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HomeMost PopularScientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man-Made Nonsense

Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man-Made Nonsense

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Scientists at the Institute of Historical Research have finally released their findings after five years of dedicated research.


The scientists, headed by Doctor Julius Sanreso, welcomed the research findings and said that it would be in the interests of those who believe in such nonsense as organised religion or creationism to accept the fact that religious books were written by men as a control system.

“Just think for one second, if ‘God’ or a ‘messenger of God’ had written that particular religious book/bible, how come the writings only occur within a very limited period in human history? Also, consider the fact, that a human writing on a piece of paper, or a few pieces of paper, is not the word of ‘God’. If they were really written by a universal God or entity, the books would not be limited to some pre-medievel costume drama but would encompass all universality, history, the future and science. Language is something created by man, not an all-seeing, all encompassing entity. God would presumably be universal and timeless as well as all-knowing, as is the universe, therefore these man-written books and scriptures, are just that, man-written linguistically created nonsense used to control men and women thousands of years ago. Why would ‘God’ write anything anyway? One must consider the fact that, even now, there are religious zealots and ordinary people still entrenched in a control belief system that is so far removed from reality that it borders on madness. There is no rational or scientific way that organised religions can have a modicum of truth or factual reality because of the very reason that these books are entombed in the time that they were written. These books should therefore simply be viewed as limited parables and historical fiction, as well as a lesson in how millions of people can be so easily controlled.”

The research paper also came to the conclusion that reward/punishment religions, as control systems, were losing their grip on most of the population of the world and only a few die-hard fanatics and delusional maniacs were carrying on with the flame of idiocy.

“The game is up for all religions, how long can this sham carry on, with their ridiculous outdated ceremonies? The priests are deceivers, and they need to come up with some pretty radical solutions to their thousand year old magic trick. People aren’t as dumb or easily swayed as they used to be thousands of years ago, they actually have reasoning powers and can see through the utter nonsense of organised control systems like religion.”

The problem for the world’s political leaders, is that slowly, humans who were controlled for so many years by fictitious writings through generational brainwashing from infancy, may suddenly lose their controlled ‘faith’. This could be quite dangerous, because it would mean that these people would suddenly wake up and realise that they have been fooled for so long by being communally hypnotised.

“We must ensure that the people who have been fooled for so long by fictitious belief systems utilised to control humans do not get too angry when they realise that what they believe in is nonsense written by humans utilising human created language. This could be dangerous for society, so we must either let them carry on believing their fiction or try to somehow support them when they realise the truth,” Dr Sanreso said.

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  1. Show the evidence.

    If you have the evidence then why not show it? Otherwise you Sir are spouting not facts but opinions.. and you call others idiots??

  2. Anyone who starts a written response with ‘Hahahhahahhahah!’ shows their foolishness.
    I tell you what.. Get your Christian buddies to lop off your hand with a meat cleaver, and then have them ‘Pray’ for your hand to grow back.(If you don’t bleed to death first)
    I think you may end up needing one of those ignoramus scientists (A western doctor) to save your hand, and your life. Don’t you?
    To argue the existence of a Deity requires evidence. Evidence that is thus far, totally missing.

  3. The fact is is that science is created by men and can not be trusted as you believe. The bible isnt a human history book therefore human history will be limited. The bible is a mere guide to assist you through life but without faith it’s pointless to try and understand. Its mere riddles to be understood at the time of need. If you think that a man made position such as science can explain any of it or disprove the truth of the bible, then you are sadly mistaken

    • People walking on water, super human feats of metamorphosis, talking burning bushes and flying humans who can turn water into wine. These are fairy tales and not to be believed, just like talking snakes and curing lepers. You are a brainwashed moron with no reasoning or logical sense. In fact you are a severely mentally disturbed individual who needs to visit a mental institute to be locked up.

      • Wisdom is to ask why do you believe it not telling people they are mental you must be a young person one day you will realise and know how to make people listen to why you don’t believe something wisdom and maturity is how we react to others beliefs and to be kind and gentle

    • Another sheep with no will to try to learn and understand. Its people like you who blindly follow any faith that I feel sorry for. You’ve wasted your whole life.

  4. The fact is it would be difficult to imprint new Ideas on humans past their early teens. Religion has always been proactive engaged the young at an early age. That is the secret of the success they had in the past. We are all imprinted by some world view but remember our parents and education chose our imprint path for us. You can point out to adults how you think their belief is flawed but challenging anyone’s world view is very self defeating. By late teens most human brains will be frozen in time with the learned imprint collected from their formative years.

    • You cannot group religions and the teachings of those spiritual greats (Jesus, St Mary, Buddha, etc) together in the same category. Religions are created by men, and today, they are filled with people who are terrified that they will end up in hell if they don’t believe – that is, BLINDLY believe – in what somebody has told them to believe. Nearly all or all of these beliefs that they base off their sacred texts are actually nowhere to be found in their texts, and they have assumed every one of their beliefs, which men created, as the meanings of the things that are said in the Bible, despite them not having anything in common.

