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The Daily Squib Anthology Book Now For Sale

As the editor of the Squib I can proudly announce that The Daily Squib Anthology From 2007 to 2022 is finally for sale.

Since founding the Daily Squib on April 1st 2007, many changes have taken place on the internet and indeed the globe. This is why this carefully curated anthology encapsulates those changes in a satirical manner. Fifteen years of different presidents, prime ministers, wars, peace and a myriad of little societal nuances that made up that period of history.

Looking for that curious unique gift for dad’s Christmas stocking, or something to read while taking the dump of the century in your toilet, the Daily Squib Anthology is the perfect celebration of our times, good and bad?

Come, join the circus, look at the clowns and listen to the troubadours as they usher in a new era for humanity, horrific yet beautiful at the same time, a glowing paradoxical dystopian paradise entrenched in reality show hell and fake celebrity appearances. All manner of fantastic beasts projectile vomiting over everything daringly encapsulating this curious rare book compiled with the indomitable spirit of Juvenalis in mind, but furnished within a modern 21st century outlook.

A bold erupting satisfying fart into the darkest and illuminating facets of humanity’s wonders, The Daily Squib Anthology is now available to buy direct from the publisher or from Amazon, or from any good bookshop.

Get your copy now, the first 150 are signed by the author.

The book will only be released in paperback.

daily squib book signed

5 Tips on How to Deal With Forced Gender Woke Ideology

The public are truly fed up of having gender and Woke Marxist ideology constantly stuffed down their throats. This nefarious destabilising demoralising off shoot of Marxism is now constantly fed through all media channels, schools, universities, advertising and corporations.

Woke and gender ideology is a technique utilised to demoralise the West and was created by CCP intelligence agents over a decade ago during the Obama administration. The intent is to align the West with Communist Chinese Maoist Marxist ideology, as well as bring an era of communist censorship. Yes, we already know that trans people are humans, and all races are part of the human race. This has been known for some time, and we do not need to have it shoved down our throats constantly. Through the use of cancel culture and mass censorship employed by Silicon Valley controlling conglomerates, all prior societal norms are censored and only Woke/Gender theory are accepted.

So, how does one survive this onslaught? If everyone followed these tips, then the constant attacks could be alleviated for some time at least.

vote democrat 2020 pollsters
The Democrat Party under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is associated with riots, looting, arson, gender woke ideology, China, communism, Marxism and corruption

1. Do not let your children attend any educational establishment that pushes gender woke theory. Do not teach at such an establishment or be employed in any capacity within those places.

2. Boycott all films, series, film companies, music, advertising agencies, TV shows, books, art, news organisations that deploy gender woke ideology.

3. Do not vote for any political candidate in any capacity that is pushing Marxist CCP aligned gender woke theory.

4. Never fall into the trap of discussing or debating the concept because not only are the agents who constantly deploy their gender woke theory completely brainwashed with the Marxist theory, but you may get cancelled by the internet mobs that will be set upon your person. Just pretend it does not exist, and this should alleviate the problem.

5. Finally, live your life. They want to disrupt your life, they want to demoralise you, they want to cancel you for not adopting their communist Marxist gender woke ideology. They want to divide people, to disintegrate society, kill democracy, destroy Western civilisation and mould it into their deranged totalitarian regime of communistic conformity. Simply don’t let them. Live your life away from them. If you see or hear them, just turn it off, move away, avoid.

Five Tips to Relieve Stress

Stress is something that many individuals experience. Several aspects of daily life can increase stress levels, including work, family problems, health issues, and financial responsibilities. Chronic stress raises your chance for illnesses like cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression. Thus, it is essential to understand how to manage stress to improve one’s quality of life. Below are some tips to relieve stress.

Exercise regularly

Moving your body may benefit you if you’re feeling stressed. Regular exercise has been demonstrated to reduce anxiety and depression. Start with easy activities like walking or biking if you are currently inactive. You may improve the likelihood of continuing exercising over time by picking one you enjoy.

Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are helpful

Vitamins and minerals are vital for the body’s ability to respond to stress and control mood. Having insufficient amounts of both may damage one’s mental health and capacity to handle stress, so it’s essential to make sure that you get enough each day.
Aside from supplements, CBD flower can potentially help you feel less restless and reduce anxiety. Some hemp varieties may make you feel euphoric and relax your nerves, which may – should this happen – boost your daily life.

Eat a balanced diet

Every area of overall health, including mental health, is hugely influenced by food. Chronic stress may cause overeating and leaning toward extremely appetising foods, both of which can be detrimental to general well-being and disposition.

The lack of nutrients like B vitamins and magnesium, that are essential in the control of stress and mood, may increase your risk of nutritional deficiencies. To ensure that your body receives the proper nutrition, you should limit the amount of highly processed beverages and meals and increase your consumption of whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and fish.

Self-care is essential

Making time for yourself each day could help you feel less stressed. Walking outside, reading a great book, getting a massage, and doing yoga are some examples of self-care activities. Self-care has been linked to reduced stress levels and better quality of life, whereas neglecting your needs increases the likelihood of stress and burnout. Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated. It simply means taking care of your happiness and well-being.

Deep breathing exercises

When you are under mental stress, your sympathetic nervous system is activated, putting your body into a fight-or-flight response. Stress hormones cause the body to respond by speeding up respiration, the heartbeat, and blood vessel constriction. The parasympathetic nervous system, which governs the relaxation response, may be activated with deep breathing techniques.

Exercises for deep breathing include breathing through the diaphragm, the abdomen, the belly, and at a set rate. Deep breathing aims to slow down and deepen your breathing by bringing your consciousness to it. Deep inhalations through the nose cause your abdomen to rise and your lungs to expand fully. Your heart rate will slow down, as a result, making you feel calm.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it has a negative impact on your physical and mental health if it persists. The good thing is that these techniques can assist you in reducing stress and enhancing your overall health.

Bye, Bye NHS !

In years to come, you will sigh as you say ‘remember the NHS‽’ it will be a distant memory, something cast to the farther reaches of the mind. Some will have fond memories of ye olde National Health Service, others will not.

In true human tradition, anything that is inherently good and supposedly free in this world is eventually abused, corrupted, violated, and plundered.

The NHS was a socialist utopian dream that was not free, though. The money to pay for it had to come from somewhere. Socialists firmly believe that there is a magical socialist money tree somewhere that bears 100 pound notes as fruit for eternity. Yes, it is a lovely thought, but reality is not something socialism as a political ideology close to communism is aware of.

socialist utopia hyperinflation

The Labour government of Attlee, who created the NHS, did not factor in an NHS used by half the earth’s population. Beveridge, who designed the NHS and Benefits system, actually was a eugenicist who stipulated that anyone who received benefits from the state should be sterilised. His lofty thoughts on that matter were unfortunately never adopted.

You see, the NHS as a system can function beautifully within a parameter where the nation’s population is relatively low, but it cannot function where the population is massively enlarged, and mainly consisting of non tax paying perpetually unemployed people.

There is no solution to a hugely oversubscribed entity bleeding money through terminal mismanagement and needless waste apart from complete collapse.

You may think things are all right when you eventually get a phone consultation with a GP in three weeks time, but your three-week wait and two minute rushed phone consultation is a very pertinent sign that all is not well in the NHS. In the 1950s, if you revealed that things would be like that in 2022, they would laugh at you.

Decades of unfettered mass migration into the UK from the world’s poorest countries encouraged by socialists effectively killed off their own socialist NHS dream. Prime Ministers like Tony Blair opened the floodgates into Britain, and the country is paying for this now as the people who came over were not rocket scientists, IT professionals or doctors, they were predominantly uneducated useless economic migrants from the poorest EU countries looking for British benefits…i.e the same sort of people coming over in dinghies from France every day by the thousand.

