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Monday, October 28, 2024
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There is Nothing to See Here. Please Disperse!


35, 43, 56 Tory MPs resign from Boris Johnson’s government. How many is too many?

It’s just another day in Downing Street with Boris Johnson, there is nothing to see here as the blood splatters Carrie’s expensive wallpaper.

Let us have some perspective, er…

Glug, glug, glug!

BBC Urging MPs to Resign Live on TV


One would say that supposedly unbiased auntie was being a bit naughty by meddling in political games against the government however there is no doubt that the BBC urging MPs to resign live on TV is possibly contravening some sort of regulation.

The BBC text sent to MPs: “I appreciate you may well be staying in place but if you are planning on resigning we’d be very keen to get an interview with you – a resignation live on air would be even better. Please do let me know in confidence if that’s something you’d consider.”

The BBC is known as the fifth arm of the Labour Party and is clearly meddling in political games to reinforce its bias as well as increase its viewers.

End of the Line For the Greased Roasted Piglet Boris?


There comes a moment when it’s time for slaughter, and unfortunately Boris Johnson is next on the line for the chop. Amongst the myriad of resignations from his government, kudos must be given to the PM for barricading the gates as the backstabbers line up to plunge the carving knife into him.

Now that the Tory government is imploding, Britain’s enemies are licking their lips to feast on the Boris corpse, roasted and glazed to perfection. Labour are now readying for a general election to push their favourite Soviet comrade Keir Starmer. Labour will only bring more chaos, economic bankruptcy and pain with their frivolous socialist spending sprees — that is — until all the money runs out once again.

How much roasting the little piglet gets is of course up to the rebel backbenchers and Cabinet ministers waiting to plunge their own knives in once the final deed is committed?

Boris’ demise is thus planned for either today, Thursday or Friday. The bell tolls and the knives are all out, being sharpened for the final carving.


Cabinet Resignations: Goodbye Sunak and Javid!


Thank god for that, the dead wood are ejecting themselves voluntarily from the Cabinet. Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak have left the Boris government.

A pinch too far

Rishi Sunak has left the Treasury and the British economy in a fucking dire mess. Don’t know what Sajid Javid did apart from wax his bald head every day — they used to call him the spit shine kid?

As for lying? Who tells the truth to snakes? If you don’t lie in parliament — you die.

All Boris has to do now is keep the assorted brutes, remoaners, backstabbers, plotters, EU agents, civil servant remoaners, and rest of the fuckers down for a while, so he can regroup.

Last chance saloon for Boris? Labour are getting ready to pounce. Meanwhile, the unelected EU Commission members are rubbing their hands with glee.


Lurpak Butter Now Used to Buy Cars and Expensive Commodities


Forget about cash to buy a car, you can now use tubs of Lurpak butter for vehicle purchases.

No need to spread payments

“I bought a new Maserati Ghibli for just 47 tubs of Lurpak. Forget about spreading payments over two years, it’s just a case of spreading the Lurpak,” Harold Wilkinson, 43, an accountant from East Grimshite, Northamptonshire, revealed in The Sun.

Butter get outta the way

In the black market, Lurpak is now such a valuable commodity that numerous gangs are at war vying for exclusive distribution rights for the butter.

The Metropolitan Police have warned of numerous deaths attributed to the Lurpak butter wars currently raging in London Council estates.

Chief Detective Inspector Dennis Scratching, appealed to the public to be vigilant if they come across a tub of Lurpak in the streets.

“Lurpak is now more valuable than meth or cocaine, so dealers and gangs are using the tubs of butter as collateral for drug deals. If you come across a tub of Lurpak in the street please approach with extreme caution and contact the police immediately. You must leave the area immediately, and do not take the tub home to spread on your toast.”

Nick Kyrgios Will Be Displayed at London Zoo Ape House


Wimbledon officials were today finalising a deal for tennis blockhead Nick Kyrgios to be displayed at London zoo’s ape house.

“We think the zoo will be the best place for Kyrgios. He will be cared for and given branches to swing from, as well as plenty of bananas,” Penny Cantwell, the zoo’s ape house senior keeper, revealed today.