      A typical example is “Jesus is the Son of God.” Show me where he EVER says that! The closest proof I have ever been shown that Jesus is supposed to be the Son of God was terrible far away from proof, it was his disciples asking him if he was the Son of God, to which Jesus replied, “You say that I am.”

      He is, in fact, the Son of Man, just like he says he is.

      So religions are incredibly wacky institutions filled with willful ignorance.
      Just because they talk about Jesus and say all these things about him which are just plain silly, doesn’t make Jesus actually that way. If you examine things for yourself, you will see that these spiritual greats were actually INCREDIBLY intelligent and had Wisdom that far, far exceeds ordinary men on Earth, including the smartest men such as Albert Einstein. (Fun fact: Einstein said the Torah was higher science than our modern one that he helped create the understanding of. So is he an idiot or a genius? You can’t have it both ways).

      • Try reading john 3:16 it states that God says he gives his only begotten son
        Also try luke 1:26-38 where in verse 35 it states that Gabriel the messenger of God states the holy child you give birth to will be called the son of God

        • Utter bollocks. I have read that nonsense and it is absolute bullsh1t. There is no link to any reality and is akin to fairy tales told by people around a camp fire many years ago. Utter bull crap.

        • Uh be careful you are quoting what a MAN wrote. God never said a word. This was all written to give a guilt complex to people that wanted to follow it and be controlled.

      • Jesus is not God’s Son in the sense of a human father and a son. God did not get married and have a son. God did not mate with Mary and, together with her, produce a son. Jesus is God’s Son in the sense that He is God made manifest in human form.
        “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being.”

  5. Grab any Harry Potter book read the first sentence or page, go to the middle of the book and read any sentence or page, and finally go to the last sentence or page of the book and read it also. Tell me how many of you who haven’t read the whole book, know what happened in the story by just reading what I’ve challenged you to read only? Read the book people. Then we might actually have a better discussion with greater understanding and less useless opinions.

    Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
    To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)

    Until now, few of you knew that the Bible states this verse. And, yet, here you are talking about “religion”, not even knowing what the BOOK itself says “religion” really is. You are all talking about foolishness of this world and traditions of men which, the Bible stresses, GOD detests.

    The Bible has been proven to be,historically, archaeologically, and geographically accurate so, people really have to start doing some “digging” before calling a human bone some imaginary “prehistoric ape”. Archaeologists have used God’s words as a map to find places and objects that they, accurately, describe . YES, they found all kinds of stuff. The split rock, where water gushed out to quench the Israelites’ thirst, was found exactly where it was said to be. RESEARCH THIS STUFF!! The Bible is amazing! The Bible even speaks of “GIANTS actually walking on the earth”. Now guess what we got in some of today’s museums that we just so happened to dig up… you guessed it! Giants! Well… their skeletons of course. GO FIND OUT, Free your minds by filling it with the “Truth” that you have, for so long, denied.

    Now, this may not be enough evidence to prove God for you, but the Word of God definitely stands firm in it’s historical, archaeological, and geographical accuracy that really can’t, or shouldn’t, be denied, even though people do and will, but that’s due to the lack of studying.

    Now, the idea that we humans think we need no authority higher or greater than ourselves, is, in my opinion (not that it matters), the exact reason for why it’s there in the first place.


    ‘Govern’ = Control + ‘ment’ = Mind
    Government = Mind Control… hmmm….

    I believe they are supposed to control what we know, think, and, believe, but so long as it goes according to the Word that God says to believe and follow. Clearly, like the bible says would be the case, the leaders of this world aren’t doing a great job leading.

    But, my point is, control is necessary for all to live as equally and fairly as possible… Again, our world leaders aren’t doing a great job.

    People deny GOD because of the fact that they don’t want to be told that what they do is wrong and does have consequences. They, ironically, can’t stand that GOD has given them the free will to do as they please! They can’t stand GOD because they see things happening in the world and wonder why He doesn’t intervene. Gosh, so, we mess up and blow stuff up and then expect God to clean it up for us right then and there; Right now. Who the heck do we think we are? Have we, as a people, really become so arrogant? Are we that mighty? Are we that ignorant to what GOD has already done for us on the cross?

    The Blood of Christ was shed for those sinners back then, us sinners now, and all sinners of the future that believed/believe in Him as the Messiah spoken of in old testament scripture. .
    Live your life given here on this earth and enjoy it, but also remember that first comes death and then, comes Judgement. Everything that is taking place now is what we will be judge for when that time comes.
    Jesus Christ said that there is no greater love than to die for a friend. GOD’s real people are dying for Him everyday all around the world. Just because people claim to know GOD or to be part of some “religious cult”, doesn’t mean that GOD will know you.

