my resolve vanished. “Really,” I said to myself, “I must have been delirious to have such scruples. If I could only regain them while awake, I’d not be so squeamish.”

And I invoked them aloud, begging their pardon, offering to debase myself as often as necessary to regain their favour; but it seems I had deeply offended them, for they never returned.

Kamala Glad She Did Not Have to do the Dirty Deed

Kamala Harris, the cackling hyena of US politics and diversity inclusion VP is sighing somewhat a sigh of relief that she did not have to do a certain dirty deed to get rid of her supposed boss Sleepy Joe.

“I’m kinda squeamish when it comes to doing stuff like that. Well, it is an unsavoury business, and many Democrats were seriously urging me on to do it, but thankfully someone talked reason into the old bastard.”

Indeed, Joe Biden, an unfit individual for over four years has supposedly been running the United States, but many know it was the Obama team running everything from behind the scenes.

“I’ve never seen anyone so fucked up that they even fall up the stairs. I mean, that’s the kind of thing we had to deal with this guy. He was a walking cadaver, a piece of dead meat being pulled around by strings. I knew it was wrong, but his wife Jill insisted he was okay, even though it was obvious to everyone that he was not. Still, it was either a barely alive corpse or Trump, so we used the Covid thing to scam the 2020 election and our bet played off.”

Sometimes people like Joe Biden are so deluded and past it that they can only be removed by Machiavellian techniques, but thankfully this time, old crooked Joe went silently, and he resigned with some modicum of dignity left, although after that presidential debate, a very teeny amount of dignity was left in that empty carcass.

Finally the Corpse of Biden Will be Laid to Rest

The most disastrous President the United States and world has had the displeasure of experiencing is finally to be buried or mummified, seeing as he was a walking corpse, a putrefying cadaver anyway. The Squib has called alarm about this fucking disaster constantly for four years.

Democrats lied and gaslighted America for four years

Obama recently called Biden a “great patriot” but many would laugh at that, seeing as his open door policy let in over 20 million illegal migrants without any checks. How can you be a patriot when you make the streets of the USA even more dangerous than they already are? The disgraceful Democrats have been gaslighting and lying about Joe Biden for four years now, and have put the globe in grave danger by instating a decrepit candidate in the sham 2020 Covid elections, which allowed ‘Basement Joe’ to stay at home. We have to also remember that Sleepy Joe was never a functioning president, and the team behind him with Obama barking orders were the ones actually running the presidency.

Disaster after disaster

The disastrous evacuation of troops from Afghanistan was Biden’s crowning glory, where he left over 100 billion dollars worth of military hardware and ammunition to the Taliban and China. As of now, China has taken over Bagram Air Base and many other installations in conjunction with the Taliban. The deal with the Taliban is for China to repair and maintain the dozens of Blackhawk helicopters and other US military hardware left behind by the idiotic Biden administration.

Under the high inflation, high tax economy of Joe Biden Americans were squeezed even tighter than a nun’s poom poom, and living pay cheque to pay cheque in a climate of insane eco policies that impoverished millions of people across the USA as well as destroying many businesses.

Biden was synonymous with highly irresponsible and irrational policies that not only bankrupted the USA further but brought great danger to the globe.

Because Biden was in the White House, Vladimir Putin saw that as a great opportunity to walk further into Ukraine. Luckily, this did not work out so well for the Russian dictator, because the people picking up the pieces behind the scenes of the Biden administration fully backed Ukraine up with assistance in military hardware. That was the only relatively good thing that the people who were running the US presidency accomplished.

Additionally, Biden hated the British, and he made life very hard for us policy wise, especially regarding Brexit. Being a stalwart Irish patriot, he despised the British with a vengeance, and did not hide his hatred in any way. He will have been happy in the thought that he held off Brexit until his communist counterpart Keir Starmer was in power.  Biden was instrumental in messing up any thought of a trade deal with the UK and USA, and being a commie, fully supported the EU in every anti-British action they made.

What the Dems do now will not change much, as Trump is flying high in the polls, especially after the recent shooting incident where an incompetent Jill Biden appointed Secret Service were caught in a deliberate form of inaction. That was the last chance saloon for Biden, and Trump moved his head at the last moment. From then on, Biden’s time was up.

Feisty Polish MEP Rips Ursula von der Leyen a New A***hole

Sometimes we witness beautiful things in life; beautiful events that bring extreme pleasure and satisfaction to one’s sensibilities; insurmountable joyous moments to be treasured for many years to come, and to see this feisty lady MEP from Poland ripping the precariously unelected EU President Ursula von der Leyen a new arsehole in the EU Parliament was indeed a beautiful sight to behold.

“You should go to prison, not the European Commission”

“You are the face of the EU Migration Pact – how can you not be ashamed of promoting something that leads to millions of women and children across Europe feeling threatened on the streets of their own cities”

“You are responsible for every rape, every assault and every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal migrants”

“You are the face of the European economy and agriculture, which is destroying both”

“You are the face of the EU Climate craziness, which leads to Europeans becoming poorer and poorer”

Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik, a member of Polish political party Konfederacja, laid into von der Leyen with such vitriol that thunder and lightning could be seen and heard in the very chamber where the all too public evisceration took place.

Of course, everything this wonderfully feisty lovely lady said is true, as was witnessed a day ago in the British ghetto of Leeds.

This is proof right here that politics can be fun, and highly entertaining to boot.

Daily Squib Offering Delightful Free Weekend Break in Leeds

If you are able to speak Romanian or any other Eastern European gypsy lingo, then you will be able to enjoy this delightful free weekend break in Leeds. The operative word here is “Break” because your mini-holiday will involve serious levels of violence and arson. You will have a riotous time. Bed and breakfast included at the Bucharest Inn.

