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The Don: “I Was Never Rude to the Queen”


Donald J. Trump has emphatically denied he was rude to the Queen when he met her during his presidency.

The new biography of the late monarch claims that Queen Elizabeth II found Donald Trump ‘very rude’.

The Queen hosted the US president twice during her incredible reign and is said to have ‘particularly disliked’ the way Trump sat on her shoulders ‘whooping like a cowboy and shouting giddy up at the top of his voice’.

The Don today emphatically denied he was being rude, and said he was just ‘bored out of his fucking mind’ because of all that ‘British pomp and circumstance stuff’.

“The fake news again…to tell you the truth, believe me, I get bored easy. Like the late great Queen was showing me this old painting or something. She was worth a lot of money, like millions and billions. So I picked my nose a few times, and even farted. No disrespect to the incredible Queen, what a special lady she was. We had a tremendous time there, I remember it like it was yesterday, I took a running jump and landed on her shoulders. What a strong lady she was…real classy. She not only carried the weight of the British people but me as well. Sure, we giddy upped around a little but look at it from my point of view, I gotta have fun sometimes, it ain’t all work, work. I even offered her a game of golf, but she just looked at me in silence. What a tremendous, incredible Queen she was to me. I am confident that I was her best guest ever, like throughout her rule as Queen, what a tremendous great lady. Meeting me was the best time she had in 25 years, and it was tremendous…incredible!”

Buckingham Palace has not commented on the claim as they do not, by convention, comment on such things.

Will this news put a dent in Trump’s re-election chances?

Commissar Cooper: “Extreme Misogyny to be Treated as Terrorism”


Commissar Cooper/Balls has announced a new DIREKTIVE 4876093-23LB which will enforce the law that ‘extreme misogyny’ will be treated as terrorism for the first time under the Labour Party Big State plans to prosecute the radicalisation of young men online. Extreme misandry will be completely ignored and in most cases celebrated.

Commissar Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, has ordered all forms of ‘toxic masculinity’ in Britain will be reviewed by counter-extremism operatives to urgently address the problem of masculinity as well as instances of extreme misogyny.

It will look at tackling extreme misogyny against women and girls in the same way as Islamist and far-Right extremism, amid fears that current Home Office guidance is too narrow.

“If a woman asks you as a man whether her bum looks fat in that dress, choose your words very carefully, otherwise you will be labelled as an ‘extreme misogynist’ and tried under the new terrorism laws,” an operative working on the new proposals revealed.

Teachers in schools and staff in universities will be legally required to snitch on students they suspect of extreme misogyny to Prevent, the Government’s counter-terror programme.

Police chiefs have accused online influencers like Andrew Tate of radicalising boys into extreme misogyny.

Maggie Blyth, the NPCC lead for violence against women and girls, claimed young men and boys are at risk of being radicalised in the same way that terrorists draw in followers.

Tate is a British-American influencer who rose to fame after appearing on Big Brother in 2016

There is no current definition of what constitutes as ‘extreme misogyny’ but it lies under the same branch as open terms like ‘hate speech’ which can be defined in any way the controlling faction cares to define it under any given situation. The reason for having open terms like these is that they can be weaponised against any individual who is targeted for removal by the controlling faction.

Naturally, extreme misandry will be totally ignored because men are viewed as second class citizens within the socialist state system. The extreme feminist group ‘Kill All Men‘ who propose that all men should be killed at birth today praised Commissar Cooper’s new proposal to punish all men and any form of masculinity.

“We can only say good things about the Labour Party and Commissar Cooper, who will punish all men and label them as terrorists. Thank you, however we believe that all men should be put to death with immediate effect, and urge Commissar Cooper to adopt our form of extreme misandry which is protected by the Labour socialist government,” Sally Minella, spokesperson for anti-male group ‘Kill All Men’ announced on Monday.

Extreme misandry is celebrated by feminists and far-left Marxists

The celebrated editor for far-left publication Huffpost was praised by her fellow feminists for her eternal cry to kill off all men from the planet, and was even given a promotion for her views.

