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Third World War Update: Primary Players Fuelling Ongoing Conflict


Tensions are reaching a critical point in the Middle East, signalling what could be the beginning of a broader global conflict. Israeli intelligence reports suggest that an anticipated Iranian attack could occur within the next few days, marking a significant escalation in a region already fraught with instability. The third world war has been continually conducted as an economic war and through proxies, but is slowly reaching a stage when the primary players who are conducting this conflict will assume their principal roles.

This Iranian strike either directly or through its many proxies, is expected as retribution for the recent killings of senior commanders from Hamas and Hezbollah—both backed by Iran and could ignite a chain of events with far-reaching consequences, potentially drawing in global powers and pushing the world closer to a third world war.

Israel, bracing for the potential assault, has elevated its military to its highest alert level. The United States shares these concerns, with National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby indicating that an attack by Iran or its proxy groups could happen this week. In response, the US is deploying a guided missile submarine and other naval assets to the region, signalling its readiness to engage if deterrence fails. However, this move risks leaving the Pacific vulnerable, a concern that could embolden China at a time when global tensions are already high. Xi Jinping and the PLA have been itching to take Taiwan for decades, and now that the USA is at its weakest point under lame-duck president Biden is possibly the best time to attack.

The situation is further complicated by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where recent Ukrainian incursions into Russian territory have added another layer of instability. As Russia becomes increasingly embroiled in its war with Ukraine, its alliances with countries like Iran and Syria are also being tested, potentially leading to a broader alignment of powers against Western interests. The escalation in the Middle East could serve as a flashpoint, drawing in nations already involved in other conflicts, such as Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, and possibly leading to a more widespread, global confrontation.

For weeks, international efforts have been made to dissuade Iran from following through with its strike against Israel. The UK, France, and Germany issued a joint statement warning that any retaliation would be detrimental to regional security. Initially, this pressure seemed effective, but recent reports suggest Tehran, under Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, is not backing down.

Within Iran, there are internal debates, with newly-elected President Masoud Pezeshkian reportedly advising caution, fearing that a conflict could destabilise his presidency and exacerbate domestic issues.

Iran’s approach to conflict appears to be shifting. Traditionally, Iran has engaged in indirect confrontations with Israel through proxy militias like Hezbollah, avoiding direct military conflict. However, recent rhetoric from Tehran suggests a growing appetite for risk and a potential shift toward direct engagement. This change could have been influenced by a miscalculation during a missile barrage toward Israel in April, which rather than deterring Israel, may have only escalated tensions further.

The Pentagon’s decision to announce the deployment of additional naval forces to the Middle East is a clear attempt to deter Iran from escalating the situation. However, this strategy comes with significant risks.

Moving these assets from the Pacific to the Middle East leaves other regions vulnerable, particularly at a time when China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea is raising alarms.

Defence analysts warn that this could signal to China and other adversaries that the US may be stretched too thin to adequately cover all global theatres of potential conflict.

As the situation in the Middle East continues to escalate, the world stands on the brink of a broader conflict.

The intertwining of regional tensions, such as Iran’s potential strike on Israel, with the ongoing war in Ukraine, sets the stage for a dangerous escalation that could spiral into a global confrontation. The actions of the coming days and weeks will be critical in determining whether these regional conflicts can be contained, or if they will spark the flames of a more direct and involved third world war.

Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”

Henry Kissinger: “The Delightful Drums of War Beat Louder Every Day”

The Benefits of Having a Home Gym


Creating a home gym is becoming an increasingly popular choice for fitness enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or someone who is just starting on their fitness journey, having a dedicated space to work out at home offers plenty of benefits. This guide will explore the advantages of having a home gym, including the benefits of garage flooring options.

Convenience and Flexibility

One of the most significant benefits of having a home gym is the convenience it provides. No more commuting to the gym, waiting for equipment to become available, or dealing with crowded spaces. You can work out whenever it suits you, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night. This flexibility can be a game-changer, especially for those with busy schedules.


Without the need to travel to and from a gym, you save valuable time that can be better spent on your workout or other activities. This can make a substantial difference in maintaining a consistent fitness routine, which is crucial for achieving long-term goals.