    Matthew 7:22-23
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works?
    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

    This goes for anyone that He doesn’t approve.

    So Believe in Christ and repent of your sins; carry your cross daily. By looking right outside of your window, you can see evidence of GOD. You are without excuse, Creation proclaims a Great Creator does exist. We need to stop being blinded by the lusts of this world and our sins. Call out to Jesus, and ask Him to renew you mind and to help you know Him. Do Your Research On Him. Historians outside of scripture, or outside of any biblical ties, have even recorded His existence and the claims that He and the people at the time made. There’s just too much evidence to deny, but most will deny anyways.

    That’s life…

    God Bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s Word, The Son of God.

    • You are insane. Please check yourself into the nearest mental institute for immediate assistance. Not only for your sake but for others.

    • This guy is somebody who isn’t afraid of the unknown. He points out very valuable concepts that are necessary if you want to be taken seriously or seen as intelligent. You need to look around you with your eyes wide open. Putting blinders on your eyes to block out anything you don’t already agree with is how people become hardened idiots.

      Now, Manolo Morales, you mustn’t forget the other members of the divine.

      When Christ’s followers asked him when he would return, he said “Elijah will first come again to RESTORE ALL THINGS – to be sure, Elijah will come first – and when you see the fig tree blossom, you will know that summer is nigh”

      For anyone who is unfamiliar with Elijah – he is the most powerful and greatest person on Earth at that time – even higher than Jesus – according to Jesus’s OWN WORDS. Instead of practicing total compassion to all, even those who do evil to you, he performed many good miracles, but also actively eliminated evil. While everyone else had to die to be able to reach Heaven by eliminating their attachment to life and fears of death, Elijah didn’t. He was able to become righteous to the point that the Gates of Heaven opened up, and a chariot of fire was sent down to receive him, and he was then taken up into Heaven, alive, by way of a whirlwind.

      Jesus said that John the Baptist WAS Elijah – he said it just like that. Apparently, Elijah incarnated again as John the Baptist. It makes sense that he is the highest, for how could anyone lower than Jesus pass on the things TO Jesus through baptism, and how could he guide somebody who knows more than him? That’s why Jesus said “Of all those who were born of women, there is NONE greater than John the Baptist.” He did NOT say, notice, that “I am the greatest, even above John the Baptist.” Also, fun fact – Jesus never even once said he was the Son of God. Others said that about him, yes, but Jesus wasn’t as confused as the others, and he always said, “I am the Son of Man.”

      John the Baptist, or Elijah (which means ‘Yahweh is my God’), was indeed guiding Jesus. This is evidenced again when Jesus is on the mount and became transfigured and radiant – when his body became divine. During this event, his disciples saw two other figures appear. One was Moses, who had already done his job and had already saved many of the Jews to his paradise, and the other was……you guessed it….Elijah! Today, it is said that these two represented the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah), but that actually isn’t correct. Moses was the prophet and Elijah created the Law, but let’s not get into that right now.

      So, Elijah will return again to restore all things, right? Let’s turn the globe around and see what’s going on in India. Buddha also taught his disciples to remove their attachments. Since Buddha Shakyamuni is a Buddha, which is one type of God, of course he required strict improvement of morality, just like Jesus did. He, too, had to leave by way of nirvana (death of the flesh body), just like the Biblical prophets (like Jesus – the Son of MAN). He had his disciples abandon all material possessions, so that nothing would be in their minds, and they could concentrate and achieve stillness in their meditations, which was how THEY cultivated.

      One day one of his disciples asked, “Venerable Master, when will we be able to cultivate to Heaven without having to leave all our things and the ordinary world behind us?” Shakyamuni thought for a minute and then said, “For that, you will have to wait until the Holy King Who Turns the Wheel descends to this world.”

      There is a phenomenon in the East which symbolizes that a great Tathagata, a King of Law, will descend from the Heavens to Earth in order to save people. The “udumbara” flower, which is very tiny and very beautiful, will bloom. It is not of this earth and is a celestial flower, and the last time it bloomed was when the Buddha walked the Earth. but, it has been blooming in our modern times, in our recent times, and it has been found in the strangest places, like blooming on people’s windowsills, on pieces of rope, or on Buddha statues. You can verify all of this by watching major media channels in developed Asian countries, like South Korea, who have reported this phenomenon. What’s MOST peculiar, is that the “udumbara flower,” when translated into English, is “fig.”

      Elijah has returned again as the Holy King Who Turns the Wheel. The Jews call this the Messiah, the Christians and Catholics the Lord and Savior, the Easterners the Lord Buddha, etc. He’s here, today, and he has given everyone a chance to practice and ascend to Heaven. Though there are many transcribed copies of his lectures scattering the internet, his main text, which is a systematic method that one can use to improve one’s moral character to levels higher than ordinary people. The book’s name in English is “Turning the Law Wheel.”

