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Buying Illegal Drugs on Facebook and Instagram is So Easy Kids Can Do It


Facebook marketplace and Instagram are the ideal places for drug dealers to sell cocaine, heroin, meth, ketamine, crack, and fentanyl, especially to minors a Wall Street Journal article recently revealed. It seems that buying illegal drugs on Facebook and Instagram is nothing more than kids play. Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta is the new drug dealer in town, and his company is making huge ad profits from selling addictive substances like fentanyl which is over 1000 times more addictive than heroin.

Meta’s advertising profits are obviously increasing, especially after the hardcore drugs are being sold on Facebook and Instagram. Why shouldn’t Mark Zuckerberg profit from selling illegal drugs online? His company is fully protected by the Federal state and is not culpable for any of its actions. The police and drug enforcement agencies as well as politicians totally ignore the issue, as does the useless oversight committees on the Senate Floor.

“Zuckerberg and Meta are above the law. He can sell what he wants to anyone he wants and profit off hard drugs, prostitution or whatever, as well as run ads for well-known brands right next to the drug pictures. No one is allowed to touch this guy, and he’s laughing all the way to the offshore bank for it,” one commentator revealed about the drug ad profits for Meta.

Of course, to many agencies Zuckerberg and Meta are a serious asset for data collection, and this is why he and his company are given untouchable status. Furthermore, Zuckerberg is an asset heavily used in skewing US elections, and this is why he is extra untouchable.

Need some N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (street name DMT) a powerful hallucinogen in powdered form? No problem, just go to Facebook Marketplace or Instagram, click on the ad and put in an order directly with the dealer through a link taking you to a chat on WhatsApp, Snapchat or Telegram. It’s as easy as that. You can order cocaine in the morning, a smidgeon of heroin for the afternoon, and maybe some ketamine or fentanyl for the evening.

Yeah, inevitably, a few kids fall through the cracks and die from the drugs they acquired from Facebook and Instagram. Naturally, these are immediately hushed up, and the parents are silenced. It’s just another process that has to be dealt with by the Meta machine — collateral damage. When ad revenue is this high, deaths are a minor issue.

America’s Sham Elections: Illegal Immigrants Registered to Vote Democrat


The 2020 elections were a verified sham. Anyone who was watching the results saw the sudden shift in votes for Biden out of absolutely nowhere. The 2024 US Elections will most certainly prove to be another sham election. The corruption and dishonesty is so thick here that it all stinks to high heaven. With millions of illegal immigrants registered to vote, the Democrats are ensured another election win like 2020 in America’s sham elections.

America’s Sham Elections

We can safely state that due to the corrupt practices of the Democrat Party, democracy does not exist in the United States any more, which is kind of ironic in a weird way seeing as the name of the party that is cheating democracy suggests some sort of democratic value to it.

If you ever wondered why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris let in 20 million illegal immigrants into the USA, this is why they did it. Many of the illegal immigrants are utilised by Democrat funded NGOs and bribed with phone cards, cash, food and alcohol to register to vote.

These illegal immigrants are also shipped around city to city by the authorities so they can register in multiple states and cities.

There is also a very good reason why Democrat run states have banned in person voting only, IDs needed to vote, and registration cards needed to vote. In the UK, for example, valid photo IDs are needed to vote, and postal votes are only given to registered householders through the council tax register. All votes are counted by hand, whereas in the US none of these points are mandatory.

Democrat Party Election Technique: Ballot harvesting, illegal immigrant voter registration and postal vote fraud 

  • 47 states have the option of early in person voting
  • No ID is required to vote in the US elections, and some people can vote as many times as they want, unlike the UK where to vote one needs valid ID
  • The earliest state allows you to vote 50 DAYS BEFORE the election i.e. last week of September
  • Average is 27 days before
  • In addition, anyone can request a postal ballot, including illegal immigrants
  • Most states allow these to be lodged from 45 working days before election day, i.e. Sept 15
  • Paid Democrat operatives on the ground start pounding pavement in September, getting as many as possible to vote early
  • Financial incentives are offered by Democrat operatives to voters for their positive Democrat postal votes
  • Often by mid-October the race is already over. Unless it is super close, so much of the lead will have already been “banked” it will be impossible to overturn
  • Hundreds of thousands of deceased people, and millions of partially completed votes, along with illegal immigrants’ votes are accepted by Democrat controlled states
  • The Democrat Party utilises an organised system of Ballot Harvesting which ensures their candidates win elections

Prince Harry ‘Ready to End Royal Rift’ – But Only On One Condition


Prince Harry would consider putting his “swords down” and ending the rift with the Royal Family, as long as one important matter is solved, claims an insider source. It is a small ask from the prince that the family dispute is ended on one condition.