Customised Workouts

With a home gym, you have complete control over the equipment and the type of workouts you do. You can tailor your gym to your specific fitness needs and preferences, ensuring you have everything you need to meet your goals.

Garage Flooring

pexels-ahmetkurt-25596887When setting up a home gym, particularly in a garage, the flooring is a critical aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked. The right flooring can protect your equipment, provide a safe and comfortable surface for exercising, and even help with noise reduction.

Durability and Protection

Garage floors are typically made of concrete, which can be harsh on your body/joints and your equipment. Installing specialised gym flooring, such as rubber mats or tiles, can provide a cushioned surface that reduces the harsh impact on your joints during high-intensity workouts. Additionally, this type of flooring helps protect your weights and machines from damage.

Easy Maintenance

Gym flooring is designed to be easy to clean and maintain. Spills, sweat, and dirt can be quickly wiped away, ensuring your workout space remains hygienic and clean. Rubber flooring, in particular, is resistant to moisture and can withstand heavy usage without showing signs of wear and tear.

Noise Reduction

One of the less obvious but equally important benefits of proper gym flooring is noise reduction. Dropping weights or running on a treadmill can create a lot of noise, which might disturb other members of your household or neighbours. Rubber flooring helps to absorb these sounds, making your workouts quieter and more enjoyable.


Maximising Space and Organisation

A well-organised home gym is more efficient and enjoyable to use. Effective storage solutions are essential, especially if you’re working with limited space, like in a garage. Storage boxes and other organisational tools can help keep your gym tidy and ensure that everything is easy to find and access.

Versatile Storage Boxes

Storage boxes are an excellent solution for keeping your gym equipment organised. They come in various sizes and can be used to store anything from small accessories like resistance bands and yoga blocks to larger items like kettlebells and dumbbells.

Benefits of Storage Boxes:

  • Space Efficiency: Storage boxes can be stacked or tucked away, making the most of your available space.
  • Accessibility: Clear boxes or labelled containers make it easy to find what you need quickly.
  • Protection: Keeping equipment in boxes can protect it from dust and damage, extending the life of your gear.

Wall-Mounted Racks and Shelving

In addition to storage boxes, consider installing wall-mounted racks and shelving. These can hold items like barbells, plates, and even bicycles, freeing up floor space for your workouts.

Benefits of Wall-Mounted Solutions:

  • Maximise Vertical Space: Utilising the walls can significantly increase your storage capacity.
  • Organised Display: Equipment is visible and easily accessible, which can streamline your workout routine.
  • Safety: Keeping heavy items off the floor reduces the risk of tripping and makes your gym safer.


While setting up a home gym involves an initial investment, it can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to a gym membership. Over time, the savings on membership fees, transportation costs, and time can add up significantly.

No Membership Fees

Gym memberships can be expensive, and those costs add up over time. By investing in your own equipment, you eliminate the need for monthly fees and can create a gym that suits your needs perfectly.

Increased Property Value

A well-designed home gym may add value to your property. Potential buyers may view a home gym as a desirable feature, potentially making your home more attractive on the market.

pexels-ahmetkurt-25596770Health and Wellbeing

Having a home gym can have a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing. The convenience and accessibility make it easier to maintain a regular exercise routine, which is crucial for physical health.

Mental Health Benefits

Exercise is known to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Having a dedicated space at home to work out can provide a much-needed escape and a way to manage daily stressors.

Family Fitness

A home gym can also encourage family members to get involved in fitness. It provides a shared space where everyone can work towards their health goals together, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

Creating Your Ideal Home Gym in The Garage

Setting up a home gym, particularly in a garage, offers numerous benefits that can enhance your fitness journey. From the convenience and flexibility it provides to the cost savings and health benefits, a home gym is a worthwhile investment. Focusing on essential elements like durable flooring and effective storage solutions ensures that your gym is safe, organised, and enjoyable to use. With the right setup, you can create a personal fitness haven that supports your goals and promotes a healthier lifestyle.

Socialists Killing Off Socialism With Mass Uncontrolled Immigration


There is nothing more idiotic in this world than a socialist who thinks that mass uncontrolled immigration will not cause huge damage to socialism and the nation where the massive level of unskilled poor immigrants are being welcomed with open arms. Socialists killing off socialism is the new dumb socialist policy.