Okay, in defence of the likes of Blair and the socialists, their overall plan was to gain votes for elections by simply importing them into the country by the million, however with this strategy they did not realise they would not only overload the benefits system, but they would kill off their sacrosanct socialist project — the NHS. Finis!

New Chancellor: “I Think I Pressed the Wrong Button. Sorry!”

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng today conceded that he may have made a little mistake with his new budget.

“Er, I was never very good at maths at school. I don’t even know what 7 x 4 is … (clacking on calculator) … oh, that’s what it is. Anyway, er…I think I owe everyone who is going to lose their home, their business and their entire livelihood an apology. As for the NHS, that’s fucked as well. By next week, you won’t have a pension, a home and an NHS. Oops!”

How did all of this happen?

Apparently Kwasi Kwarteng, who is barely literate or numerate, pressed the wrong button for the economy.

“They told me to go in a room where there were all these buttons and lights flashing on and off. To be honest, it all confused me. Liz had told me to press a certain button, but I am not sure I pressed it because I tripped up, and my arm fell on a panel with multiple buttons. Was it the red button, or the yellow flashing one, or maybe the green one? Oh dear, dearie me!”

Don’t forget to vote Tory next election.

Woman Gave Meghan Markle £5 During Royal Walkabout

Darlene Mucklespout, 43, from Colchester gave Meghan Markle a £5 note while she was on a rare walkabout with other royals after the Queen’s death, it has been reported.

“I heard that Meghan was surprised that she did not get paid for greeting crowds of people whilst in Australia, so I waved a crisp five pound note in her face when she came up to me in the crowd.”

According to Darlene and other onlookers Meghan Markle’s eyes immediately lit up like a pair of newly drafted Russian soldiers both simultaneously stepping on a landmine just after arriving in Ukraine.

“Meghan quickly grabbed the fiver and told me that she does not get out of bed for less than $2.5 million, but on this occasion she would take my money. She literally grabbed it and said ‘gives me that’ which took me off guard. We were all gobsmacked. Me gran, Ada who was in a wheelchair took out a ten penny piece and threw it at Meghan. It fell on the pavement but this did not stop the greedy wife of Prince Harry from scrabbling around on all fours to pick it up to stash in her $12,000 purse.”

Cost of living crisis? Not for some it seems …

Britain’s Enemies Shorting the Pound and Remainer BoE Raising Interest Rates

There are powerful forces at play causing a run on the pound. As it falls daily, the Remainers who have infiltrated the Bank of England whack up the interest rate to add even more misery to ordinary Britons.

You booked your fucking holidays, but now realise your pounds are worth less than the currency value of your destination. Add in the extra £2,500 mortgage costs you have to now pay, this is when you get a chronic case of sphincter knot tightening.

Britain’s enemies are now attacking the economy directly. On one hand, the Russians are not too happy with us, then you have the anti-British Biden crew, as well as the remainers in the City/BoE/civil service, the Soros whales, and of course the EU itself. All of those factions and more are counting on ruining the British economy and profiting off its ruin.

Lest we forget The Great Reset, a future communist utopia where ordinary people no longer own any assets or things. This collectivist nightmare scenario involves a perpetually impoverished population who have had all their assets and wealth stripped so that the 1% can rule over them with an even heavier iron fist from their luxurious palaces and mansions.

Is Britain now a Great Reset Recession experiment? It certainly is increasingly looking like that, because they know Brits are essentially pliant despite every indignity under the sun being foisted upon them.

An Englishman’s home used to be his castle, but with mortgage rates and insane interest rate hikes, there will be no more home or castle. People will be forced to sell their fucking houses. Renters will be forced onto fucking park benches, and landlords with mortgages will all go bankrupt.

Still, look on the bright side, there is no bright side, just a dark dank black shit filled ditch where hope floats around like a huge smelly turd in a sea full of bloated festering corpses.

