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Monday, October 28, 2024
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It Seems Durham Police are Labour Fans


Letting off Keir Starmer and his deputy along with all the other Labourite party goers whilst the full hand of the law came down hard on Boris for simply walking into a room at his work place and raising a glass of wine stinks of bias on a grand scale.

According to the map of England, Durham is somewhere up north, so that explains everything.

Next time there’s another Labour lockdown party, why not invite the Durham constabulary round as well?

High Gas Prices For Americans? Biden Selling America’s Oil Reserves to China


You have to feel sorry for Americans who practically live in their cars and trucks. America is not a tiny country like Britain, where everything you need is in close proximity. The vast roads and highways of the US stretch on for thousands of miles, and many people have to travel hundreds of miles each day doing their jobs or running their errands.

Petrol (gas) prices are rocketing for Americans and eating into their pocketbooks. All the while, there is no mention of the impotent weasel Biden in the mediocre, biased media press rooms as the main cause of gas prices rising at the pumps. He can’t blame it on Putin forever.

China now directly benefiting at the expense of US consumers as a result of Biden’s insanity

“Biden is a piece of shit. In fact, shit is higher than Biden,” one angry American motorist quipped as he filled up at a petrol station.

SPR drain june

The Biden administration is draining more oil from the US strategic petroleum reserve, and worse still, selling it to America’s arch enemy — China. More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of the historic U.S. SPR release were exported to Europe and Asia last month, including top US geopolitical nemesis in the global arena, China, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices hit record highs.

The U.S. Crude reserves will leave from the West Hackberry SPR site in Louisiana in July on route to China.

“These actions are tantamount to high treason. Biden is fucking Americans up the ass by selling our valuable oil reserves to China so they can attack Taiwan, Japan and the U.S.” another furious American quipped.

Enjoy your insane gas prices Americans, you and many dead people in cemeteries voted for it.

Beyond Satire: EU Declares Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power as ‘Green’


Greta Thunberg must be fuming with outrage as her beloved EU denizens are now declaring fossil fuels like natural gas and nuclear power plants as environmentally friendly and ‘green’.

Members of European Parliament (MEPs) voted on July 6 not to reject adding nuclear and natural gas activities to the European Union taxonomy for sustainable investments, paving the way for the EU to include such projects in its so-called “green” investments.

The European Union have claimed in the past to be eco-conscious and to move to banning fossil fuels.

What the ‘green’ eco mob do not realise is that it is impossible to have eco-sustainable ‘green’ fuel if the earth’s population continues at its current pace. Many people who claim to be ‘green’ are low-information zealots who do not understand reality and live in a deluded state of eco-psychosis.


Will the Masters Rebuild the Georgia Guidestones?


The Georgia Guidestones are sacrosanct monuments to a future New World Order where the global population is kept at a sustainable level in tune with nature, thus allowing life on earth to continue. Without the sustainable diminution of the global population, humanity will be doomed to a fate of immense misery, pollution and war.

Overbreeding and overpopulation creates extreme poverty, pollution, atmospheric destruction, terrorism, inequality and war. The Malthusian nightmare is very real; especially regarding countries like China (pop: 1.4 billion) and India (pop: 1.38 billion) increasing their population every year. Like locusts depleting earth’s finite resources, increasing populations are a direct threat to the very mantle of life on earth.

As a consequence of the recent bombing of the stones, the monument has now been completely destroyed.

Will the Masters rebuild the Georgia Stones? If so, this time they should make sure it is protected at all times. The message is too important for humanity’s sake.

The Georgia Guidestones

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Elon Musk Had Twins With a Neuralink Executive


Elon Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO and world’s richest man, welcomed twins last year with an executive at one of his other companies, Neuralink, reported on Wednesday.

Musk, who posted a tweet on May 24 saying “USA birth rate has been below min sustainable levels for ~50 years” and pinned it to the top of his more than 100 million-follower Twitter account, quietly fathered the children with X3432 N-342, who works for Musk at the company which hopes to develop an implantable computer chip for the human brain.

