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Jordan Peterson Now a Pariah On Twitter


To be a pariah on Twitter is not exactly a bad thing. The intellectual university lecturer Dr Jordan Peterson is refusing to delete a tweet he made regarding the body mutilation of former actress Ellen Page. In a world of extremes, trans people who decide to invoke radical surgery upon themselves as a form of cosmetic transformation are lauded for their bravery and young children are actively encouraged to change sex even though they do not have the mental faculties to understand the consequences of the surgery involved.

Peterson is a logical character who says a lot of meaningful and truthful aphorisms, however his main point of delineation comes down to religion. It is confusing that someone as logical as Peterson can still firmly believe in the bible, and events like miracles, supernatural beings coming back from the dead or walking on water. Where the fictitious bible stands, logic is incompatible with the myths spouted from numerous writers of that book which some view as the word of god. If god influenced the bible, then he would have knowledge at least of North America or Australia, and it would not be ensconced in Medieval linguistic literature but would be all encompassing. Why would a god write a book anyway? These books are only the realms of humans who with their limited brains wrote on parchment with their own human hands.

Jesus Christ walking on water with the disciples in a fishing bo
Jesus Christ walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee with the disciples in a fishing boat

Can any logical person now take Jordan Peterson seriously if he firmly believes and preaches from the bible? Can you truly be logical and still believe in fairy tales?

Trans people are certainly human, and if one believes in their sacrifice or not, they are still under the human mantle. Therefore, one could posit that trans people have every right to mutilate their bodies for cosmetic reasons as much as any person who does so utilising plastic surgery.

It is sad to see intellectuals like Dr Peterson bogged down by human-made religion and books that describe superhuman beings walking on water or conducting elaborate magical tricks by turning water into wine.

If Dr Peterson, who we respect highly despite his religious flaws, were to somehow emancipate and extricate himself from the bible, he would find true logical equilibrium within the universe.

There is no logic in the bible, it was just a substitution for the death of the Roman Empire and the authority of the Emperors. Authority and gaping holes in power systems have to be filled somehow, and the bible, a mishmash of ancient myths, was compiled by unknown authors and distributed to the illiterate masses as the ‘word of god’.

Dr Jordan Peterson, we sincerely beg you to embrace fact, logic, science and ultimately, the universal truth. Of course, Peterson would still be a fully respected thinker even if he still believes in myths, and does not subscribe to logic when it comes to his religious beliefs. It is a true shame however that such an analytical mind can be tainted by a book created by Medieval monks sitting in their monasteries high up on some mountain whacked out on Peganum harmala, beer and wine.

Daily Squib Interview With Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu


Some people say that Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimumu has a few chips on her shoulder and is an aggressive militant anti-British racist, we however thought we could maybe attempt some sort of restorative action to her nasty reputation.

Our reporter was invited to her Brixton 10 bedroom home decorated with African masks where she lives alone.

Daily Squib: Thank you for agreeing to the interview, Dr Shola.

Dr Shola: Hang the British Queen from the lamp posts outside Buckingham Palace. I hate the British scum, you are all racist and deserve to all die. Kill all English people!

DS: Do you think your ugly reputation as a rabid anti-British anti-white angry racist black woman is justified in any way?

DR S: I want reparations for every black person equalling to £5 million for each of us. You owe us! I also want the British monarchy abolished and every non-African to be dragged through the streets in shame and the Queen should be stripped and beaten in the streets…innit! (thumps fist on table and vase falls on floor smashing into little pieces)

DS: If you hate the British people and the monarchy so much…er…why do you still live here? Why not go back to Nigeria?

DR S: It is my job to hate you evil people. I have come here to create discord, chaos and inspire race riots as well as an uprising against the Queen. I hate her! I hate everything about her! I am here to inspire a Marxist revolution against the British system, plus I get benefits innit.

DS: Looking at your CV, indeed it is apparent that you are a trained Marxist specialising in soviet woke ideology. You teach intersectional feminism to female refugees and asylum seekers and gender and diversity inclusion, organising race baiting feminazi marches and social campaigns. That is quite an impressive résumé.

DR S: Fuck the Queen! Fuck Britain and may you all go to hell! I want to destroy you bastards one by one! I hate you all! I want you all dead! (by this time her mouth is frothing)

DS: You got your doctorate at Birkbeck college, a distinguished educational establishment. Who needs Oxford, Cambridge, Yale or Harvard?

DR S: I am a doctor and I am qualified in many things…er…Fuck the Queen! I hate Britain and the British people! I want you all dead! Fuck William and Kate and their fucking racist children! Fuck the British national anthem! I hope Putin nukes Britain soon! You are all racist bastards! You are all going to die! Wuah hah hah hah haaa! (Dr Shola’s eyes roll up in their sockets only showing the bloody veined whites. The froth from her big fat mouth hangs from her chin and swings like an unholy diseased cobweb in a breezy dungeon).