Yes, there are some men who commit heinous crimes against women, but these are the minority and of course should be arrested, however tarring all men with the same brush and bringing out insane laws will not fix anything. There are some women who commit horrific crimes, but in no circumstance should all women be tarred with the same brush as the minority who commit these crimes.

The Daily Squib believes the world needs more Love, and not more Hatred. These new Labour laws only create more hatred and marginalisation within an already splintered and damaged society. In a world where men are called sexist chauvinist scum for opening doors for women, or labelled as exhibiting ‘toxic masculinity‘ traits simply for commenting on a woman’s beauty, or reported to the police for innocently asking a woman out on a date, the question is, where do we as a human race go from here? Young men have the highest suicide rate for any demographic, and extreme feminism is one of the reasons for this statistic.

The invariable answer is — down the shitter.



In the UK, men are three times more likely to take their own lives than women.











Praise Comrade Starmer and the Labour Party – Chocolate Ration Increase by 2.7 Grams


We can proudly announce that next week Supreme leader of Soviet Britain Comrade Starmer and the Labour Party will announce an increase of the monthly chocolate ration to 2.7 grams, but only for citizens and workers who praise the Party and follow its commands needlessly and without question.


CHOCO RATIONSComrades, commissars and other High Party officials will receive an increase of choco rations of 3.1 grams for their Doubleplus good efforts in party matters, and the rest of the workers will receive an increase in choco rations of 2.7 grams.

Those unpersons who have committed Thoughtcrime or any other form of crime against the state will receive no choco rations and will instead be brutally imprisoned and re-educated in woke Marxist values in a local gulag or if the Thoughtcrime is suitably severe simply cancelled from existence.


Brothers and sisters, the battle for production has been won.

Completed returns show that the standard of living has risen by no less than 0.00023 percent over the last year.

All over Labour Soviet Britain there’ve been spontaneous demonstrations of Party workers voicing their gratitude and joy in honour of this massive overfulfillment of the ninth three-year plan as well as the announcement that chocolate ration is to be increased to 2.7 grams per month.

We can also proudly announce an increase in cabbage rations of two whole cabbages every four months, yes indeed comrades you heard that correctly instead of half a cabbage you will receive two cabbages and maybe even a turnip every four months.

soviet britain labour party comrade starmer announces increase in choco rations

War is peace! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength!

Comrades and Commissars of the Labour Party and Big Brother State, you represent a triumph of willpower over the falsity of freedom, the right to speak freely and free thought.

At a rally of the Anti-free speech League in Victory Square tonight held to celebrate a 540% percent decrease in individual freedom over 20,000 Party members took a vow to snitch on their neighbours and family members if they dared to speak against the Party in any way or voiced their own opinion and pledged themselves as vessels for the Big State to crush its boot on all forms of human freedom.

The Daily Squib publication only has the highest praise for Stasi Britain and its Stasi Thoughtcrime Police. Hail the Labour Party and its Supreme Comrade Starmer.

Stasi Britain: Thoughtcrime Now Punished With Jail


Thoughtcrime is a very real thing under the rule of Stasi Kommandant Starmer in Stasi Britain. What used to be the work of fiction in George Orwell’s 1984 is now a reality, sadly. Citizens are being arrested and jailed for thoughtcrime and any form of protest, especially if you are an indigenous Briton because of two-tiered policing and bias.

There are active Stasi Police teams who specialise in searching social media now to identify, locate and jail thoughtcrime offenders. Even citizens who simply share certain thoughtcrimes will be prosecuted and jailed.

It is thus advised that under no circumstances should anyone post or share on social media or the internet their true feelings, or any personal opinions about anything. One must remember that the situation is very fluid, and what may have been deemed as free thought or speech in the past could now be considered as dangerous by the Stasi Labour Thoughtpolice.

“Much like Stasi East Germany during the soviet years, they will come to your home and take you away. It’s as simple as that,” one elderly man said last week, who was detained indefinitely on Tuesday from his retirement home and has not been since.

The Daily Squib publication only has the highest praise for Stasi Britain and its Stasi Thoughtcrime Police. Hail the Labour Party and its Supreme Comrade Starmer.

