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Saturday, October 19, 2024
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Winter Fuel Payments: Labour Condemns Pensioners to Freeze to Death


For many pensioners this coming winter, it will be a binary choice of whether they spend money on food or freeze to death, or spend money on heating and starve to death. This is all thanks to Labour who have now removed winter fuel payments from pensioners to fund pay rises for Big State civil servants and NHS staff who demanded a 22% pay rise. Some of the money raised by Labour will also be used to fund Net Zero eco programs that will make no difference to the environment, especially whilst China is pumping out billions of tonnes of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere every year.

Albert, 87, who lives in a council flat in Dagenham, East London, is preparing for certain death this winter.

“This is my last summer alive, so I am trying to enjoy what sunshine I can get. I sometimes take a walk in the park and I like to look at the trees. I am a lifetime Labour voter and voted for them in the most recent election thinking things would get better. Now Labour has condemned me to death this coming winter by cancelling my winter fuel payments. After I burn my furniture to keep warm, what will there be for me? I might make it to Christmas, but not sure.”

There is No Such Thing As Election Interference


Yeah, it’s the same old tricks being perpetrated as in the 2020 elections, and it seems despite trying to search for an opposing candidate on the monopoly search engine, the bias is solely in Kamala Harris’ favour. This tells us that the US Elections are a load of shit, and democracy is a mere footnote in America’s history. There is absolutely no democracy existent when only one presidential candidate is given a voice and total coverage, whilst the other is completely erased from existence. No, there is no such thing as election interference according to the radical Marxists who are now controlling what you see, what you hear, and what you know.

Election interference should be taken seriously because through this nefarious technique of completely erasing political opponents from any form of discussion or news, the voter is pushed only towards the voice of the political candidate that is prominent. To function correctly, democracy requires the voices of many to be heard equally.

With the likes of certain social media companies and search engines utilising this technique of cancellation of opposing political voices, they are pandering to unjust and biased representations for a debased electoral system that has been perverted and denigrated to the level of a sewer.

The US elections are thus a fucking joke, and should not be taken seriously in any way.

Southport Stabbing: Identity of Killer Who Knifed 10 Children Kept Secret


The identity of the individual who ruthlessly stabbed 10 young girls at a Taylor Swift yoga dance event in Southport is being strictly guarded by the authorities, possibly because the killer could be an asylum seeker/migrant or for other reasons. It is not known why the authorities are being so strict with revealing the identity of the murderer who viciously stabbed the young girls in a rabid attack today?

To possibly avoid racially motivated and anti-migrant protests, there is a freeze on all information regarding the man who perpetrated this heinous crime. There are many right wing, or far right voices (people labelled as ‘right wing’ or ‘far right’ are usually multi-generational English/British people who care about their country) on social media making claims about the identity of the killer, and many hoping the murderer is a Muslim so they can kick off whatever their agenda is, but all that has been released is that the killer is a 17-year-old known to the police who had come from Cardiff. Many migrants are sent to Cardiff and other parts of Wales, so this is a possible theory. Furthermore, if the attacker was a generational British citizen, he would have been named immediately, so the authorities not naming this individual does give some credence to the theory that their race/religion/citizen status is a sensitive matter. The exact same technique is utilised by EU countries, especially Germany, where migrants who commit mass killings are not identified, and the episodes are completely hushed up.

Britain’s anti-terrorist squad is currently giving the police their support, but they have so-far not deemed the attack as terror motivated.

If this attack was committed by an asylum seeker who illegally crossed the Channel, then serious questions need to be asked about whom these people are who are allowed into the country?

Two children have sadly lost their lives and seven are in a serious critical condition.


The alleged attacker has been revealed as a 17-year-old who was born in the UK to African migrants from Rwanda. The fact that the individual was born in the UK does not resolve the sensitive racial matter as well as the migratory matter, and this is why the identity of the alleged attacker is being kept under wraps. Recently, a soldier was also nearly murdered by a man of African descent.

Sadly, a third child has died from the frenzied stabbing attack, and the other young girls are still in critical condition.


Hardcore Communism is Taking Root in All American Cities


Something weird is happening in America, something that many people predicted would happen sooner or later. Hardcore communism, the pure ideology of Marxism, Lenin, Stalin is being adopted by millions of Americans in all of its states and cities.

Wokism, the media arm of Marxist ideology, is at the forefront of communism spreading across the country, and it has infiltrated not only corporate virtue signalling business but also all governmental institutions federal and within the individual states.

Communist ideology has been responsible for more deaths globally throughout history than anything else, but this fact is lost on the people embracing communism in America today.