The Musk neuralink twins can already communicate in 300 languages and even fly a Huey helicopter despite only being 6 months old.

One twin is called X10109-b and the other is lovingly named X111010-c.

BoJo Finally Resigns


According to sources, a resignation letter was drafted for Boris Johnson and he was forced to sign it.

On your marks! Go! The leadership race is on and suddenly “integrity” will vanish, and things will go back to the norm.

As per usual, the media will go on with their usual eulogies about Boris.

The knives embedded deep in his back will hurt for a while, and his wife Carrie must now be thinking about wallpaper removal techniques to rescue those very, very expensive rolls on the Number 10 flat’s walls.

The coup was a great success, and the integrity has been blinding…ouch!

Now They Are Threatening to Bring In Theresa May Again


That’s like putting salt on an open wound, or using nettles as a plaster for a cut.

“Theresa May is “uniquely placed” to step up as the interim Prime Minister should Boris Johnson resign, according to reports.”

Boris has just been forced to sign a resignation letter thrown in front of him.

The end is nigh, and it is only going to get a lot worse when the dead fish, Theresa May becomes interim PM.

The Remainers must be whooping in the corridors.

The Year 2022 When Parliament Finally Discovered “Integrity”


2022, will go down in the history books and talked about by historians for centuries to come because it was the year that the Houses of Parliament finally discovered the concept of “integrity”.

Historian, Professor Lior Fibbs, from Cambridge University, was excited by the new finding.

“Absolutely incredible, it has taken centuries of lying, backstabbing, cheating, dishonesty, immorality and downright evil Machiavellianism to finally come to some form of ‘integrity’ and ‘honesty’. Centuries from now, historians will look at the year 2022 when members of parliament finally found the benefits of honesty and truth.”

The momentous event where integrity was discovered occurred during the ousting process of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. All of a sudden, ministers who in the past were immoral, indecent, depraved, unethical and downright dishonest found integrity when citing their displeasure with the wayward PM.

“I have integrity now, and the filthy dishonest PM does not. As soon as he is ousted though, somehow my integrity will disappear and I shall get back to immorality, lying and cheating,” one MP who resigned to destabilise Boris’ government quipped before slinking into the darkness.

Another MP who resigned revealed: “This integrity lark is hard work. I don’t know how much longer I can handle it before I crack?”

Why Boris is Holding On Despite Resignations


We have lost count on the number of resignations so far from Boris’ crumbling government, however there is a very good reason for the PM to hold on.

Who are you to tell me to resign? Mass ministerial resignations like this are similar to an internet mob on Twitter or some other horrid platform wanting to cancel somebody or thing.

In these heady days of cancel culture, the ministerial mob are acting like bullies themselves.

The way Boris sees it, it is HIS god-given right to rule, mandated by that large majority he won during the last election. Conversely one could argue that Boris squandered that election win and through his apathetic actions shit in his own shoes but that is neither here nor there.

Never underestimate the tenacity and will to survive, despite all setbacks, when coming from a dog eat dog Lord of the Flies public school background where daily atrocities were simply scoffed at and if you did not fight, you would literally be stamped, reputation and all, into the ground.

As Boris sees it, he may be deluded in his fervour to ‘carry on’ but he won’t take orders from underlings or oiks.

Furthermore, there are options, and he is looking into those right now.

Ministers: SAS Could Be Sent in to Extricate Boris


Desperate parliamentarians are in contact with SAS commanders in Hereford who may send in the regiment to extricate Boris Johnson who is refusing to leave Number 10 Downing Street.

After 43 MPs resigned from government and Michael Gove just got sacked, things are getting desperate.

“It’s like the Iranian embassy siege in 1980. Maggie sent the SAS boys in to clean the place out. This time, it’s a bloody prime minister who has taken Number 10 hostage,” one senior MP revealed.

BoJo lost his mojo and now has barricaded himself in Number 10. Time for the Hereford lads to escort the deluded Boris from fantasy to reality.