Is Online Bingo Enhancing the Traditional Game Culture?


For many years, bingo has been a cherished game in our lives. Known for its element of chance and social engagement, it has become a cornerstone of traditional gaming culture. Recently, we’ve seen the rise of online bingo and electronic bingo, providing a modern spin on this classic pastime. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these newer variations, their appeal, and how they influence the traditional bingo experience.

We’ll explore online bingo chat rooms, the digital format of electronic bingo, and consider whether they can replicate the sense of community and excitement found in classic bingo games. Let’s dive into this journey and discover how the new and old are coming together in the evolving landscape of bingo.

Traditional Bingo

Traditional bingo carries a timeless charm that has attracted players for many years. The game’s appeal is not about complex strategies; it’s about the simple pleasure of marking off numbers as they are called. The sense of tradition, the physical experience of using a pen on paper, and the shared excitement in a bingo hall create a unique atmosphere that’s hard to find elsewhere. This game thrives on personal interactions, where the joy, laughter, and eager whispers among players enhance the overall experience. Playing bingo the way your great-grandparents did is what sets traditional bingo apart from more modern versions.

The Social Aspect and Thrill of Traditional Bingo

Traditional bingo offers a social element that elevates it beyond a mere game. Bingo halls buzz with chatter, shared excitement over close calls, and the collective sigh when someone shouts ‘Bingo!’ Winning is thrilling, but it’s the social experience that truly matters. The unique mix of a laid-back yet thrilling atmosphere makes playing traditional bingo an unforgettable experience that transcends gaming.

Influence of Traditional Bingo on Game Culture

Traditional bingo has a deep and lasting impact on gaming culture. It has built a unique sense of community that spans generations and locations. This game promotes connection and friendship among players, serving as a standard for other games. The appeal of traditional bingo comes from its straightforwardness and the social bonds it creates, making it a beloved part of our social experiences. Its influence reaches far beyond the bingo halls, shaping our perspective on social gaming in the present day.

Online Bingo

Online bingo has become a popular activity in the digital age. It blends the classic bingo gameplay with the ease of playing whenever and wherever, attracting a wider range of players. Although online bingo lacks the sound of clinking glasses found in traditional bingo halls, it definitely retains the social vibe in the digital space. The chat rooms are lively, acting as a gathering place for players from around the globe. They capture the same friendly banter and connection as in-person bingo, allowing participants to engage with one another, share stories, and foster a sense of community while they play.

Variety and Themes in Online Bingo

Online bingo offers several benefits compared to traditional bingo, especially when it comes to variety and themes. Digital platforms present a wide range of themes, from peaceful beaches to stunning mountains, which boosts the enjoyment and overall experience. Players have the option to select themes that make their gaming experience feel more tailored and engaging.

How Online Bingo Enhances Traditional Game Culture

Online bingo hasn’t taken the place of traditional bingo; rather, it has enriched the culture surrounding the game. Think of it as a contemporary twist on the classic, keeping the heart of the game intact while introducing fun themes and the ease of playing online. This new version also draws in a younger crowd, helping to keep the game alive.

Even with online bingo rising in popularity, the charm of traditional bingo continues to thrive. It’s not a matter of picking one over the other; both styles can exist together, each offering its own unique appeal. Ultimately, whether you’re marking numbers on a card or clicking them on a screen, the excitement of calling out ‘Bingo!’ remains unchanged.

Differences and Similarities among Traditional, Online and Electronic Bingo

On a difference front, there are a few key things that set traditional, online, and electronic bingo apart.

Game Play: Traditional vs Electronic vs Online

Traditional bingo relies on the classic pen and paper method, where players mark numbers as they are called in a hall or on a cruise ship. This game has a long-standing history and has been enjoyed by many generations. In contrast, electronic bingo replaces the pen and paper with digital screens, maintaining the social aspect of the game while adding a modern twist. Online bingo elevates the experience further, offering the convenience to play from almost anywhere, with themed bingo boards that create a varied gaming atmosphere.