What was viewed as a grave threat to the “American way of life” in the past decades, is now seen as the only political ideology that can “Save America” by the radical socialist Democrat Party and Woke communists of America.

If Marxist communism, in its most totalitarian form, were to be implemented in America, the changes to the class system, business, and everyday life would be profound and all-encompassing. This would be the route that Kamala Harris and her radical Marxist ilk would inflict upon the once great nation of the United States of America.

communist america

Class System

Abolition of Private Property: Private ownership of property would be abolished. All means of production, such as factories, land, and resources, would be owned collectively by the state or the community.

Classless Society: The goal would be to create a classless society. Traditional social classes, such as the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and proletariat (working class), would be dissolved. In theory, everyone would be equal, but in practice, a new elite class often emerges, typically composed of the ruling party officials and their allies.

Elimination of Wealth Disparities Through Forced Collectivisation : Wealth disparities would be targeted for elimination. All citizens would receive similar levels of income and access to resources, theoretically eradicating poverty and extreme wealth. The reality would be that every American would be living in poverty, and only the elite communist party hierarchy would be living in luxury.

Business and Economy

Centralised Planning: The economy would be centrally planned by the government. Instead of market forces determining production and distribution, a central authority would make these decisions based on a comprehensive economic plan.

Nationalisation of Industry: All industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and services, would be nationalised. Private businesses would be abolished, and their assets would be seized by the state.

Elimination of Markets: Traditional markets and capitalism would be replaced by state-controlled distribution systems. Goods and services would be allocated according to need rather than profit.

Collectivisation of Agriculture: Farms would be collectivised, meaning land would be pooled together and farmed collectively by groups of people. Individual farming would be abolished, and private ownership of agricultural land would cease.

State-Controlled Labour: Employment would be managed by the state. Jobs would be assigned based on the needs of the economy and the abilities of individuals, rather than personal choice or market demand.

Everyday Life

Restriction of Personal Freedoms: Under totalitarian communism, personal freedoms would be severely restricted. The government would maintain tight control over all aspects of life, including speech, assembly, and media. All guns and the right to bear arms would be banned immediately, to halt any threat from the populace rising up against the state.

Surveillance and Repression: The state would likely employ extensive surveillance and maintain a strong security apparatus to suppress dissent and maintain control. Political opposition would be harshly dealt with, often through imprisonment, forced labour, or worse.

Propaganda and Indoctrination: The government would control education and media to promote communist ideology and suppress contrary viewpoints. Propaganda would be widespread to ensure loyalty to the state and its leaders.

Standardised Living Conditions: Housing, healthcare, and education would be provided by the state. While this might eliminate extreme poverty, it would also mean standardised living conditions with little room for personal choice or improvement.

Controlled Mobility: Freedom of movement could be restricted, with the state controlling where people live and work. Travel, especially abroad, would be highly regulated or prohibited.

Community and Family Life: The state might attempt to reshape community and family life to align with communist ideals. Traditional family roles could be altered, with communal childcare and education replacing family-based upbringing. Many children would be forcibly removed from families and brought up within state institutions.

Cultural and Social Changes

State-Sponsored Woke Art and Culture: Art, literature, and cultural activities would be heavily censored and controlled by the state. Only works that support the woke Marxist state ideology would be permitted.

Suppression of Religion: Religion might be suppressed or controlled, as communist ideology often views religion as a competing source of loyalty and authority.

Uniformity and Conformity: There would be a strong emphasis on uniformity and conformity in dress, behaviour, and thought. Individualism would be discouraged in favour of collective identity.


Economic Inefficiencies: Centralised planning often leads to economic inefficiencies, shortages, and surpluses due to the lack of market signals and incentives.

Innovation Stagnation: With the elimination of competition and profit motive, innovation and technological advancement could stagnate.

Social Tension: The suppression of personal freedoms and political opposition could lead to social tension and unrest, potentially resulting in violent crackdowns by the state.

Corruption and Bureaucracy: A powerful centralised government could become corrupt and bureaucratic, leading to further inefficiencies and abuse of power.


How Can Trump Possibly Win Against This Level of LGBTQP ?


The tranny guns are already blazing as LGBTQP America falls firmly behind the newly appointed Democrat ticket Kamala Harris. The point here is, how the fuck can Trump compete with this level of circus clownage? Hollywood and the media machinery are now in full Kamala churn mode, and all Trump can do is continue with his rallies repeating the same old shit he keeps on repeating.

What is going on here? How can this be a fair and level playing field when pretty much the entire country is mobilised/bribed/coerced to fight Trump and gush over Kamala Harris — the woman ticket.