DS: Did you enjoy the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations? It was a truly wonderful example of royal pageantry.

DR S: English scum white racists! The Queen can go to hell in her gold carriage stolen from Nigeria! I have had enough of you! (throws a book about Marxist Agitation Techniques at my head)

The interview is over, I am literally thrown out of her home as she screams and rants at the top of her blood-curdling voice. She is now throwing pieces of furniture around, and at one point picks up an entire bookshelf full to the brim with books on guerilla Marxist activism and other assorted nasties.

DALL-E 2 – When AI Creates Realistic Images the User Describes in Words


Imagine describing a scene to an AI piece of software, and in a few seconds it renders exactly what you were thinking about. Well, that dream is now a reality, thanks to the amazing programmers behind DALL-E 2.


It uses a 12-billion parameter version of the GPT-3 Transformer model to interpret natural language inputs (such as “four oranges shaped like bananas on top of a pyramid made out of candy floss” or “an isometric view of a zebra wearing a three-piece suit”) and generate corresponding images. It can create images of realistic objects (“a stained-glass window with an image of a purple orangutang eating an ice cream”) as well as objects that do not exist in reality (“a cube with the texture of a hedgehog”). Its name is a portmanteau of WALL-E and Salvador Dalí.

You too can try out this amazing piece of AI engineering from OpenAI, but beware, the waiting list is absolutely huge. The possibilities for DALL-E are infinite, and one can imagine a future where many artists, art directors, visualisers and creative directors will be out of jobs. Executives will simply describe what they want…et voilà.

The quality of the images as well as the speed of rendering, including shadows/reflections, is outstanding. The DALL-E AI also interprets the words of the user, however obscure they may be from its almost infinite neural network.

Labour Deputy Angela Rayner’s Furry Panda Big Hit in Cabinet


Male MPs and some female ones are literally queuing up in parliament to check out Angela Rayner’s new panda shoes.

“The key is to lie down low and wait for Angela to walk over you, so you can get a closer look at her furry panda,” one Tory MP revealed.

Everyone loves a furry panda, and the Labour Party deputy, Angela Rayner has hers trimmed to perfection (allegedly).

“Excuse me, there’s a queue here,” an agitated MP quips as someone tries to cut the line to see Angela’s furry panda.

FACT CHECK : Joe Biden Collusion With Son in Illegal CCP China Deal Audio


Conclusive audio evidence reported by the NY Post revealing that Joe Biden worked to coverup a business deal his son, Hunter had with a Chinese company ties to the CCP will not be covered by America’s media because it is the truth.

Listen to the audio here


“Here at CNN we do not cover stories that may reveal the truth, especially regarding Democrats like Joe Biden. We have no integrity and are completely biased,” one executive said when confronted with the evidence on Joe Biden.

MSNBC, which is another arm of the socialist Democrat Party also naturally ignored the evidence and in their statement emphatically denied the audio recording of a phone call with Joe Biden ever took place.

“Here at MSNBC we only do stories that are pro-Democrat and are completely biased to anything other than socialist Democrat Party propaganda. It would be wrong for us to even acknowledge such a conversation ever happened, despite the overwhelming evidence revealing otherwise.”

Twitter and Facebook which are far-left biased social network arms of the Democrat Party immediately suppressed all news of the Joe Biden audio.

Other biased American and global news agencies refused to acknowledge the audio recording as well.

Integrity in journalism by suppressing the truth.

New Paramount CEO is Daily Squib Business Hero


We rarely praise any CEO of a corporation but when we read the story of Bob Bakish, we could only heap praise on his attitude.

Bakish says the back catalogue for the film studio’s new subscription streaming service Paramount+ will not be censored to please woke politically correct sensibilities.

“By definition, you have some things that were made in a different time and reflect different sensibilities,” Bakish said.

“I don’t believe in censoring art that was made historically, that’s probably a mistake. It’s all on-demand – you don’t have to watch anything you don’t want to.”

Check out the common sense on this guy. If only all the other corporations who seem to be in league with Chinese Communist Party censorship policies would be like Bob Bakish. The Paramount CEO is definitely our business hero of the day. Thank you, sir, for a breath of freedom-loving fresh air amongst a landscape of heavy-handed woke soviet censorship.

EXPERTS: Putin Has Micropenis Syndrome


You ever wonder why 4′ 2″ Russian president Putin is so angry and aggressive all the time? According to medical experts, it is because he has micropenis syndrome. This finding somehow may relate to the extremely aggressive nature of Putin, as well as his actions in violating Ukraine’s sovereign space.

“The Russian medical crews who have examined Putin in the past when he was working with the KGB were of course sworn to secrecy, however it is common knowledge within the ranks that Putin’s penis measures 1.2 cm in length even when erect. Psychologically, this impediment is presumed to affect his general nature as it is practically impossible to make love to a woman or carry out any other functions normally.