Social Interactions: Traditional vs Electronic vs Online

When discussing social interactions, traditional bingo remains unmatched, with in-person engagement being a fundamental aspect of the game. Online bingo provides a similar experience, swapping out paper cards for screens. Yet, this shift to electronic formats doesn’t fully lose the communal vibe, as it’s usually played in social settings. While online bingo lacks face-to-face interactions, it compensates with lively chat rooms that replicate the social dynamics typical of traditional bingo halls.

Traditional vs Electronic vs Online

Whether it’s traditional, electronic, or online, bingo brings a special kind of excitement. Each format keeps the fun alive by offering the joy of marking off a line of numbers on the card. The satisfaction you feel when you match the required number or pattern is similar across all types. Nonetheless, online bingo might have a slight advantage in terms of comfort, which can elevate the gaming experience.

For instance, online platforms such as 888ladies bingo provide a great platform to enjoy the game. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience, consider checking out online bingo for extra excitement.

Embracing the Future of Bingo: A Harmonious Blend of Tradition and Innovation

It’s clear that online bingo has revitalized the classic game. This new format introduces modern features like convenience and themed play, while maintaining the social connection that traditional bingo is known for. Each version has its own charm: traditional bingo emphasizes community, while online bingo adds a fresh thrill. As we shift towards a more digital age, it’s important to appreciate both variations and how they enhance each other. This way, the cherished game of bingo can continue to flourish for future generations. Whether you enjoy marking numbers on paper or clicking them on a screen, let’s celebrate the blend of tradition and innovation in this classic game.

What is Worth Knowing About Tile Backer Boards?


Having a well-organized bathroom or wet room is a real treasure. It is in this place that you can perform true wellness, cleanse not only the body, but also the mind. However, in order for this to really happen, it must be a space not only properly decorated in terms of furniture, but also carefully protected from the harmful and dangerous effects of water.

  1. Why is an insulation layer necessary in wet rooms?
  2. What advantages does tile backer board have?
  3. How to install tile backer boards?
  4. What else is worth knowing about tile backing boards?

Having your own wet room is a dream for many people. Let’s learn more about how tile backer boards are an important part of them.



Why is an insulation layer necessary in wet rooms?

Wet areas such as bathrooms and wet rooms are particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of moisture. After all, it is very easy to accidentally roll water there, and there are many times when steam settles on floors or walls. As a result, it is very easy for water to inadvertently start leaking. The result can be rot, expulsion of the structure or other damage. Fungus can also develop, unnoticed, in hard-to-reach places. Tile backer boards are a chance to avoid such problems. They provide protection and are the ideal choice for anyone who values the high quality of their rooms, and at the same time likes to take care of the safety of the structure.

What advantages does a tile backer board have?

pexels-perqued-17840522Tile backer board is much more than just a moisture barrier. It’s also a great material, allowing you to protect your floor from weight. Some tile backer boards, while beautiful, also have tremendous weight. With tile backer boards, you can hold up to tens of kilograms without damaging the surface. It is also an ideal choice for tiling a wall. With them, you can do any tiling project, no matter how complicated it is. It is also worth noting that they provide a flat power surface, ideal for tiling. What’s more, tile backer boards are also a good support for an underfloor heating system, as they increase its efficiency. Not to forget that it is also very durable, long-lasting and relatively easy to install. Tile backer board provides the perfect substrate for tiling projects in your bathroom or wet room. When laying them on the market or plasterboard, it is necessary to mark the studs. When installing tile backer board, always follow the instructions for the specific type of surface. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and not save on materials, so that the construction can serve without hindrance or problems for a long time.

How to install tile backer boards?

pexels-heyho-7746552There is no single, simple instruction for installing tile backer boards. Much depends on what surface they are to be put on. However, it is worthwhile, no matter what, to follow a few important rules. Firstly, the surface on which the tile backer boards are to be laid must be cleaned and repaired. If they are boards, they should be even and free of gaps, if a masonry wall, they should be clean and smooth. Be sure to carefully measure the tile backer boards. If necessary, they can be trimmed. High-quality glue is essential. In addition, it is worth using the right screws. Let’s see how to install tile backer boards in a wet room step by step: after cleaning the surface and measuring and trimming the boards, you can lay them on the wall. There should be 3 mm gaps between them, which are filled with silicone sealant. Then the screws and dowels should be fixed. The joints should be covered with tape designed for this purpose and glue spread. Wet room should also be tested for water resistance. It is worth remembering that proper installation of tile backer boards is crucial to their effectiveness. If you don’t feel you have enough knowledge and skills, you should enlist the help of a specialist.

