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Putin Hails Success as Stray Dog Votes For Russian Referendum in Ukraine


Amongst the burned out buildings, bloated bodies and charred human remains, the Russian occupiers have had a hard time finding anyone alive to vote in the sham referendum in the illegally occupied region of Donetsk, Ukraine. Thankfully, a stray dog found barely alive was enlisted to vote for Russian annexation of the Ukrainian territory. Igor the stray, has been hailed on state TV as a Russian hero for voting in the referendum to declare the completely destroyed Ukrainian territory as belonging to Russia.

“We told the dog one woof for a vote for Russia, and two woofs for a vote for Russia. Thankfully, the dog voted for Russia, so as a reward we took him to an open mass burial site where innocent Ukrainian civilians were murdered in cold blood by Russian soldiers. He can now eat as much food as he wants,” Maria Zakharova, Putin’s spokeswoman, revealed on state news.

All across Russia, posters of Igor the Stray have been displayed along with a slogan The Z Dog (Собака Z).

Russian state TV producers are even planning a children’s cartoon series featuring the Ukrainian dog forced to vote for the sham referendum.

Poor Old Dilbert – Cancelled!


The Dilbert cartoon strip, a much-loved mainstay of newspaper columns since the 1980s, has been sadly cancelled by the puritanical, humourless cultural Marxists. Deleted from 77 newspapers by sovietized American publishing conglomerate Lee Enterprises.

Satirising daily office life, Dilbert always gave an insight into what was really going on in the offices of America, but fell foul when the creator, Scott Adams, dared to satirise the ‘woke’ culture currently infiltrating entire swathes of the corporate landscape.

By simply addressing what is going on at any given time, is now a crime amongst the humourless, who cannot laugh at themselves anymore. The so-called tolerant liberals used to be able to have a laugh, but now are devoid of traditional liberal ideals of acceptance and of tolerance, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to due process and equality under the law. They have moved so far left that there is an almost Stalinistic attitude to their actions these days. As Stalin would ‘cancel’ (have people shot or sent to a gulag) anything or anyone around him who held any sort of opposing view or individual thought, so too are the woke Stalinists cancelling anything or anyone who dares to laugh at the ridiculousness of their bastardised Marxist woke ideology.

MAD magazine of course went the same way, and now it is Dilbert’s turn. Blackadder now has trigger warnings all over it, and even George Orwell’s book 1984 has been re-written for the sovietized woke generation with trigger warnings in tow because the original book is deemed as too true in describing the dystopian nightmare of wokism. Thoughtcrime is punished daily by woke censors on social media and the all encompassing search engine that now has the power to skew elections in favour of the far-left communist totalitarian extremists dictating every thought process. Doublethink is now a very real concept and can be heard daily in the orchestrated newsrooms that control all the narrative that you are repeatedly fed.

We are obviously in the midst of witnessing the end of Western free democracy and the beginning of totalitarian communism where there is little or no distinction between the actions of Putin, the CCP, Iran or North Korea. The West has itself metamorphosised into what it used to deride and fight against in the past.

The Insanity of Raising Interest Rates Into a Great Recession


How do you prolong a recession and make it into a Great Depression?  Just follow the policies of the Bank of England and Treasury. Raising interest rates are not good for business or the consumer, plus this tactic will not decrease inflation, but increase it in the long run.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war. The mantle of war is unpredictable, it is a global problem and not domestic, as the idiots who seem to think up policy do not realise. Whatever they do domestically is tweak things while they ignore the bigger picture.

If increasing pain upon homeowners and renters as well as businesses is the plan, then the misguided fools in charge will keep increasing interest rates.

More business owners will go bankrupt, and there will be an increase in mortgage arrears. Landlords will be forced to increase rents to service increased mortgage payments.

We can thus expect mass defaults on loans, thus causing an avalanche domino effect on the already faltering economy. Compounding this financial Armageddon, inflation will continue to rise simply because the cause is a global, external issue and not domestic.

Furthermore, the government taking out vast loans of billions of pounds to artificially increase wages and cushion skyrocketing consumer/business energy costs is a short term plaster that will impoverish Britain’s economy further as well as increase inflation because of increased consumer spending.

Reference 2008, then add multiple percentage points of misery and the increasing of interest rates is an assured recipe for a prolonged Great Depression.

If All Brave Russian Citizens Stood Up to Tyrannical Bullying Thugs




What makes a man or woman brave? Those who stand up and protest tyranny despite being beaten and tortured then put into gulags, or those who stay silent cowering in fear at home waiting to be sent into a meat grinder battlefield?

If all Russian citizens stood up to the thugs, they could save their Motherland from the evil tyrannical corrupt beasts that have bullied their way into power.

There would not be enough police or buses to send away all the protesters to the new Russian gulags. If enough of the Russian population stood up for what was right for their country, they could take it back.