Psychologist, Dr Ivan Mudak, a leading academic at the University of Petrozavodsk is certain that Putin can overcome his disability.

“Here at the university we have fashioned a large rubber penis which he can overlay his micropenis. At least this way, when he walks around in one of his palaces he can look down and feel proud. In his mind, he will then not be so constantly angry, creating useless wars everywhere. It would be a positive thing for Putin and maybe the globe will not be on the brink of a totally destructive third world war anymore.”

Since writing his article in the local university journal, Dr Mudak has mysteriously disappeared and no one in the faculty or campus has seen him for two weeks.

Ghislaine Maxwell Will Recruit Harem of Female Prisoners


Having been jailed for twenty years for her role in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking scandal, Ghislaine Maxwell has vowed to continue her trade in prison.

Disneyland of pu$$y

Danbury Federal Correctional Institution in Connecticut where Maxwell will be moved will be a Disneyland of young women to exploit and enjoy for the former Epstein protégé.

“I just can’t help recruiting sex slaves for my own needs. There are many vulnerable women in prison, and as always I will capitalise on their vulnerability by offering them an initial shoulder to cry on. Once they are ensnared in my trap, the rest is history. They will do my chores, get me things I need, and of course service my needy pussy,” Maxwell excitedly revealed after sentencing was completed.

With good behaviour and of course greasing the guards a little, Maxwell should be out of jail in about 8-11 years time.

There are no carpets in female prisons but plenty of carpet munching.


Harry and Meghan Back to Oprah For Another Tell-All Show


The Sussexes are planning a new tell-all show with Oprah helped along by their activist actress friend Janina Gavankar. Gavankar who is half-Indian is guiding the couple, specifically Meghan on what to say and how to act during the performance.

Seen being driven by Harry, Oprah’s house is only a three-minute walk from the couple’s Montecito mansion, but in the interests of climate change it was deemed improper to walk but instead use a convoy of gas guzzling SUVs to make the short journey.

Naturally, for extra effect the couple called every photographer from LA to Alaska to cover the short trip in order to fuel more fear in Britain’s royal palaces.

harry meghan oprah

Harry and Meghan are devout climate change activists who travel regularly in private jets that emit large amounts of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Their most recent trip was on a Bombardier Global 6000 at a cost of $200,000 from the UK to the US.

Ding Ding Round Two

Industry insiders reveal that the latest meeting with Oprah is a plan to seal the charges of ‘racism’ against the royal family and reveal details about the alleged appalling treatment the couple received during their UK visit.

Meghan Markle who cut off her own father for talking to the press, has no qualms about manipulating the media and press herself for her own ends.

“The plan is very simple. It’s basically round two with auntie Oprah. Forget about Netflix, for the couple, live television is where it’s at, and the couple have put Netflix on hold forever. For the Duke and Duchess Netflix was just a way to get some quick cash off the chump executives promising them the world whilst delivering only crumbs. Obviously the naive Netflix execs were duped and fell for the ruse hook line and sinker. Now Oprah is the one they really want to deliver the juice to, and the others they will throw a few bits of junk just to shut them up,” a KRC PR Media exec from LA revealed.

There are numerous PR teams and media companies working with the Sussexes to not only elevate their standing but to denigrate and ruin the British  royal family.

“On Meghan’s orders Harry is doing his best to finalise the public shaming of the royal house of Windsor. The two were not going to Oprah’s house for an organic self-sustainable cup of fucking coffee. They were going to pitch the dirt, to plan their next move so that they will once again steal the limelight from Windsor and cause as much damage as they possibly can.”

CBS executives have been clamouring for an update for some time now, and this latest trip to Britain by the former working royals has picked up enough dirt to evaluate a precise plan of action.

The alleged bullying case against Meghan when she was in Britain was recently curtailed by the royal family on the orders of the Queen herself, as a sign of good will however it was not enough for Meghan and Harry who seek a full apology for their interpretation of how they were treated by the royals.

When the couple were booed on their return to Britain and sidelined, further animosity was created polarising the factions further.

The couple also stand to make an even larger financial splash when the second interview with Oprah is aired in December.

“This will make Netflix look like complete idiots,” another commentator revealed on Twitter.

Wimbledon: Serena Williams Shock Loss to Harmony Tan


Serena Williams lost in three sets to Harmony Tan on her return to grand-slam tennis on a memorable day for British players at Wimbledon.

Tan who is ranked at world No 115 is only 4’3″ and was no match for Williams’ superior strength but still prevailed.

Williams’ dramatic deciding-set tie-break defeat to French world number 115 Harmony Tan concluded the Centre Court action, which started with Iga Swiatek winning her 36th consecutive match – breaking the 21st century record set by Venus Williams in 2000 – and was followed by Rafael Nadal winning in four sets.

In her press conferences after the defeat, Williams insisted that she has no idea exactly how long she intends to continue competing in tennis championships.

The second-day events in SW19 were certainly spectacular, with some real surprises.