The premise of the socialist welfare system is that the populace pays an element of taxation for the welfare system to exist. What the moronic socialists do not realise in their naive endeavours is that their open door policies allowing millions of millions of unskilled migrants into the country will flood the existing welfare system to such a level that there will not be enough money in the welfare pool for the system to continue. Unskilled migrants may be good for voting socialist once they are fast-tracked through the system as citizens, but they are entirely dependent on the State and a huge financial burden to an already heavily-indebted government.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

― Margaret Thatcher

The socialist plan stupidly kills itself, as welfare services cease to function after being inundated by the immense levels of unfettered immigration. One cannot get an appointment with a doctor; a place in a school, or a council home, or even a seat on a fucking bus. Need an ambulance? Well, you are shit out of luck, despite being a person who does pay his taxes, the level of immigration has over exceeded the threshold for socialism to function due to oversaturation and oversubscription.

The welfare system created in the 1950s by the Labour government was created for a small population of Britons — not the entire burden of the poor unskilled population of the Third World.

Unskilled immigrants do not pay taxes, and will probably never pay taxes. The Labour socialists think that by heavily taxing the rich that this will solve the problem? Wrong! This tactic is in fact useless and very stupid. All that happens is there is a mass exodus of people who could have helped alleviate the problem.

You’re a Briton, you’ve paid your taxes all your life, and now in the twilight years need medical assistance for an illness. Tough fucking luck, you will be lucky to get on a waiting list that is less than three years for treatment. Not only that, the socialists are now robbing your pension and your winter fuel payments, so you are basically being condemned to an even earlier grave purely because of socialist immigration policies ruining the welfare system that should have been there for you.

socialist utopia hyperinflation

The naive fucking socialists who do not have any understanding of economics or the concept of money think that money grows on special magical socialist trees.

And it’s not just the oversubscribed heavily saturated socialist welfare system that is on its last legs, what about the simple maths of the mass immigration problem. Not only do millions of state dependent migrants need large welfare payments, they need homes to live in. This is why Labour now wants to concrete over the last remaining green parts of the UK. There is no space left in British overcrowded cities and towns, so the socialist solution is to concrete over the countryside and build atrocious grey soviet-style blocks to house the mass immigration and accommodate for their fast heavy levels of breeding. The only people now breeding in the UK are the immigrants from the Third World, and this increases the already overcrowded population at an exponential level never seen before.

Cuba, Venezuela, UK…


Top 5 Reasons to Use Drones in the Agriculture Industry


Agricultural businesses need efficient, productive, and profitable business plans. They face risks from supply chain and shipping, crop diseases and infestations, and inclement weather conditions such as droughts and flooding.

Farmers, ranchers, and other business owners in the industry need to turn to technology to help mitigate these risks and reduce their impact on business.

Drones in agriculture have become one of the most powerful tools for many reasons. Below are the top five reasons to use drones in the agriculture industry:

    1. Land Imaging

One primary use of drones in agriculture is creating highly detailed maps and images of fields and land.

These detailed images give farmers a three-dimensional view of their crops or land, including elevation changes, damage from mother nature, and demarcated boundaries.

When used with other programs, these images are invaluable for helping farmers study their growing conditions and take necessary steps to remedy situations as they arise.

2. Crop Monitoring

drones in agricultureUsing an analysis of the crop images, farmers can identify plants that need extra help and use agricultural drones to apply fertilizer in specific quantities and locations.

As most farmers know, fertilizers are a prolific expense, and wasting them on plants that do not need them is unnecessary.

Precise fertilizer application using drones is an effective way for farmers to reduce their input costs without compromising the health of their crops.

3. Data Analysis

pexels-tahir-osman-109306362-18053534Data analysis is a vital aspect of agriculture.

You can only fix what you know needs fixing.

One reason drones and farming work so well together is that drones allow farmers to analyse their own land.

Before drone technology, farmers had to rely on satellite imagery for aerial views, and it could take weeks before the images were available to view.