Yes, some blood would be shed, but sometimes the ground must be fed the blood of true Russian patriots and those fascist thugs who have effectively imprisoned and corrupted the great nation of Russia, turning it into a pariah rogue nation.

Only mentally unstable despots who have deranged minds, and schizoid delusions continually threaten atomic global destruction. Russians deserve a leader who is stable, just and fair, and one who does not use the people as cannon fodder in useless wars they can never win.

Rise up with the true Russian spirit to oust these thugs. The Russian population is 144 million. Remember that the hierarchy ruling over you number less than 2% of the population. The army will put their guns down, they will not shoot their brothers, sisters, mothers, father. All it will take is every Russian who wants freedom from this totalitarian fascist Z regime to stand up.

russian protest

Что делает мужчину или женщину храбрыми? Те, кто встают и протестуют против тирании, несмотря на то, что их избивают и пытают, а затем отправляют в ГУЛАГ, или те, кто молчит, съеживаясь от страха дома, ожидая, когда их отправят на поле боя мясорубки?

Если бы все граждане России противостояли головорезам, они могли бы спасти свою Родину от злобных тиранических коррумпированных зверей, которые прорвались к власти.

Не хватит ни полиции, ни автобусов, чтобы отправить всех протестующих в новые российские ГУЛАГи. Если достаточное количество русского населения встанет на защиту своей страны, они смогут это вернуть.

Да, пролилось бы немного крови, но иногда землю надо кормить кровью истинных русских патриотов и тех фашистских головорезов, которые фактически заключили в тюрьму и развратили великий народ России, превратив его в изгоя-изгоя.

Только психически неуравновешенные деспоты, обладающие умалишенным сознанием и шизоидным бредом, постоянно угрожают атомной глобальной гибелью. Русские заслуживают стабильного, справедливого и честного лидера, который не использует народ как пушечное мясо в бесполезных войнах, в которых они никогда не выиграют.

Поднимитесь с истинно русским духом, чтобы изгнать этих головорезов. Население России составляет 144 миллиона человек. Помните, что властвующая над вами иерархия насчитывает менее 2% населения. Армия опустит оружие, они не будут стрелять в своих братьев, сестер, матерей, отцов. Все, что нужно, — это подняться на ноги каждому россиянину, который хочет свободы от этого тоталитарного фашистского режима Z.

EXCLUSIVE: We Reveal the Identity of Family Mediator Harry Called


Prince Harry suggested bringing in a mediator to solve his rift with the rest of the Royal Family, causing Camilla to ‘splutter over her tea’, a royal source has claimed.

“The meeting with Charles and Camilla was extremely awkward causing disbelief and bemusement,” the source revealed, adding that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were late to the meeting which left Charles with just 15 minutes to catch up with his youngest son and daughter-in-law before he had to attend the Royal Maundy Service at Windsor Castle where he stood in for the Queen.

The family friend said: “[Harry] actually suggested that they use a mediator to try and sort things out, which had Charles somewhat bemused and Camilla spluttering into her tea.”

They added the Queen Consort told the Duke his suggestion was ‘absolutely ridiculous’ and that they would resolve their differences within the family.

So, who was going to be the mediator that Harry would bring along to the royal family?

The source added that the person was a very well-known celebrity in the United States, and great friends of the Sussexes.

After revealing the name of the mediator, it is a certainty that Camilla and Charles, including the rest of the royal family, would collectively splutter into their tea in absolute disbelief.

Et voila…the mediator, Oprah Winfrey.

mediator oprah

Russian Naturalists: New Type of Proboscis Monkey Discovered in Urals


Professor Suka Blyatkov, from Moscow University today announced the discovery of a new species of proboscis monkey discovered in the Ural area of Russia. Previously it was assumed the Russian climate was too cold to harbour any form of monkey, however this new discovery has truly astounded scientific teams.

“It is a very aggressive type of proboscis monkey that can endure extreme cold weather. At first, I thought I was dreaming. This thing with a massive nose which kind of resembles a floppy penis came down from its tree, snorted at me then attacked with vicious ferocity. Another characteristic we found was its call. The monkey keeps hooting a sound that resembles the word “nuke”. In the space of five minutes it kept sounding the word “nuke” before fleeing up into its tree.”

The professor also ascertained that the new proboscis monkey was extremely territorial and paranoid. If it at any time it feels threatened, it attacks with full force. Its survival instinct is incredibly pronounced.

“If you get too close to the monkey it immediately attacks without warning. Also, it can gather other monkeys from its troop and order them to attack while it watches safely from its tree. Some would say this is cowardice, but others would rightly call it self-preservation.

“I immediately looked at the monkey, and it reminded me of someone. Hmm, who could it be? Someone who is very famous in Russia. Anyway, I named the monkey Vladimiri putinus, a long distant cousin of the Nasalis larvatus.”