Kyrgios is said to be from Australia and is a rare specimen who can hit objects very hard.

“He is quite dangerous and can hit balls very hard, including your own, if you’re not fucking careful,” one of the umpires from Wimbledon commented.

Ginny Wintertrout, 14, was excited by the new attraction at London zoo’s ape house.

“I cannot wait to see the new ape the zoo will be displaying. I have heard he is very wild and even spits at people. It’s a good thing there is a big glass window in the way.”

When Beauty Fades: Former Model Marie Helvin to Work in Tesco

Women who make careers solely on their looks have a shelf life, as revealed by former model and socialite Marie Helvin. Certainly, she was true beauty in her younger days, but age takes a toll — just look at Bridget Bardot.

Where men generally age like a fine wine supposedly, most women deteriorate quite rapidly in the looks department, of course lifestyle is a factor to consider.

One only has to glance at the horrid meat shop called Instagram to see thousands of women capitalising on their youthful looks. These women are whoring out their bodies for sponsorship deals and making big bucks, but eventually time will catch up with them. Men generally cannot command the money-making opportunities that women gain on sites like Instagram or Onlyfans. Certainly, these women offer a valuable aesthetic service for men to jack off to, however age is a factor that always seeps through the fake lens of sites like Instagram eventually.

The grotesque, grizzled form of Ulrika Jonsson in the nude is an image that definitely reeks of desperation. Not sure what happened to Ulrika, but baring her sinewy sagging body parts in some cheap newspaper is not a way to grow old gracefully.

When it comes to women in this article, we are talking about Western women of course, who through their daily endeavours age extremely ungracefully. If one were to look at for example Japanese women, they can be in their 60s and still have flawless bodies, skin and hair as well as the ability to fuck like wild animals on heat. Possibly a result of diet and Japanese genetics as well as lifestyle.

Natural beauty in women is always key to longevity. When women start dabbling with trout lips and basketball tit implants, then it’s game, set and match. Whoever thought that a woman’s lips bloated to the size of fucking birthday balloons smacking around in the air like a fish out of water was in any way beautiful, are blind mutilators. Women who mutilate their looks as age progresses are obviously narcissistic cocottes in denial. It’s nigh on impossible to even get a semi with one of these creatures flapping their fake fat lips around like a fish, whilst bouncing around on their huge fake silicon tits. The natural shape of the breasts should be sacrosanct.

It would be a wonderful experience to see Marie Helvin in your local Tesco supermarket stacking shelves or pushing a few cartons of orange juice around. All women should be loved whatever age they are, and however they look, but in the internet age of plastic Kardashianism they have been reduced to mere aesthetic commodities to be rated, wanked over, and swiped for the next piece of eye candy. They have, through despicable sites like Instagram, dug their own grave simply because of their numbers and the attention span of the average internet surfer reducing daily.

Happy Fourth of July American Massacre


God bless America! Nothing to see here folks, it’s just another day in a country which seems to be close to civil war.

Robert E. Crimo III

robert 'bobby' e. crimo

News of another mass shooting filters through the news services. Apparently the shooter was identified as a young white male which is of course good news for many media outlets, because if it was a black shooter the news would be buried fast, much like the Waukesha killer. With the perpetrator being white, it feeds into the news media’s narrative, and this is why the shooting incident is getting full coverage right now.

Hypocrisy and bias in the US media is not exactly surprising, it is something that should be taken for granted as the norm.

Anyway, happy fourth of July or Independence Day.

Top 5 Movie Characters That Wear Waistcoats

A great movie character is nothing without a memorable outfit. That’s the reason that most beloved movie characters are associated with their clothing choices. If you zero in on waistcoats, you’ll notice that there are quite a few famed movie characters who are known for them.

Woody (Toy Story)

Woody from Toy Story is a lot like a classic cowboy. He essentially dons a cowboy costume 100 percent of the time. The character’s waistcoat is easy to notice and remember, too. It features a black and white design that’s reminiscent of natural cowhide. He combines this signature look with a number of other vital pieces as well. These pieces include a yellow long-sleeved shirt that has stripes, standard cowboy boots, straightforward denim jeans and a belt that’s made out of leather. The belt is pale brown in colour. Woody’s waistcoat contributes to a style vibe that’s all pure Americana.