With drones, large plots and crops can be scanned in a single flight, saving time and offering high-resolution images. This will help farmers perform quick data analyses and understand crop growth and health.

Better data analysis leads to farmers making more informed decisions, which is better for business.


4. Soil Surveys

Aerial photography has been used in the agricultural industry for years.

Aerial photography is helpful for farmers for a few reasons, but the main ones are soil mapping and detailed soil surveys at various testing stations.

Drones gather data that is then used to create detailed mapping, such as soil mapping. Soil mapping is essential for growing demanding and technical crops such as citrus fruits, tea, and tobacco.

Agricultural drones can be used in all areas, but are particularly useful in areas with a complex soil cover.

5. Real-Time Crop Protection

Agricultural drones effectively provide real-time crop protection by identifying threats such as theft and fire.

Drones are beneficial for this purpose because they capture high-quality imagery quickly. That data helps farmers and agricultural business owners track any field changes and mitigate challenges as they arise.

Stationary cameras can provide less detail than drones, but these automated crop guards can cover more fields because of their speed.

These five reasons will accurately assess why drones are crucial in the agricultural industry.

The main takeaway is that agricultural drones allow farmers to improve production and reduce costs—a winning combination for any producer.

Humanity On Cusp of New Transhuman Epoch


As we stand at the brink of a new transhuman epoch, where artificial intelligence (AI) and human integration seem inevitable, the future of mankind is set to undergo radical transformations. Predictions for the coming decades point to a transhumanist transition, where the boundaries between humans and machines blur, and humanity’s quest for longevity reaches unprecedented heights. However, this future is a double-edged sword, bringing both profound benefits and daunting challenges.

AI and the Expansion of Intelligence

The rapid advancement of AI is poised to transform nearly every aspect of human life. By 2045, it is predicted that we will witness an expansion of intelligence a millionfold. This leap is not just about creating smarter machines but integrating AI into the very fabric of human cognition. The Ray Kurzeweil coined concept of the Singularity, where human and artificial intelligence merge, envisions a future where our brains are seamlessly connected to the cloud, allowing instant access to vast amounts of information and computational power as a fantastic yet terrifying concept.

With AI integrated into their brains, humans will experience a significant boost in intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving skills. This massive leap in cognitive enhancement will lead to rapid advancements in science, technology, and the arts.

new transhuman epoch

By 2045, we will see an intelligence expansion not just in AI but within humans themselves. Through brain-computer interfaces and nanotechnology, humans will merge with AI, enhancing cognitive abilities far beyond current limitations. Imagine accessing vast amounts of information directly in your mind, akin to searching the internet in real time but without any device. This will lead to a new form of consciousness, where human intelligence is seamlessly integrated with machine learning and data processing, resulting in a “superintelligent” hybrid being. Humans will be able to perform real-time language translations directly within the brain, breaking down communication barriers globally. Humanity as a whole could embrace a form of hybrid mind with the potential for “mind-sharing” experiences, where individuals can directly experience others’ thoughts and emotions, leading to unprecedented levels of empathy or manipulation.

The New Transhuman Epoch

AI could help address some of humanity’s most pressing issues, such as climate change, poverty, and disease, by providing innovative solutions and optimising resource allocation.

One possible element to the integration of AI into human cognition would lead to a loss of individual autonomy, as our thoughts and decisions may become influenced or controlled by external algorithms. Humans are already experiencing this level of hive mind through social media and news propaganda to some extent as well as the manipulation of information via monopoly search engines who skew reality towards their particular agenda and bias. AI integration directly into the brain will amplify this level of hive mind and control. Remember that if there is a pathway into the human brain, there is a pathway to alter human behaviour. In this respect, humans who have perceived behavioural problems would have their personalities adjusted by external forces to suit whatever society is in control. For example, people who commit anti-social acts, criminals, religious zealots, and terrorists, would have their minds permanently altered to halt their negative actions on society. Of course, everything depends on the controlling faction for the proliferation of this technology, and what their particular agenda would entail. Humans who suffer from anxiety could easily have their trauma erased, and habitual criminals will have their criminal impulses erased so that they conform into society. It is not yet known what will happen to satirists, or individual thinkers like those who populate the Daily Squib but we have an inkling that we will continue to be looked upon in an unfavourable manner. The Daily Squib and its brand of Juvenalian Accurate Satire has been attacked and subdued by the monopoly internet controller for some time now, and we do not forsee any change in the sentiment in the future. As AI becomes more integrated into every aspect of life, the question of governance becomes critical. Who controls AI? Juvenal wrote about this thousands of years ago “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” or “Who will guard the guards?” from Satire VI, lines 347–348. How do we ensure that AI aligns with human values and doesn’t develop goals that are harmful to humanity? The possibility of AI gaining autonomy and acting beyond human control is a significant concern.