What else is worth knowing about tile backing boards?

Once you have placed the tile backer boards where they are supposed to go, you can start laying the tiles. The good news is that this can be done quite simply, just like directly on the walls or floor. It’s even a bit easier, because the tile backer board provides an even surface. However, it is worth choosing the product carefully, tailored to what kind of tiles will be laid and what function the room has. To find the best tile backer boards, take a look at https://wetroomsdesign.co.uk/tile-backer-boards. Here you can find a wide selection of carefully selected products that will work best for your wet room. Fast and safe delivery is just an added plus to look out for. You should definitely take advantage of this company’s offer and find the perfect solution for you.

Modern tile backer boards are an indispensable part of any wet room. They not only provide comfort during tiling, but guarantee the safety of the entire room. Note that in areas that require careful insulation, tile backer boards are even essential and provide the best results. It is worth choosing these products carefully when organizing your wet room or bathroom.

Two-tiered Policing: When the Generational Natives Riot Serious Sentencing is Deployed


In a socialist system, the greatest fear is if there is discontent and civil unrest not from those who are of protected status, but from those who are generational natives (white working class people who are generationally linked to the UK). This is the case in Britain, which is essentially a socialist state and is coming close to evolving into a communist soviet state in the near future. Two-tiered policing is now in place to quash the generational Britons because in a globalist communist feudal state ‘nationalism’ is the greatest danger and fear. Britain’s white nationalist Christian generational indigenous population are a forgotten, discarded and neglected underclass for the socialist Big State.

It is okay for example to hold a Hamas placard and call for all Jews to be murdered in cold blood or for a Palestinian protester to piss on the Cenotaph, or burn a British flag, or hold a BLM placard calling for all white people to be killed, but when the generational natives protest for whatever reason, then they are shut down with extreme prejudice.

Rioting Bangladeshi people, rioting Romanians, rioting Bulgarians, rioting BLM supporters, rioting Palestinian supporters, rioting Islamists, rioting asylum seekers are deemed as permissible and the police stand by but rioting generational natives are an element deemed as extremely threatening to the authorities and are dealt with swiftly as well as severely.

British people are in essence a disarmed defeated people, seeing as owning a gun for defence is illegal, and defending one’s property or life by any means is punished to the full extent of the law. One can defend their own life or their family’s lives from attackers and be sent to prison for 10 or 20 years if the attacker is hurt in any way. In most countries, this legal and unjust insanity would be viewed as a crime in itself, but in Britain sadly it is the norm. It’s okay though, the criminals all have guns, it’s just that you don’t.

To bring forth an effective dictatorship, the dictator must first disarm the people, as Hitler did in Germany and Stalin did in Russia and Chairman Mao did in China. Whether it is a communist dictatorship or fascist is moot, the population when disarmed cannot rise up against the tyranny of dictatorship of the Big State, and this is the point of the entire exercise.

The current Labour socialist government is thus being a little more proactive with its plans to move things forward, more so than the previous socialist government under the Conservatives.

The future in Britain will thus be even more blighted than it already is now. Two-tiered policing will be an element to quash any form of nationalism. We can expect to see the Starmer Stasi rising in power exponentially as they prosecute free speech further, prosecute protest from generational natives more severely and effectively move the country further towards full-blown communism, because that is their ultimate goal once they gain a foothold.