Interest Rate Hikes: Government Must Prepare For Civil Unrest and Mass Homelessness

As the pound continues its precipitous drop into an infinite black hole of shit, there’s one guy who is enjoying all of this — Soros. Yes, no doubt, the big whale is back, shorting the GBP is something he absolutely lives for, and as he sits in a darkened room with multiple screens and his assistants running around delivering reports, Soros smiles as he notches up another billion to add to one of his offshore accounts.

“When there is no way of getting out of a sticky situation, they put the brown and black people in charge. That’s why Kwasi Kwarteng, the newly appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, is effectively the current fall guy who will take the blame for the economy as the once Great British Pound tanks,” a Treasury worker revealed.

It is nigh on impossible to have any form of growth with high interest rates, a tanking currency, and insane levels of inflation. People will default on their mortgage payments as the daily interest rate rises take up every part of their income. Food, fuel and energy bills will increase.

As a response, it is no surprise that Labour is 17% ahead of the Tories in polls, as the Marxists take advantage of the current malaise in the economy.

The government must realise that the drop in the pound’s value will not only affect imports into the UK, but will also affect the cost of government borrowing. The action of the pound dropping will alone cause inflation to rise even further, as the insane idiots in the Bank of England respond with further increases in interest rates. This will not fix anything, and only compounds the circular effect of economic destruction.

It would thus be advisable for the government to prepare for mass civil unrest. As people lose their homes, their jobs and businesses go bust due to high interest rates as inflation continues to rise, there will be some who will protest. Depending on the severity of the coming economic downturn, society itself could completely collapse.

Drafted Russian Soldier Looks Forward to Spending Christmas in Cold Wet Ukraine Trench

Yuri, 48, a father of six from Siberia, was drafted on Friday. By Sunday, military recruiters forced him onto a bus straight to the front line in Ukraine.

“I was allowed one day with my family, then they forced us onto a bus,” Yuri, recalled.

Because of the mass exodus of drafted civilians from Russia, the Putin regime is now attempting to secure all borders and airports in the country to stop the fleeing men. Any drafted individual caught at a border control area will be immediately arrested and directed to a military barracks.

It’s not all bad news for Putin’s army though, some of the drafted are eager to go to Ukraine and continue the brutal illegal invasion.

Alexei Bolakov, 26, from St Petersburg, described his excitement at the thought of going to Ukraine.

“I was known as the village idiot where I live. My teacher at school, she said I had an IQ of a pebble. That’s ridiculous, I told her because my IQ was officially 24. Hah, that showed her.

“I cannot wait to be stuck in a freezing, muddy, rat infested, wet trench at Christmastime. I will fashion a Christmas tree from a few broken twigs. The sergeant said if we survive for more than three weeks, we get a bonus of 100 Roubles.”

The life expectancy for the drafted civilians is estimated at two weeks.

EU Führer Has ‘Tools’ to Stop Italians Voting For Right Party

The Führer of the Fourth Reich EU totalitarian state, Ursula von der Leyen has warned the Italian people that if they vote in a democratic election for the Brothers of Italy party, led by Giorgia Meloni, the unelected Führer des Großdeutschen Reiches will utilise certain techniques to dismantle the democratic vote of the Italian people.

Speaking from the EU Commission, where unelected faceless EU autocrats dictate policy across the bloc of imprisoned former sovereign nations, von der Leyen revealed that she may set Schutzstaffel and EU Stasi agents on to the Italians in order to ‘persuade’ them to vote for the ‘correct’ candidate.

“Ve already had ze problemen vis der Britisher schweinhunds who had zere EU Referendum vere zey voted in ze largest democratic vote in Englisher history to leave ze EU. Ve tried and tried to thwart ze democracy even our vell paid agents implanted in zere parliament could not stoppen zhose Scheißkerl Tommy’s.”

All the data from the exit polls point towards Meloni becoming the next democratically voted PM in Italy.