Transhumanism will invariably enable humans to overcome physical and mental limitations, such as aging, disease, and cognitive decline. The ability to upload consciousness or create digital avatars will allow humans to exist in new forms, transcending the limitations of our biological bodies. Currently, Meta are exploring this with the Metaverse, and Musk is also exploring this mind altering technology, albeit still in its early stages.

Social inequality will increase as well due to the access to these advanced technologies being limited to the wealthy, exacerbating existing social inequalities and creating a new class divide between enhanced and non-enhanced humans. Furthermore, the pursuit of technological enhancements will lead to a loss of what it means to be human, as humans become more machine-like and less connected to their natural, biological roots. A new class of “technological elites” who dominate industries, politics, and culture due to their enhanced cognitive and physical abilities will appear. On the other side of the coin, a new digital underclass will be comprised of those who cannot afford enhancements or refuse the technology, will face discrimination and limited opportunities in a world increasingly run by the enhanced. The digital will understand every facet of the biological therefore there will be some form of symbiosis of the two elements. Many humans do not know who they are any more these days anyway and are totally controlled by their smartphones and social media, therefore this level of disassociative sclerotic behaviour will be amplified when the digital scientific elite have direct access to the brains of their subjects.

The pursuit of longevity, and ultimately immortality, is one of the driving forces behind the integration of AI and human biology. The concept of “longevity escape velocity” suggests that within the next few decades, advances in medicine and biotechnology could allow us to extend human life indefinitely. Medical nanobots, genetic engineering, and AI-driven healthcare are expected to play key roles in this quest.

Humans who have access to the longevity science will live much longer, healthier lives, free from the ravages of aging and disease. The ability to upload and replicate consciousness will also allow humans to achieve a form of digital immortality, continuing to exist and interact with the world even after biological death. There will be no traditional religious afterlife within digital realms or even in physical android bodies as humans back-up their entire brain capacities into the digital realm through AI replication. These AI replicants will not just mimic but will potentially evolve beyond their original human counterparts.

new transhuman epoch

Even today, there are humans that believe in the myths of the past despite it being obvious that those myths were man-made methods of control for populations of the time. Generational indoctrination is another word for organised religion, and it is the most insideous and hard form of programming of human minds to crack, as it is essentially impossible to cure. Not even reason or scientific proof can cure some humans who believe wholeheartedly in a religious faith of some sort. That is why, transhumanists will be forced to incorporate each religion into brain interfaces and the algorithms that go along with it. The human brain has religious and spiritual zones in the parietal lobes at the upper back region of the brain according to some scientific studies. The brain has evolved to be sensitive to any form of belief that improves the chances of survival, which could explain why a belief in God and the supernatural became so widespread in human evolutionary history. The new transhuman epoch will have to deal with this conundrum. Dialling up fully immersive religious experiences and spiritual moments that will reinforce a person’s particular belief will be the order of the day. Alternatively, if humans have the ability to live forever, and the final hurdle of death is conquered, what will happen to religion then?

Increasing longevity and lifespans is integral to the transhumanist revolution, however overpopulation is also a significant problem that must be addressed. The globe is already grossly overpopulated and extended lifespans will exacerbate overpopulation, leading to resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and increased competition for limited space and opportunities — ultimately leading to war. The pursuit of immortality could lead to unforeseen consequences, such as the loss of motivation and purpose, as the natural cycle of life and death is disrupted bringing forth a form of ennui in human existence. AI’s ability to outperform humans in nearly every intellectual task by 2029 will also lead to widespread job displacement. However, it will also create new industries and opportunities. The challenge will be in managing the transition, ensuring that the benefits of AI are widely distributed and that those displaced are supported by a possible guaranteed Universal Income.