The ongoing rift with the royal family has been troubling Harry because it is causing trouble with the Sussex brand profiting from exploiting his royal lineage in America.

A source has told a tabloid magazine, Harry would make amends if one particular issue could be remedied.

Taking the Knee

Harry is demanding that King Charles, Camilla, Prince William and Kate take the knee and publicly apologise to him and Meghan Markle whilst being filmed by a Netflix camera crew in Buckingham Palace.

king charles taking the knee to meghan markle Only On One Condition

The tabloid added: “He’s not asking for much, just the royal family bending their knee to him and Meghan and to make a public grovelling apology for all the wrong they have done to him and his wife.”

Harry has been fighting for four years to besmirch and taint the name of the Windsor royal family, but now that profits are down, and some Americans are waking up to being fooled by Meghan and Harry, he is desperate to be taken back into the family fold — but only on this one condition.

Huw Edwards Proud to Join BBC Hall of Shame


It’s gratifying to know that your TV Licence tax money has gone to great use, and next week the BBC is going to air a special tribute show honouring their paedophiles of the past and present who were paid immense salaries — at your fucking expense. Yes, the BBC Hall of Shame series is back and this time they will be honouring the career of Huw Edwards, a long-standing BBC news presenter who is also a nonce. Not everyone at the BBC is a known paedophile, but it seems the corporation’s history is peppered with pederasty.

BBC Hall of Shame

BBC News presenter Huw Edwards was one of the highest paid employees for the corporation, and presented the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 and Platinum Jubilee in 2022, the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2011 and also the funeral of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in 2021.

He has pleaded guilty to making seven category A images, the most serious classification of indecent images of child abuse as young as 6-years-old, on a phone.

Edwards also made 12 category B images and 22 category C images. The offences are contrary to sections 1(1)(a) and 6 of the Protection of Children Act 1978.

Category A involves images involving penetrative sexual activity, sexual activity with an animal or sadism; Category B covers images which show non-penetrative sexual activity; while Category C is for indecent images not within categories B or C.

BBC bosses have admitted giving Huw Edwards a pay rise — despite knowing eight months ago that he had been arrested for child pornography offences.

Britain to Present Machete Fighting and Stabbing as New Olympic Event


Labour’s Sport Minister, Ivor Binstab’d is flying to France today to present the new Olympic sport of Rabid Machete Fighting and Stabbing, because these activities are so prevalent in the UK.

“It’s everywhere here, you can go to the seaside, or walk to your local shop, and you are certain to encounter a rabid machete fight between young thugs, or be involved in a mass stabbing. I’ve only got one arm because the other one was chopped off by a 12-year-old machete wielding thug last week.” (showing off his stump proudly)

The French Olympics Committee and IOC will have a look at the British proposal, and consider whether the events should be included in this year’s Olympic Games.

“What’s great about living in the UK is that the police are powerless here, as they do not have guns. This is why there is so much crime, because criminals know the police are completely useless and no threat to anyone. In the UK, we are proud of the fact that our police are completely useless, unlike in other countries where they have guns and can stop violent criminals from hurting the public.”

Labour to Bulldoze Over Britain’s Wildlife to Build Soviet Houses


It’s funny how the cowardly and hypocritical eco mob and animal rights activists are suddenly very quiet as Labour prepares to build over 1.5 million cheap soviet houses over Britain’s formerly protected countryside. No doubt, they will stand by and watch silently as Labour’s bulldozers fuck over the once protected countryside and wildlife.

No more green-belt protected land under the monstrous Labour plans that will decimate large swathes of the once beautiful green pleasant land of England and Wales.

The army of bulldozers are gearing up to dig up the habitats of great crested newts, badgers, pine martens, hedgehogs, red squirrels, otters, shrews along with chopping down woods, and causing the loss of shelter for many protected bird species.

Britain’s rich fauna which sustains our diverse wildlife will also be bulldozed over to have concrete poured over it all, ensuring the death and desecration of Britain’s countryside.

“We need to do this to house the millions more migrants we will bring into the UK. If you don’t like it, you can shut up!” the Labour Minister for Housing, Eldrick Scheister told the BBC on Wednesday.