Anyone who is a generational native — an English English person — is a huge threat to socialist Britain because they represent a thing called ‘nationalism’ which in the collectivist soviet system is a big menace. Labour is now pushing towards ‘ever closer union’ with the Soviet EU State, and things like ‘nationalism’ from generational white English people is something that must be stamped on and rubbed out immediately. Amongst the Labour hierarchy and lower commissars, English natives are all now deemed as ‘far right’ because these people have nationalistic leanings. It is in fact an interesting and rather ironic point that the Nazis during the 1930s and 40s themselves were socialists and left-wing much like any other socialist government in play today either in the USA (Democrats) or the UK (Labour) but shhh, don’t mention that point to anyone. A clear example of this is the fascist group ANTIFA who claim to be stout communist Marxists but in fact act like fascists themselves, there is very little ideological difference between their brand of so-called anti-fascism and fascism itself, all blended within a communist facade. Political ideologies can be melted together, as displayed by the EU, which is not democratic because the EU Commission who control the Soviet/Fascist state are all unelected by the population. China, despite being a communist dictatorship state, has over the decades dabbled in capitalism which in essence goes completely against the true ideological basis of Marxist communism. The USA under the Democrats is moving away from democracy and is ideologically fully integrating with socialism and Marxism via the Woke route, as is the UK.

Good times ahead in a communist socialist fascist mixed world resembling an ideological mixing pot where democracy, freedom and individual nation states will be dissolved and integrated into a new form of global soviet dictatorship. So dear friends, and enemies, this is why there is two-tiered policing and why freedom and democracy will soon be things of the past.



Career Criminals to be Cautioned on Second Murder Offences


Career criminals with more than 100 previous convictions are being spared jail if they commit murder for the second time, recent records can reveal. If the criminal however murders a third person, they may have to spend a week or so in jail.

Making Britain a Safer Place to Live

“I’m on my second murder, so I am sort of treading lightly at the moment. I mean I don’t mind spending a few weeks in prison playing a PS5 and smoking loads of dope, but I personally like to be out of jail committing crime,” Jebs Shanker, 43, a career criminal from Grimstye, Hull told the BBC.

In more than 4,000 such cases since 2007, offenders have avoided prison for their second murder. The proportion walking free from court has quadrupled in the past 16 years, with an average of five a week being spared jail in each of the past 10 years.

The Ministry of Injustice data reveals that many career criminals have a very good career path in the UK simply because they are enabled and helped to commit crime and murder at every opportunity.

Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, believes that criminals “need to be treated fairly and leniently” so that they can “continue to create crimes to make the UK a safer place to live”.

The Metropolitan Police are to unveil a new initiative informing criminals that they may be arrested after they commit their second murder. Through Social Media and video presentations, there will be advice for career criminals on how to avoid committing their second murder offence.

With the byline “Don’t Murder Twice – You Could Pay the Price With a Week in Prison” the initiative will run concurrently for the next few months according to the advertising agency commissioned to create and promote the campaign.

Commissioner Sir Bumbler Bowley has spoken out about the number of murders with previous convictions: “Britain has never been safer. We have reduced the sentences of many career criminals and are now looking to caution offenders who commit murder for the second time.”

Senior advisers to Labour have suggested that, with police solving just 5.5 per cent of all crimes, a third of the rate of seven years ago, offenders have become “emboldened” by the low chances of being caught, convicted and jailed.

Meanwhile, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has welcomed the effort to caution second-time murder offences, and will tomorrow unveil a plaque in Trafalgar Square honouring zombie knife murderers in the capital city since his inauguration as mayor.

PAY RISE: Train Drivers to Receive 80k Thanks to Labour Unions


Mentioning a soviet Marxist union in the same breath as the Labour Party is the thing to do, especially as Britain’s train drivers are to be awarded another massive pay rise. Buying a train ticket in Britain is a very expensive experience, even if you want to travel for a short journey. One can only pity the poor bastards who have to commute to their work every day and spend the majority of their salary to do so.

Being a train driver is an idyllic and very well-paid job, where you get paid vast sums of money to simply sit in a train for a few hours a day and enjoy the views of the country as it whizzes by. Not only does one receive a pretty decent salary, but there are free travel perks for you and your family, and a gold plaited pension plan. With flexible working hours, and long holidays whenever you wish, life is good for a train driver on an automated train that does practically everything for you anyway.