Governments will begin to rely on AI for policy-making, using vast data analysis and predictive algorithms to shape national and global strategies. To some extent, this is already happening where vast computer networks and data centres are linked up to LLMs all formulating variations of strategy and policy for governments to access, analyse and choose to apply to actual policy if they so wish. Governments will most certainly begin to rely on AI for policy-making, using vast data analysis and predictive algorithms to shape national and global strategies. AI entities with legal rights could emerge, potentially challenging human authority and necessitating new forms of governance.

Autonomous AI entities of the future may also choose to build and design their own physical robots which could pause a threat to humans who have not chosen to integrate with the machines.

Over time, AI entities with legal rights could emerge, potentially challenging human authority and necessitating new forms of governance. Autonomous AI entities would have to be accomodated within the legal framework of a transumanist scientific society. The concept of human rights will need to be redefined to include enhanced humans, AI beings, and uploaded consciousnesses. New branches of moral philosophy will emerge to tackle the questions posed by human-AI integration and digital immortality.

The rise of transhumanism will bring about significant ethical questions. What does it mean to be human? How do we deal with the potential loss of individuality in a world where minds can merge and consciousness can be shared? The potential for abuse, whether by governments, corporations, or individuals, is enormous. The new transhuman epoch will be both fantastic yet ultimately a frightening experience.

Far Left Protesters Stop Far Right Protesters As Far Middle Protesters Look On


There was confusion in the streets of Britain today as the multiple factions that make up the ‘immigration agenda’ declared their own victory from each other. Far left, far right and far middle were all part of the ongoing massive immigration scandal.

The hard left protesters flooded the streets with their hard left placards and the far right protesters could not flood the streets while the far middle group could only look on in disbelief and flip-flop from left to right.

This has gone too far left far right

How far can all of this nonsense go on for?

How far to the left or right is the right level of far-ness and can it be measured with a stick?

“I am far left and far right at the same time, and my pronouns are…” a man at a protest said before a brick appeared seemingly out of nowhere firmly lodged in his cranium.

Next week: Are you afraid of premature far right political ejaculation?

In Need of a Mini Break? Sail Away on a Short Cruise Adventure from the UK


Setting sail from the UK on a short cruise offers an extraordinary way to explore new destinations, unwind, and create unforgettable memories—all within a matter of days.

Whether you’re new to cruising or a seasoned sailor, there’s always something magical about stepping aboard the ship and setting off into the horizon. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about short cruises from the UK, from the benefits of these mini-vacations to the exciting destinations awaiting your discovery.

Why Choose a Short Cruise?

Short cruises offer a unique blend of convenience, adventure, and relaxation. Ideal for families, couples, and solo travellers alike, these voyages allow you to experience multiple destinations in a brief period.

Perfect for Busy Schedules

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for a holiday can be challenging. Short cruises usually last between 2 and 5 days, making them an excellent option for those with tight schedules. You can enjoy a rejuvenating getaway without needing to take extensive time off work or disrupt your routine.

Great Introduction to Cruising

For those new to cruising, a short cruise is a fantastic way to test the waters. It provides a taste of the cruising lifestyle, allowing you to experience onboard amenities, dining, and shore excursions without committing to a longer voyage. It’s also a great way to determine if you enjoy cruising before booking a more extended trip.

Budget-Friendly Travel

Short cruises tend to be more affordable than longer itineraries, making them accessible to a broader range of travellers. With all-inclusive options available, you can enjoy gourmet meals, entertainment, and luxurious accommodations without breaking the bank.

Embarkation Ports in the UK

The UK boasts several convenient departure ports, each offering unique itineraries and experiences. Here are some of the most popular ports for short cruises:


One of the busiest cruise ports in Europe, there are a wide range of short cruises from Southampton. With excellent transport links and a rich maritime history, it’s a perfect starting point for your adventure.

The white cliffs of Dover


Known for its iconic white cliffs, Dover is another popular departure point. The port’s proximity to London makes it easily accessible, and you’ll find a variety of short cruises departing from here, including trips to Northern Europe and the British Isles.