Komissariat-5 Comrade Reeves: “Pensioners Will Be Required to Die Earlier”


Comrade Reeves of the Komissiarat-5 Stasi Unit has revealed her plans for Britain’s pensioners at a recent impromptu committee meeting to Labour Politburo members.

“Comrades, fellow Marxists, eugenicists, and esteemed Labour Stasi Politburo colleagues. We need money urgently. I have outlined a comprehensive plan of theft from old people, from pensioners. These people who installed us into power and supported our party must be robbed of all their riches and wealth immediately.

“Furthermore, these pensioners are taking too long to die. This is not good for the Big State because it takes too long to rob these vile old people of their wealth with inheritance tax when they eventually die.

“I have ordered the removal of their winter fuel payments so more of them freeze to death in the winter, but this is not enough.

“If these pensioners do not die by a certain age, we may have to bring forth measures to put them in Gulags and work them to death. We are currently building such facilities in the regions of Scunthorpe, Grimsby, Manchester and Liverpool, with additional facilities planned in Scotland.

“If these measures do not suffice, we have also arranged for special pensioner hunting squads to go house to house, care home to care home and to eliminate these cash cows with bullets. Special squads are being trained right now to go forth and do the state’s much needed work by shooting the pensioners in the back of their heads. We must raise money immediately, especially for the Net Zero Purge, and salary increases for key Big State workers.

“The state will take care of this situation with the utmost clinical precision. Rest be assured, after we kill off the burdensome pensioners and rob them of everything they own, we will move on to the middle-aged and then on to the young.”

Europe is Gone: Southport is a Direct Result of Mass Unfettered Immigration


The people who opened the doors to anything, everything and anyone, are responsible for the bloodshed in places like Southport. There is a direct correlation between civil unrest and mass unfettered immigration at speed into any area of the globe. Europe now resembles a third world toilet, and even though Britain supposedly left the EU, it is itself oversaturated by the massive influx of millions of people who do not wish to integrate with British culture or even possess the ability to integrate in any way. How can anyone be integrated anyway, when to be proud of being British is frowned upon and denigrated at every level of socialist dominated society, and where British history is habitually desecrated?

The disgraceful actions of the previous Conservative government are as culpable as the Labour government that preceded it. The current Labour government who won the election with 80% of the UK NOT voting for them will no doubt carry on with the open door policy that is akin to a mass invasion at exponential levels of migrants. There is no other way to call it other than an invasion because the indigenous British people, the generational English, Welsh and Scottish have been effectively overrun, silenced and subjugated by an invasion of massive proportions.

Europe itself, once the epitome of civilisation, is now nothing more than a third world toilet.

Thousands of years of European progress have been desecrated in just a few decades by mass unfettered immigration, and this ultimate malaise will metastasise into even further turmoil and trouble in the future.

As for Britain, a tiny Island, it is a matter of physics and space. Already, houses are slapped together row after row where people have to live so close together they are like rats in an undulating barrel. Our cities are now nightmarish polluted overpopulated shitholes where monumental amounts of crime are now simply ignored, where all services are buckling under the sheer number of people trying to use them. The utter despair of living in these dystopian dirty third world fuck holes is a testament to the vagaries of a socialist ideology that has no understanding about how history works, especially within the context of how the future works in relation to history.

The sad part of this entire debacle is that limited migration where integration is closely controlled is a good thing for any nation. The far-right purists will disagree with any form of immigration, however they are ultimately wrong because cultures need some sort of migratory movement to enrich the gene pool to progress. The far-left socialists and communists on the other hand want open borders to not only destroy the traditional make-up of a nation’s traditional infrastructure, but to gain voters within the sham elections that are held within the West’s so-called democracy.

What we have, however, witnessed in the last few decades is not something that happens naturally but has been a forced mass invasive unfettered migrational influx into Britain with no checks or balances. This force is ultimately destructive, and the people who engineered this monolithic influx probably intended it to be destructive.

Europe and Britain are now destroyed from without and from within thanks to mass unfettered immigration. There is no turning back, and it is inevitable that civil unrest, crime, destitution, poverty will now increase at an exponential rate adding to the ultimate misery of a once flourishing, exclusive civilisation that ruled the globe with its ingenuity.

The Third World War began many decades ago, but funnily enough, no military personnel or hardware were needed — just masses of Third World People would suffice and an insidious enemy within inflicting irreparable self-inflicted damage on their own territory.