We have the ‘inclusive’ vote where the trans and LGBTQP agenda is further pushed down people’s throats, then we have the ‘race’ vote where the entitled and privileged African American vote is touted over everything else, then we have the ‘female’ feminist vote where Trump is the key vote winner for Kamala as he is presented as the epitome of ‘toxic masculinity’.

This entire Kamala campaign has to have been thought up deep in the bowels of Langley, Virginia in some numberless room in the CIA HQ. It’s a master stroke in psychological warfare on the electorate, and something only the expert controllers within the agency could pull off.

The sheer intense level of proliferation of woke LGBTQP feminist race messages across the entirety of America in support for Kamala is outstanding.

District 9 Woke Games Entry Looked Superb This Year

Modelled on the last supper from a forgotten religion of some sort from the past, District 9 prepared a wonderful display for the 2024 Paris/Panem Woke Games for all to see.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Director of the show, Pumpy Mi Anoos, a 43-year-old thing of undetermined species revealed how the immense feat was achieved: “We used 11.5 billion euros taken from the District 9 taxpayer slave workers and recreated a last supper scene with a fat grotesque smelly drag queen Tribute Slob representing some sort of religious icon of the past. I cannot remember the name, but someone mentioned a superhuman Messiah from a man-made religion written by drunk monks hundreds of years ago or something. Never heard of him until now, but that’s neither here nor there. Our main aim of course is to push this abhorrent subject matter down the throats of the audience, hell, we even included children in the show to display our brainwashing prowess.”

Woke Torture for Viewers

The District 9 Woke Games of Paris/Panem was a wonderful display of some seriously grotesque and ugly curiosities, like a freak show that many viewers delighted in its sheer repugnant nature.

One viewer revealed his incredible reaction to seeing the numerous freaks, drag queens, transgenders, and blatant sodomy on display as being an affront to their eyeballs.

“The District 9 show made my eyes water, I could not believe I could witness such horrific displays of woke grotesqueness in one sitting. If I had a choice of shaving my eyeballs with a cheese grater or watching this utter shite, I would have chosen the former option with gusto. During the display of the creature with a beard in a dress prancing around a bridge to the strains of some awful gay pop music, I projectile vomited onto the televisual device I was watching this crap on, and thankfully my vomit short-circuited the device, ending the woke torture session in earnest.”

In stark contrast to the 99% of viewers who were repulsed by the blatant woke display, President Coriolanus Macron had only praise for the performance.

“My wife/husband, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Afterwards, I went back to my palace and was buggered silly by my bodyguards for 15 hours, much to my sheer delight. It was a wonderful end to the evening, although I cannot walk much now. Ooof!”

10 Powerful Ways to Get Your Business Seen


In today’s saturated market, standing out from the competition can feel like an uphill battle. For business owners, the key to success lies in differentiating themselves and capturing the attention of potential customers. Whether you’re a startup or a well established company, making your business stand out is crucial for growth and sustainability.

We will provide you with actionable strategies to improve your visibility and make a lasting impression on your audience. We’ll explore various methods, from attending events to incorporating personalised workwear, that you can implement to set your business apart.

pexels-eva-bronzini-7661627Know Your Brand Inside Out

To stand out, you must first have a deep understanding of your brand. Knowing your brand’s mission, values, and unique selling propositions (USPs) is essential. Start by defining what makes your business unique. Is it your commitment to quality, exceptional customer service, or innovative products?

Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, communicate it consistently across all channels. Use your brand voice and visual identity to create a cohesive experience for your audience. Consistency helps build trust and recognition, making it easier for customers to remember and choose your business over competitors.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for increasing your business’s visibility. Identify which platforms your target audience frequents and establish a strong presence there. Share engaging content that showcases your brand’s personality and expertise.

Utilise hashtags, collaborate with influencers, and run targeted ads to reach a broader audience. Engaging with your followers by responding to comments and messages promptly can also help build a loyal community around your brand.

Attend Industry Events

Attending industry events is a fantastic way to network, learn, and gain exposure for your business. Participating in conferences, trade shows, and seminars allows you to connect with potential clients, partners, and industry leaders.

Make the most of these opportunities by being prepared. Bring business cards, brochures, and samples of your products or services. Engage in meaningful conversations, and don’t be afraid to showcase your expertise. The more you put yourself out there, the more likely people are to remember and choose your business.

Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Exceptional customer service can set your business apart and turn first-time buyers into loyal customers. Train your staff to be friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable about your products or services.

Address customer inquiries and complaints promptly and professionally. Going the extra mile to resolve issues and exceed customer expectations can result in positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals, which are invaluable for your business’s reputation and growth.