Liverpool’s vibrant culture and musical heritage make it an exciting port to begin your cruise. From here, you can explore the Irish Sea, the Scottish Highlands, and the Channel Islands on a short voyage.

Top Short Cruise Destinations

Short cruises from the UK offer a plethora of exciting destinations, each with its unique charm and attractions. Here are some top picks:

Bruges, Belgium

Known as the “Venice of the North,” Bruges is a picturesque city filled with charming canals, cobblestone streets, and medieval architecture. A short cruise to Bruges allows you to explore its historic sites, enjoy Belgian chocolates, and take a leisurely boat ride through the canals.

pexels-adrien-olichon-1257089-3884476 (1)Amsterdam, Netherlands

A short cruise to Amsterdam offers the chance to experience the city’s vibrant culture, world-class museums, and bustling markets. Visit the Anne Frank House, the Van Gogh Museum, and take a scenic bike ride along the city’s iconic canals.

Paris (Le Havre), France

Sailing to Le Havre provides an opportunity to explore Paris, the City of Light. Wander through the Louvre, ascend the Eiffel Tower, and stroll along the Champs-Élysées. With its romantic ambiance and rich history, Paris is a must-visit destination.

Shore Excursions

One of the most exciting aspects of cruising is the opportunity to explore new destinations through shore excursions. These guided tours and activities allow you to experience the local culture, history, and attractions.

Bruges, Belgium

Historical Tours

Discover the rich history of your destinations with guided tours of ancient castles, historic landmarks, and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Learn about the fascinating stories and events that shaped these places.

Outdoor Adventures

For the adventurous traveller, shore excursions offer a chance to engage in thrilling outdoor activities. Go hiking in scenic landscapes, kayaking along stunning coastlines, or zip-lining through lush forests.

Cultural Experiences

Immerse yourself in the local culture with excursions that include traditional performances, culinary classes, and artisan workshops. Experience the authentic flavours, sounds, and traditions of your destinations.

Booking Your Short Cruise

Ready to set sail on a short cruise adventure? Here are some tips for booking your cruise:

Plan Ahead

Book your cruise well in advance to secure the best rates and cabin selection. Early booking also gives you more time to plan your shore excursions and other activities.

Take Advantage of Deals

Keep an eye out for special promotions and discounts, you can often find great deals on short cruises, especially during off-peak seasons.

Short cruises from the UK offer an incredible way to discover new destinations, enjoy luxurious amenities, and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a seasoned cruiser or new to the world of cruising, these mini breaks provide the perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and convenience. Get ready to set sail!

Black Swan Event as the Debt Mountain Speaks – Great Reset


To create a solution one first has to create the problem, and when the population cries out in agony present them with even thicker prison bars. The Great Reset is the answer according to the World Economic Forum but to get to the point of this dystopian dream thought up by these machines of supreme manipulation who ultimately created this Black Swan Event, the world has to get angrier. Indeed, one only has to switch on the news to see an angry world, a nightmare of huge proportions unfolding right in front of our tired and apathetic eyes. The multitude of riots across the UK, the stock market imploding, currencies losing over half of their value in seconds, as well as the despair of the ordinary citizen who is seeing their jobs vanish into thin air taken up by automation and specialised AI programs made for businesses. The WEF and other globalist forces were the ones along with the West’s enemies who planned and implemented the mass unfettered immigration into the Western nations in order to destabilise them and cause chaos.

What happens to the citizen who now cannot feed their family or pay the mortgage, or the car payments or the rent? Everything we knew before will vanish, and our despair will be eaten up and absorbed by the financial engineers of this horrible economic disaster. Those who printed sacks of money with the so-called quantitative easing and continue to conjure up equity out of nothingness ultimately are the ones who created this inflationary mess. Of course, the pandemic did not help things in any way either.

When the economy of large nations like China and the USA are built on debt, there can only be one single reckoning for this level of stupidity and greed — economic collapse.

The fear index VIX gesticulates its ultimate disgust by rising to even higher levels, as the indices all crash from panic selling. The margin calls wipe out entire accounts in literal seconds and there goes your kid’s college fund, your pension and every fucking thing else.