Joker (The Dark Knight)

The Joker is a Dark Knight character that makes waves thanks to his vest. The character consistently wears a waistcoat that has a striking green colour to its credit. This waistcoat is striking due to the fact that it works harmoniously alongside so many other elements of the Joker’s look. He pairs the green vest with a noticeable purple trench coat, purple slacks and a blue formal shirt. The last shirt has a hexagonal design. The waistcoat essentially serves as a centrepiece for all of these distinctive clothing items and accessories. It can be hard for people to ignore vests that are so green and so “dynamic” in vibe.

Robin (Batman TV Series)

There are few television characters that hold a candle to Robin from Batman in the outfit department. His vest is completely lined. It zips up the entirety of his back, too. There are many things that make this waistcoat such a signature part of the Batman TV universe. It’s made out of a striking red velour. Since the waistcoat is so undeniably bold in appearance, it can make personality traits such as tenacity and fearlessness come to mind rapidly. Robin’s television outfit choices make it a piece of cake for him to tackle all kinds of essential superhero duties. The components all together feel like a jumpsuit.

Top Cat (Cartoon)

Top Cat isn’t just an adorable cartoon feline that resides on the “mean streets.” He also happens to be a character who is perpetually linked to his waistcoat. His vest is a noticeable and striking purple colour. Since it’s such a distinctive clothing piece, there’s a strong chance that it may contribute to the popularity of Top Cat as a character and concept in general. The vest works well in conjunction with a handful of other things that make Top Cat precisely who he is. These things include his whiskers, his comparatively lengthy tail and, last but definitely not least, his pale muzzle.

Tony Montana (Scarface)

Tony Montana is a legendary Scarface character who is linked to his rather dapper and eye-catching outfit choices. He wears jackets with great regularity. He just as regularly wears shirts that button up. People who are keen on men’s waistcoats that pave the way for suave and polished styles may be a big part of the vast Scarface fanbase. A couple other things that are a massive part of the Tony Montana character legacy are black slacks and a totally white suit. Remember, Tony Montana is a character who doesn’t like keeping all of his buttons intact. He likes to keep things laid-back.

What good is a timeless movie or television character without an unforgettable outfit? Since many folks don’t wear waistcoats that often, they’re often big elements of character outfits that are practically impossible to forget. Waistcoats have distinctive and cool appearances overall.

Thanks Rishi Sunak: Wealthy Leave High Tax, High Inflation, Low Growth Britain


It only makes sense, if you are rich you want to preserve your assets. Since 2017 thousands of wealthy families have left Britain because of the Treasury’s economic policies. Thousands more are preparing to leave now.

Once the wealthy leave Britain, who will pay the taxes to furnish the immense benefits social care bills and NHS? Socialism requires money from somewhere, and usually that money is siphoned off the rich, but if the rich aren’t putting up with high taxation anymore, then the socialist system eventually crumbles. Socialist systems depend on using other people’s money, but when that dries up — the system is fucked.

Britain’s internal infrastructure is completely geared towards the socialist ideology, even when a so-called Tory government is in power.

Rishi Sunak
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has frozen income and inheritance tax thresholds for four years, dragging a record number of earners and more estates into higher bands. Losing the wealthiest individuals is damaging for an economy built on socialism and the public finances as top contributors to tax revenue depart.

The top 1pc of earners paid 28pc of income tax and national insurance combined in 2018/19, up from 25pc in 2009/10, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies. It estimates that the top 0.1pc pay at least 10pc of all income tax while the highest 1pc of earners account for a third.

As spending pressures rise, the Chancellor is raising the tax burden to levels last seen in the late 1940s under Clement Attlee’s Labour government. The Office for Budget Responsibility expects taxes to rise to 36.3pc of GDP by 2025-26.

If Boris had any balls, he would dump Sunak, and bring in someone who understood that growth only occurs with lower taxes.

This is why the wealthy are leaving.