Personalise Your Workwear

Personalised embroidered workwear not only enhances your brand’s professional image but also creates a sense of unity among your employees. Invest in custom uniforms and apparel that features your logo and brand colours.

Personalised t shirts can make your team easily identifiable, whether they’re working in-store, at events, or visiting clients. They also reinforce brand recognition and create a cohesive look that reflects your business’s identity.

pexels-frans-van-heerden-201846-1566412 (3)Innovate and Adapt

Innovation is key to staying relevant in a competitive market. Continuously seek ways to improve your products, services, and processes. Stay informed about industry trends and be open to adopting new technologies and strategies.

Adaptability is equally important. The business landscape is constantly changing, and being able to pivot and respond to new challenges and opportunities can set your business apart.

Showcasing your ability to innovate and adapt can attract customers looking for forward-thinking and reliable partners.

Build Strong Partnerships

Forming strategic partnerships can expand your reach and offer new opportunities for growth. Collaborate with complementary businesses to cross-promote each other’s products or services.

For example, a coffee shop could partner with a local bakery to offer exclusive deals to their customers. These partnerships can provide mutual benefits and introduce your business to a wider audience.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Implement these strategies and watch your business thrive.

Brexit Betrayal Begins as Comrade Starmer to Give EU Britain’s Fish


Comrade Starmer is set to begin his much touted EU Reset (Brexit Betrayal) deal by giving away Britain’s fishing rights in our own waters to the EU, thus losing over £800 million per annum.

comrade keir starmer soviet labour Comrade Starmer Give Up Your Wealth 10-year communist plan soviet britain comrade starmer
Comrade Keir Starmer, Labour

Because of Brexit, English fishing vessels had 120,000 tonnes more quota a year than we would have had as members of the EU, but this will all be lost when Comrade Starmer betrays Britain and Brexit for ‘ever closer union’ with the EU.

Brexit Betrayal is Ongoing

Despite the so-called Brexit, Britain is still under the control of many EU regulations and directives, as well as the ECHR and ECJ. Because of Comrade Starmer, Britain will have to incorporate even more EU regulations and the real controllers of the EU in Berlin want to turn the British prime minister’s proposed security pact into a Brexit mega deal, including agricultural rules.

EU regulations will also impact all new road vehicles in the UK, which will all have to be fitted with ISA speed limiters. Labour have welcomed this and have already incorporated the EU law which came into effect on July 7, 2024. Manufacturers selling cars across the continent have shown no sign of wanting to provide ISA-free variants for UK buyers.

Within a few years of Keir Starmer bending the knee to the EU, there will be talk about rejoining fully because Britain will have already integrated many of the EU’s laws anyway. The EU will then demand that for reintegration, the UK will have to ditch the Pound Sterling and incorporate the Euro currency.

Home Secretary: “I Will Solve Mass Immigration Problem”


Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has vowed to solve Britain’s mass immigration problem during her term in office at the Home Office.

“For every 20 million migrants crossing the border, my neck will grow an inch. If I do not do my job correctly, I’ll end up looking like a fucking giraffe,” Cooper vowed today, speaking in parliament to heckles and cheers.

She’s already got a head start

The open door policy of the previous Conservative government will possibly be mirrored by Labour, seeing as every migrant is a voter for Labour.

The Home Secretary addressed parliament about this pressing issue today.

“Yes, yes, under Tony Blair’s tenure as PM, he let in half of Romania, Albania and Bulgaria, but that’s neither here nor there. My plan is to speak to the traffickers and tell them to stop doing what they are doing to make literally millions of pounds in pure profit per month trafficking desperate migrants from Third World countries to the UK. You just have to be nice with them. If I ask them nicely, and show empathy and kindness, they will surely shut their operations down.”

Looks like Yvette Cooper’s neck is going to reach great heights in the next few years.

WW3: 10 Reasons Why Dead Duck President Biden Endangers Globe


Now that the already floundering Joe Biden is a bona fide dead duck president, the globe is in even more serious danger as the West’s enemies mobilise, utilising the time of weakness for their benefit before the November US election.

1. Joint Military Escalation

Recently, the United States and Canada intercepted Russian Tu-95 and Chinese H-6 bombers in international airspace near Alaska. This incident was the first of its kind, marking a significant joint military exercise between Russia and China in the Arctic. This manoeuvre signifies a bold escalation and an apparent test of U.S. defences, highlighting the growing military cooperation between these two major powers. This cooperation in a strategically sensitive region indicates a coordinated effort to challenge U.S. influence and military readiness.