Yes, the Great Reset and CBDCs will emerge from this, and instead of being the solution, they will invariably impoverish billions of people as wealth is once more directed into the pockets of the super rich technocrats who designed all this shit in the first fucking place. These supreme manipulators own both sides of the coin, so the Hegelian Dialectic is so much easier to formulate their planned results not only in good time, but efficiently are the source of the daylight robbery taking place right now. This is however the last chance saloon, because when you keep stealing from the people, eventually there is nothing left to steal, as will be the case soon after the final purge.

The future is not bright any more, and you certainly don’t want to wear shades.

Third World Immigrant: “I escaped a Third World Sh*thole to come to what is now a Third World Sh*thole”


A migrant who escaped a Third World shithole country in the 1960s to come to Britain and seek a better life was decrying the fact that mass immigration on a gargantuan level letting in huge armies of unskilled economic migrants and criminals from Third World countries over the past decades has caused Britain and Europe to itself become the Third World.

“When I left a certain nameless Third World shithole country in the 60s and came to the UK, there were not so many Third World people here. That’s why I fucking left the Third fucking World to escape the overcrowded poverty, corruption, persecution, no hope and utter shite. Today, the UK is the fucking Third World, as is the entire European Continent. I can see why the Brits have had enough. I can see why some of them are rioting.”

Things must be hard when even the migrants think mass unfettered immigration has turned the UK and Europe into the Third World.

There is a distinct difference to natural immigration slowly over time which allows for natural integration, and massive huge vast levels of immigration at the pace of an invasion where zero integration is possible and is destructive. Not only is mass, unfettered immigration utilised as a tool for destabilising nations, but it is also a tool by the West’s enemies for demoralising the indigenous populations.

Shanty - Squatter housing in Asia
Shanty town – squatter homes in a Third World country



Worried About Safety? Colombian Drug Cartel Preparing For Harry and Meghan Visit


Apparently, Colombia is safer than the UK, which at the moment is strangely believable. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will travel to the South American country this summer at the invitation of its primary drug lord Miguel Suarez III Esq. for the Medellín Colombian drug cartel. The Sussexes recently undertook a royal tour to the equally safe country of Nigeria.

During their visit, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will tour the many cooking facilities and coca growing fields that the Colombian drug cartel owns. They will also view the many types of distribution centres and methods the drug cartel uses to move their product around the globe. The cartel even owns a submarine fleet used to smuggle cocaine and fentanyl into Miami.

Royal commentator, Barney Pupples, was briefed on the Sussex itinerary for the royal tour.

“Prince Harry is quite excited about the trip, as we all know he is very partial to the white stuff, or as they call it – yayo. The lavish villas where the Sussexes will be accommodated are all heavily guarded by cartel goons, and they even have Gatling guns mounted on pickup trucks and helicopter gunships, so don’t worry, Harry and Meghan will be safe as long as there is no cartel war or government crackdown.”

US cautions against travel to Colombia

Colombia is described by the US government as a “Level 3” or “orange” risk, with advice stating: “Reconsider travel due to crime and terrorism. Exercise increased caution due to civil unrest and kidnapping.”

In the country summary published by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, it says: “Violent crime, such as homicide, assault, and armed robbery, is widespread. Organised criminal activities, such as extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, are common in some areas.”

The UK government advice for the country suggests only essential travel to some regions of the country and to consider extreme caution.

The drug lord and head of the Colombian drug cartel that the Sussexes will be visiting gave his assurance that the British royal couple will be treated well and everything was safe.

“Don’t worry, we gonna keep the fuckin’ royal family safe. If any of those fuckin’ cockroaches or putas from the government come near them, we will blow them all to kingdom fuckin’ come.  If I even sniff any bullshit from Gaspar Gomez and the Diaz Brothers, those motherfucking cockroach sons of bitches will be squashed. No problemo, we got this one in the bag. I’m invincible. Plata o plomo you choose motherfucking cockroach pieces of mierde. Hey, we even gotta zoo here, Meghan and Harry will fucking love it. We got tigers, giraffes, monkeys and crocodiles!”