What You Need to Know Central Bank Digital Currencies


Central banks issue digital currencies, often known as CBDCs. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are decentralized and run by a network of computers, CBDCs are centralized and controlled by the issuing body, generally a central bank. CBDCs are intended to function as digital counterparts of a country’s traditional fiat currency, offering a secure and efficient method of payment and settlement in the digital age.

Cryptocurrencies have made waves in numerous sectors but have been under fire by outside regulators. Crypto tokens first caught flak for creating legal loopholes for activities ranging from gambling at crypto casinos to gun sales.

cash pyramid

Basic Rundown of Central Bank Digital Currencies

CBDCs come in two varieties: retail CBDCs and wholesale CBDCs. Retail CBDCs are intended for the public. As you may have guessed, retail CBDCs can be used for ordinary transactions like purchasing goods and services, but they also can be used for moving funds between individuals. Wholesale CBDCs, on the other hand, are designed for usage by financial institutions and other large businesses in wholesale payments and settlement.

Exciting Elements and Key Benefits of Central Bank Digital Currencies

One of the most exciting elements of CBDCs is their ability to increase financial inclusion and accessibility greatly. CBDCs can help bridge the gap between the banked and unbanked populations by offering a digital form of central bank money that anybody with a smartphone or internet can access. This has the potential to bring access to fundamental financial services to millions of individuals who are now underserved by traditional banking systems.

The end result would provide a brighter and more inclusive future for everyone. Traditional financial systems leave out people who have made financial mistakes in the past. There’s no reason to worry about those problems with the launch of central bank digital currencies.

Another key benefit of CBDCs is their ability to improve the efficiency and resilience of the financial system. CBDCs can improve payment and settlement processes while lowering transaction costs. Plus, CBDCs reduce counterparty risk by digitizing central bank money issuance and distribution. Digitized monetary distribution can help strengthen the general reliability of the financial system. During times of crisis or economic uncertainty, CBDCs can instil a sense of economic stability and efficiency.

CBDCs can also spark a wave of innovative payment solutions. Plus, people can enjoy new financial products and services. CBDCs have programmable features and smart contract capabilities, which can be used for a variety of applications. Some of these applications include automatic bill payments, peer-to-peer lending, and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. This creates exciting new potential for innovation and competition in the financial industry. These features are promoting economic growth and development, while also generating excitement about the future of financial technology.

cbdc cashSerious Questions and Concerns About CBDCs

However, CBDCs raise serious questions and concerns, particularly about privacy, security, and financial stability. Cash gives some anonymity and privacy to users. CBDC transactions can be traced and monitored by the issuing authority, raising worries about surveillance and data privacy. Furthermore, broad use of CBDCs may disrupt established banking institutions and payment networks, distributing these networks could result in unforeseen effects for monetary policy and economic stability.

Central bank digital currencies represent a significant advancement in the evolution of money and payments. CBDCs have the potential to expand financial inclusion and increase economic system efficiency. CBDCs can foster resilience and encourage financial sector innovation by offering a digital form of central bank money that anyone can use. However, the broad acceptance of CBDCs poses significant challenges and concerns that must be addressed as these digital currencies mature and acquire a foothold in the global economy.

The Genius of Iranian TV Coverage of the Olympics


It does not get any crazier than the Iranian TV coverage of the Olympics. The strict Shia Muslim sect that runs things in the country have to black out all bare flesh with black boxes and asterisks.

What kind of insane regime does this to the Olympic athletes? Here is proof that the Mullahs are really living 400 years behind everyone else.

Iran has a long history of censorship, especially with reactive measures. Information in newspapers, on television, and on the internet has been withheld from the public since before the Iranian Revolution of 1979. These forms of censorship were used for suppression of opposition and for influencing public opinion.

The new Islamic leaders tried to consolidate their power by enforcing new regulations. In the crisis after the 2009 elections, communication channels were shut down to prevent major uprisings.

The level of censorship on Iranian TV and the internet extends to all entertainment, journalism, and sport. Any form of bare flesh showing is viewed as a crime against strict Shiite Islamic rules made up by the Mullahs who run the regime.

The Religious Police and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Sepah have to vet every single program that is shown on Iranian television, and the Olympics are viewed as Haram (forbidden) by the censors.

This is why black boxes are superimposed over athletes who compete in the Olympic Games.