2. Arctic Tensions

The Arctic is becoming a flashpoint for geopolitical tensions. In May 2019, then U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticised Russia’s “illegitimate claims” in the Arctic and warned China against leveraging its self-proclaimed status as a near-Arctic power to assert dominance. The Pentagon’s 2024 Arctic security report, released just before the recent escalation, highlighted enhanced Sino-Russian cooperation and warned of Russia’s capabilities to disrupt GPS satellites. These developments underscore the strategic importance of the Arctic and the potential for conflict as global powers vie for control over this resource-rich region.

3. Leadership Weakness

President Biden is not and was never fit to serve, creating a leadership vacuum in the White House. This terrible predicament certainly emboldens enemies like Russia and China to push the boundaries of U.S. deterrence. The lack of strong and decisive leadership from a dead duck president Biden is an opportunity for these countries to expand their influence and challenge U.S. interests without fear of significant repercussions. This scenario increases the risk of miscalculation and unintended escalation in multiple global theatres, including Eastern Europe and the South China Sea.

4. European Threats

Russia’s conventional and hybrid threats to U.S. allies in Europe are intensifying. Recently, fragments of Russian kamikaze drones were found in Romania, a spillover from Russia’s attack on Ukraine’s Izmail port. Additionally, French police arrested a Russian chef conspiring with the FSB to sabotage the Paris Olympics. These incidents highlight Russia’s multifaceted approach to destabilise Europe, using both military aggression and covert operations. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the spillover effects into neighbouring countries demonstrate Russia’s willingness to test NATO’s resolve and readiness.

5. South China Sea Tensions

In the South China Sea, despite a fragile truce with the Philippines, China’s aggressive territorial claims remain a significant threat. Beijing’s maritime boundary revisionism and suspension of arms control talks with the U.S. over military support for Taiwan exacerbate tensions. China continues to modernise its nuclear arsenal and increase its military capabilities. Taiwan’s Han Kuang war games, which simulate a Chinese invasion, further strain relations and raise the risk of military confrontation. The U.S.’s inability to curb China’s assertive actions in the region signals a failure to maintain peace and stability in this critical area.

6. Failed Deterrence

The U.S. has struggled to effectively deter the parallel aggressions of Russia and China. Despite warnings and sanctions, these countries have continued their aggressive actions. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to Beijing in April 2024 emphasised potential U.S. punishments for China’s support of Russia in Ukraine. However, these threats have only resulted in minor setbacks, with Russia-China trade slightly declining but not significantly impacted. The persistent strategic and economic cooperation between Russia and China demonstrates the limitations of U.S. deterrence efforts and the challenge of enforcing international norms.

7. Ongoing Military Drills

Provocative military exercises involving Russia and China have become increasingly common. In March, Russia, China, and Iran conducted maritime drills in the Gulf of Oman, showcasing advanced anti-ship cruise missiles. China’s Eagle Assault exercise with Belarus simulated the capture of a Polish airport, indicating preparations for future conflicts in Europe. These drills highlight the deepening military collaboration between these countries and their readiness to confront Western powers. The growing frequency and scale of these exercises raise the risk of miscalculation and unintentional escalation.

8. War Preparations

Both Russia and China are preparing for inevitable large-scale conflicts. Russia’s victories in Ukraine indicate that its military campaigns are far from over. Britain’s Chief of the General Staff General Sir Roly Walker warned that Russia would seek revenge, especially if it loses in Ukraine, and that the U.K. must be ready for global war in three years time or less. Meanwhile, China is stockpiling essential resources, such as agricultural products and strategic materials, indicating preparations for a prolonged trade war or even a military conflict. These actions suggest that both countries are positioning themselves for sustained confrontations with the U.S. and its allies.

9. Historical Parallels

Historical examples provide cautionary tales about underestimating adversaries. Germany’s invasion of Belgium in 1914 and Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 were based on false assumptions about Western responses. These miscalculations led to world wars with devastating consequences. Similarly, the current weakness of the U.S. presidency will no doubt encourage Russia and China to test U.S. resolve, leading to grave consequences on a global level.

10. High Risk of Conflict

The combination of lame dead duck President Biden’s weakness and the unpredictability of a potential Trump re-election could create a volatile global environment. Enemies of NATO and the West will invariably be tempted to exploit this period of uncertainty to achieve strategic gains. The high risk of escalation of conflict increases daily as these nations test U.S. boundaries and resolve. In the lead-up to the November elections and their aftermath, cautious intervention is required to prevent unintended escalations. Without proactive steps, the world could face a new era of heightened conflicts and even the escalation of the world war to spread to even more countries.