Your quaint hotel will be situated in the idyllic Harehills area of the city, however there is no guarantee the hotel will still be standing after your holiday.

The greatest place I’ve ever stayed – according to 15 travel writers

Excursions will include a burning double-decker bus, an overturned police car, and the police running away in absolute terror.

To enter into the Leeds free weekend break, answer this simple question.

Has mass unfettered forced immigration of unskilled economic migrants from Eastern Europe seeking UK benefits been good for the country?

a) Best thing that happened to the UK.

b) It’s a beautiful socialist utopian dream come true.

c) Best to completely ignore it because I am politically correct and woke and a confirmed champagne socialist.

d) I cannot comment, I am a member of the Leeds police force and am currently running away in abject terror, yikes!

Send your answer on a self-addressed postcard to P.O. Box 2391, Leeds, Yorkshire by July 27 for your chance to win one of 976,000 weekend breaks to Leeds.

Product Review: Montecito Riviera Toilet Paper

We love to review new products on the market, and this week we received a much anticipated product from Montecito, California. The special product line, toilet paper, is a new toilet paper choice from the Montecito Riviera luxury brand. We enrolled our office boy, Tommy Poppers to review the quadruple ply cushioned sustainably sourced Amazon rainforest toilet paper. Below is his review:

“Last night, went out with the lads for a vindaloo and beers, so when I was called up for this review I literally shat my y-fronts with anticipation. During our curry sesh, I downed twelve pints of watered down piss water beer, and had six shots of tequila. On the way to the car, I thought it would be a good idea to have a kebab. After a brief brawl with a few chavs in the kebab shop, I ordered an extra large doner drizzled with chilli sauce and garlic sauce to take away the taste of the old meat, along with some chips and a saveloy. I also downed six cans of Kestrel super strength from the local Londis, and added to the mix, a bottle of Diamond White chased down with a small bottle of cheap vodka that had no brand name on it.

“Whilst driving home, I felt a rumbling in me stomach, and a sudden sharp pain ominously emanating from my arsehole. That’s when I knew I needed to get home to do a big shit sharpish. The police chased me for a few miles then gave up, as I parked my car in my neighbour’s front garden after the 90 MPH chase. Dashing out of the car door holding my sphincter in, holding on for dear life, I had to navigate somehow through the front door. Not being able to find my keys, I broke the window and entered into the kitchen. It’s possible there was some seepage, as the gurgling and popping noises were getting louder and louder by the second.

“My bog’s on the third floor, so going up the stairs was quite an ordeal and at one point I nearly let go, but clenched me teeth with such ferocity I think I lost a tooth.

“Just the thought of sitting on the toilet seat played on my mind and I again nearly shat everything out on the last few stairs, but thankfully prevailed. The last few steps seemed like an eternity, as I opened the bathroom door, undoing my trousers to plonk my gurgling arse on the seat and sigh with delight as half the world seemed to fall out of my intestinal tract at explosive speeds probably exceeding 70 MPH.

“As my plumbing system violently ejected copious amounts of stuff I cannot even describe, my body shuddered with absolute relief. That’s when I glanced over at the Montecito Riviera quadruple ply cushioned luxury eco sourced toilet paper and I knew I was in good hands.

“Ring of fire? This was a fucking lava flow of fire, and I could not actually feel anything any more apart from a searing burning sensation akin to having Vix vaporub slapped on bubbling haemorrhoids in copious amounts. Would the Montecito Riviera toilet paper ease the situation? It was time to try it, as the toilet bowl was nearly full, and the disconcerting intestinal movement seemed to have stopped for the moment.

“I have to say, the luxurious toilet paper was a delight to use. I had to use four rolls of it, though, but that’s another story in itself. The paper did not chafe, and was very soft, especially as I think my anus was wrecked. I can highly recommend quadruple ply cushioned sustainably sourced from the Amazon rainforest Montecito Riviera toilet paper, particularly after a night like I had, even though the cost may be prohibitive to many. Coming in at £25/roll, it is rather expensive, but worth it in my humble opinion.”

Overall Score: 4.3/5

Buy four rolls of Montecito Riviera toilet paper, and receive 20% off a jar of Luxury Montecito Riviera Raspberry Jam (RRP £64).


Labour Politburo: Soviet Britain Dekulakization to Abolish Private Land Ownership

The soviet Labour government today announced the establishment of the Committees of the Poor, the Labour Politburo revealed to abolish private land ownership. The new committee will play an important role in the coming collectivist actions against Britain’s landowners and farmers, and will lead the process of redistribution of confiscated lands, inventory, and food surpluses from farms. Along with redistribution of wealth programs targeting farmers, all private property in Britain will be seized over time, and it will be illegal to own any form of tangible property.

“Now we have the opportunity to carry out a resolute offensive against the wealthy capitalists and bourgeoisie, break their resistance, eliminate them as a class and replace their production by redistributing their wealth to the proletariat through collectivisation,” Comrade Starmer told the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Britain today.

Abolish private land ownership

During the 1st Plenary Session of the 177th Central Committee meeting, shortly after the 177th Congress, there were calls from Comrade Starmer to also recognise all previously owned private property as that of being now owned by the state.

In this respect, British homeowners will have to relinquish their former rights to own property or assets of any kind in order for their wealth to be redistributed to the state bank mechanism. This initiative will also be called the Great Reset, and will be introduced formerly in 2027 by the Labour Politburo.

Comrade Angela Rayner, the Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars, will be at the forefront of the Class War that will inevitably erupt when all property is forcefully seized by the state.

“You will be given three choices; either you will be taken and shot, or taken to a Gulag in Scunthorpe or Grimsby where you will be forced to do hard labour until you die, or you will be kept within your own region in a local Gulag where you will be forced to do hard labour until you die. The choice is yours, so choose wisely.”