The new proboscis monkey discovery has astounded many Russians, who were all keen to see it when it is on display at Moscow Zoo when it makes its debut in December.

Experts: Putin Will Soon Call Full War With Mandatory Conscription Draft


Yes, Putin has lost 80k plus troops in Ukraine, along with tonnes of armour and heavy equipment, but much like a rat caught in the corner, he is now more dangerous than ever.

“Putin does have an overall plan, as he was baited into this mess by the US and EU in 2014 who meddled with Russia’s influence in Ukraine. When Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych was ousted from his position, the sleeping bear was finally awakened, and now eight years after that event, the globe is truly feeling the repercussions.

“One must understand that World War III started a long time ago, but it will only be a true world war when Armenia and Azerbaijan escalate, as well as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Turkish tensions with Greece are escalating daily, as well as Chinese intentions to invade Taiwan. Once there is overall movement globally and simultaneously, overt World War III can finally be declared.

“Could there be nuclear detonations from the Russian side? Naturally, the biggest fear amongst global leaders is nuclear escalation, but even though Putin has had many setbacks in Ukraine, it would be a serious folly to consider irradiating not only vast swathes of the Ukrainian country but much of Russia as well since the two nations border each other. Detonating nuclear weapons also holds a high risk of escalation into all out nuclear war, where Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is truly a sign of utter stupidity and madness.

“If there are ever going to be detonations of atomic devices, they will most probably emanate from a suitcase bomb planted in some major city. This is a perfect way to cause maximum damage to an enemy yet remain absolved of any blame as there will be no evidence left in the crater. The Iranians are not only supplying the Russians with deadly Kamikaze Shahed-136 delta-wing drones which are causing absolute devastation in Ukraine, but have already enriched enough uranium to arm multiple atomic devices. Technologically, the Iranians are moving fast, developing deadly weaponry to not only fight their enemies but to sell to their allies for huge profits. While Joe Biden has been sleeping on the job, Iran has been given every chance to expand its nuclear program.

“Imagine a suitcase nuke going off in downtown Manhattan? It might not have a large yield, but it would flatten a radius of approximately a few miles, killing at least 100,000 people, as well as irradiate much of the city as a whole. There would be no witnesses at ground zero because they would all be evaporated, and no clues to the perpetrator. Yes, of course there would be candidates to blame for such an atrocity, but without outright evidence, what can any government do?

nuclear explosion

“On 7 September 1997 General Aleksandr Lebed, former Secretary of the Russian Security Council revealed that the Russian military had lost track of more than a hundred out of a total of 250 “suitcase-sized nuclear bombs”. Lebed stated that these devices were made to look like suitcases, and that he had learned of their existence only a few years earlier. Who is to say the Russians have not ‘lost’ more Suitcase Nukes since 1997, or alternatively sold them to either their proxies or whoever waved the most cash? Suffice to say, a conventional nuclear war would not be in Russia’s favour, and if there are ever to be any kind of detonations, they would occur intermittently in any given city to cause mainly economic damage to an enemy more than anything else. One can imagine the panic selling in Wall Street and Chicago if anything as terrible as this scenario would ever take place.

“Russia already has a conscripted army of 400,000 soldiers from the age of 16 – 27, but with the escalation of the Ukrainian war as well as heavy Russian losses, Putin may have to opt for mass conscription, effectively drafting every male in Russia from the age of 16 – 45. In the interests of public order and an air of normalcy in public life, Putin has not yet opted for this strategy of drafting all Russian males, however the time for this approach is nearing every day.

“Despite pathetic sanctions by some Western nations, the malls and supermarkets in Russia are still stocked to the hilt. Companies like GAP, H&M, Apple, KFC, TJI Fridays, Crocs, Burger King, Armani, Lacoste amongst many others still have their stores open to the Russian public. Marks and Spencer still has 48 stores open in Russia. More than 100 EU companies are still operating in Russia, over seven months into the Ukrainian conflict. The Russians have generally circumvented any sanction discrepancies by either copying Western brands completely with their own branding and manufacturing, or are serviced via China, the Middle East or other nations sympathetic to Russia.

“The next step for Putin will be to declare all out war. He will then bring in a mandatory draft for all Russians. Due to the continuing partnership with China and trade of Russian energy resources, the funding for ongoing mass war is secure monetarily, as production of weapons systems will increase to Soviet levels.

“We must almost certainly presume that Russia will once again embrace its Soviet past, and return to communism, joining with its Chinese communist counterpart. This final revision into Soviet Russia 2.0 will complete the final stage in Russia’s development away from Western capitalist ideals and engender a new era of communism. Naturally, the party hierarchy and oligarchs will be integrated fully with their privileges and riches, albeit in a much more stealthy manner, as was the case in the first USSR construct. There will once again be dedicated lanes on Russian motorways only for high party officials, and select shops where the elite soviet members can purchase their Western products. As for the people, they will have to endure being used as cannon fodder in places like Ukraine, and continue living in their shoddy grey soviet era apartment blocks.”