“I am worth 80k plus all the benefits because when I sit on the train driver’s chair sometimes I can get cramp in my leg during the journey. I move my leg a bit, and it’s OK then, although sometimes the pins and needles I get can be slightly annoying. After a day’s work, I abscond to my luxury home and drive my Ferrari to my local shop to buy some champagne and caviar. This year I will be holidaying in Tuscany at my villa, where I will be waited on by my personal staff. I’m not married, so I can order up an assortment of escorts each night which gives me some respite from the monotony of my job of sitting in my driver’s train and flicking through my phone all day,” a train driver from Chelmsford and ASLEF Union member revealed after the pay rise announcement.

Third World War Update: Primary Players Fuelling Ongoing Conflict


Tensions are reaching a critical point in the Middle East, signalling what could be the beginning of a broader global conflict. Israeli intelligence reports suggest that an anticipated Iranian attack could occur within the next few days, marking a significant escalation in a region already fraught with instability. The third world war has been continually conducted as an economic war and through proxies, but is slowly reaching a stage when the primary players who are conducting this conflict will assume their principal roles.

This Iranian strike either directly or through its many proxies, is expected as retribution for the recent killings of senior commanders from Hamas and Hezbollah—both backed by Iran and could ignite a chain of events with far-reaching consequences, potentially drawing in global powers and pushing the world closer to a third world war.

Israel, bracing for the potential assault, has elevated its military to its highest alert level. The United States shares these concerns, with National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby indicating that an attack by Iran or its proxy groups could happen this week. In response, the US is deploying a guided missile submarine and other naval assets to the region, signalling its readiness to engage if deterrence fails. However, this move risks leaving the Pacific vulnerable, a concern that could embolden China at a time when global tensions are already high. Xi Jinping and the PLA have been itching to take Taiwan for decades, and now that the USA is at its weakest point under lame-duck president Biden is possibly the best time to attack.

The situation is further complicated by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where recent Ukrainian incursions into Russian territory have added another layer of instability. As Russia becomes increasingly embroiled in its war with Ukraine, its alliances with countries like Iran and Syria are also being tested, potentially leading to a broader alignment of powers against Western interests. The escalation in the Middle East could serve as a flashpoint, drawing in nations already involved in other conflicts, such as Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, and possibly leading to a more widespread, global confrontation.

For weeks, international efforts have been made to dissuade Iran from following through with its strike against Israel. The UK, France, and Germany issued a joint statement warning that any retaliation would be detrimental to regional security. Initially, this pressure seemed effective, but recent reports suggest Tehran, under Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, is not backing down.

Within Iran, there are internal debates, with newly-elected President Masoud Pezeshkian reportedly advising caution, fearing that a conflict could destabilise his presidency and exacerbate domestic issues.

Iran’s approach to conflict appears to be shifting. Traditionally, Iran has engaged in indirect confrontations with Israel through proxy militias like Hezbollah, avoiding direct military conflict. However, recent rhetoric from Tehran suggests a growing appetite for risk and a potential shift toward direct engagement. This change could have been influenced by a miscalculation during a missile barrage toward Israel in April, which rather than deterring Israel, may have only escalated tensions further.

The Pentagon’s decision to announce the deployment of additional naval forces to the Middle East is a clear attempt to deter Iran from escalating the situation. However, this strategy comes with significant risks.

Moving these assets from the Pacific to the Middle East leaves other regions vulnerable, particularly at a time when China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea is raising alarms.

Defence analysts warn that this could signal to China and other adversaries that the US may be stretched too thin to adequately cover all global theatres of potential conflict.

As the situation in the Middle East continues to escalate, the world stands on the brink of a broader conflict.

The intertwining of regional tensions, such as Iran’s potential strike on Israel, with the ongoing war in Ukraine, sets the stage for a dangerous escalation that could spiral into a global confrontation. The actions of the coming days and weeks will be critical in determining whether these regional conflicts can be contained, or if they will spark the flames of a more direct and involved third world war.

Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”

Henry Kissinger: “The Delightful Drums of War Beat Louder Every Day”