Factors to Consider When Choosing a New Bingo Site


Having too many options can sometimes be just as detrimental as having too few. This is something that bingo fans are surely used to because there is an abundance of operators advertising the finest services over the Internet. This deluge of bingo rooms is simply overwhelming for the honest beginner who wants to sign up for an account but can’t make up his mind. The quality of the bingo room is influenced by many factors, yet we consider that these five are the most important ones.


Bingo is a game of chance and online the outcome is determined by algorithms. You need to be able to 100% trust the software to fully enjoy the games, otherwise, you will always doubt that the game is rigged. To make sure you play on the trustworthy side, you should focus on the bingo room that is licensed and regulated, while enjoying a solid reputation. To determine that, read as many beginners guides as possible, to end up playing with a trustworthy partner.

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Online bingo rooms have a clear advantage over their land-based counterparts because they can offer bonuses. New players are the main beneficiaries because the introductory offers are the most generous, yet there are promotions for active players. There’s no point in signing up for an account at a bingo room that doesn’t offer bonuses, since there are so many out there that do. Just remember to read the fine print, and pay attention to the wagering requirements to know what to expect.

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Payment methods

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Trans Teacher Caught Trying to Milk Fake Breasts


A Canadian high school teacher has sparked controversy after pictures emerged of her wearing large breast prosthetics while teaching students.

Katja Lameure, a Manufacturing Technology teacher at Burnsville Nippoleon High School in Ontario, who began transitioning a year ago, has gone viral online after students took photos and videos of the teacher trying to milk his gargantuan fake rubber breasts.

Weapons of Mass Distraction

One shocked student revealed how during lunchtime, the milk in the canteen ran out. This is when the teacher jumped up, took out one of his fake breasts and tried to milk it over a jug.

“He took out one of those things, and it had a huge fake rubber nipple on it. There were even blue veins painted on the breast, and a considerable amount of thick hairs protruding from the purple nipple. We all just stood there with our mouths open as this dude squeezed with all his might to milk that thing. He even started slapping it around the table and grunting wildly,” the student revealed.

Some students who attend the school have had to receive counselling after the shocking incident.

Naturally, the school board and staff rallied behind Lameure’s huge synthetic breasts being worn amongst children.

“We strive to promote a positive learning environment in schools consistent with values to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all students, staff and the community, regardless of race, age, ability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, socioeconomic circumstances or gargantuan motherfucker sized ginormous fake rubber titties that defy all known laws of physics.”

Queen Funeral: 14th Row Joe Biden Did Not Know Where He Was


Some would say it was an insult to put Joe Biden in the 14th row for the Queen’s funeral service at Westminster Abbey, however the sentiment was lost by Biden himself.

“He did not know where he was or why he was there. Throughout the service he stared blankly at the head in front of him and did not blink once,” Joe’s wife Jill Biden revealed to MSNBC.

Although Joe Biden is extremely anti-British and has effectively ruined the ‘special relationship’ that used to exist between Britain and America, he still made the effort to jump on a plane to the UK for the Queen’s funeral.

“We heard the news that the Queen of England died. Joe was eating his potato mush and immediately spat out a load over his bib, much to his nurse’s consternation. We then had to tell him that as he was ‘The Big Guy’ in the White House now, he would have to go to the UK to represent the United States of America. It took a lot of persuading, because he’s Irish and keeps on talking about the potato famine of 1845. Then one of Joe’s favourite aides convinced him to go by saying he should pretend he is in Ireland and not in England. At least that way, psychologically, he may be able to handle things better,” Jackie Simona, a White House worker, revealed to CNN.

Besides meddling in Brexit affairs, and always being on the side of the EU, Joe Biden has refused to even acknowledge a trade deal with the USA and Britain. He has gone out of his way to thwart any sort of deal and complains about Britain on a constant basis.

One guest at the Queen’s funeral saw Joe Biden in the 14th row, and was intrigued as to why he and his wife had been put so far away from the front.

“I guess it was revenge by the Limeys for the treatment that Joe had given them over the last two years. He (Joe Biden) was just sitting there with a blank look on his face, like usual. He had this thousand yard stare going, as if he was a lifeless corpse. Sometimes a string of drool would fall from his chapped lips, and Jill would take out her handkerchief to wipe it all away. I did not see him blink once throughout the entire three-hour ceremony.”

Joe Biden’s son Hunter was surprisingly not invited to the wedding despite recent video revelations showing him smoking crack cocaine and having orgies with Russian prostitutes.