      China has, since July 20, 1999, made this practice which centers around Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance, completely illegal. Their lies to frame it as evil have spread all over the world. The Chinese media used to promote it as a miraculous practiced which has healed so many people of their impossible-to-cure illnesses, but then they started this persecution against the practitioners when their numbers grew larger than the number of members in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They are routinely arrested, illegally, beaten, and tortured sometimes to death. They are, in fact, doing another holocaust, and they have been for 17+ years and counting. Except this is the most severe and most wicked “holocaust” the world has ever seen. They command doctors to remove the organs of these practitioners – who are strapped to a table – while they are living, and they are not allowed to use any anesthesia. Then the organs are sold for profit on the market. The UN has recognized this, and China won’t answer where all these new organs are coming from. The US House of Reps unanimously passed something calling for an immediate end to this. Anytime something awful happens in China that is newsworthy, coincidentally, there are things like mass shootings or terrorist attacks in other parts of the world.

      Why are there such evil things that the CCP is doing to these peaceful practitioners who seek righteousness? Because it is the Truth, the teachings of the Lord Savior that can truly, actually guide people to high levels and be saved.

      You know something curious that I noticed? The day that Elijah is celebrated is also July 20….

      Don’t miss your chance, this opportunity is what you’ve wanted, and it is knocking on your door. Sometimes, you only get one chance.

  6. I admire those who gave all the power of the universe to a “God” who has been forced unto them by repetition and brainwashing. And I really have a problem with the religious radicals and super-fanatics. Why? Because they could kill me just for not believing in their religions.
    Ah, and all IN THE NAME OF GOD…

  7. You have a point. It HAS been all about CONTROL from day one. Now we have these Marxists (disguised as “Progressives’/Democrats”) controlling us. They have no God and NO religion, ONLY their own society of deceivers out to control us all. They control the money, the media (they even have Oprah Winfrey –another celebrity BILLIONAIRE in their inner circle –coming on TV to extoll the “virtues” of their sick, delusional, Marxist dream of CHANGING America, they make the laws, they use every Government agency and media outlet as a tool for CONTROLLING anyone who stands in their way. They plant and pay (very handsomely) people in positions in the media and on TV who will carry out their sick propaganda without opposition. Anyone who opposes them is dealt with as they see fit. Fired, humiliated, forced to resign, trashed by all of them and their friends as being “a lunatic/ fanatic, right-wing nut job, homo-phobe, radical or whatever the term du-jour is that day. With all of the extremism coming from the pseudo-Marxist (formerly Democrat) Party and their MSM idiots, I don’t blame people for trying to believe in the concept of a God who will, one day, come back to avenge the mistreatment of so many by the few who see themselves as God.

    • You have half of the true. Atheism is one of the newest religions, and as such, is all about criticizing “the others,” BUT, to hope that a God will solve humanity’s problems is just letting a minority to control our minds and existences — and make a buck out of here — all based on an illusion.

      • Atheism indeed has never been present in any civilization on Earth except now. Some will say it’s because we’re more advanced than ever, which, frankly, is so far from the Truth. Check out any of the numerous ancient artifacts, technology, inventions, etc that are older than our Stone Age. Or, if you can’t believe humans have been around for that long, look at the Romans! Discovery Channel just covered a mysterious goblet that would change color from green to red depending on where the light was, and nobody could figure out why for a long time. But then, they discovered the Romans had the means to create things on the nanoscopic scale, wayyyy smaller than microscopic. And they used nano machines to do it.

        God(s) or Buddha(s) won’t solve the problems for us. We fell this deep of our own doing. If it wasn’t for their incredible, immense mercy, we would all be instantly annihlated for the heinous level of morality we have now. The universe would just metabolize us and excrete us as any other life form would do.

      • By definition, Atheism is not a religion.

        It has no tenants, rituals or beliefs and is just a non acceptance of the extraordinary claim of the existence of supernatural Gods.

        If someone does not believe in ghosts, are they now, according to your standards, part of
        a ‘Ghostatheist ‘ religion. lol

    • Yes, the Communism in the world has seeped into even our culture in the form of welfare and free hand-me-outs. The worst, though, is the idea that life is supposed to be “a struggle”, and that one has to struggle against others. So we’ve created our lives to match that. Ick.

  8. It is not even an issue worth discussing. It is about control of the messes making more money, greed and power. Why would so mighty god always need a human translator or books to communicate to anyone? Even the bacteria that controls the most life in known universe, (maybe Universes) do not need books to make you do what ever they desire without any books.

  9. If it had been the word from a god, it wouldn’t have been in human language, but in some type of symbols, that would have given each person who looked at it, their own personal message from the god. But that’s not the case is it?
    “If you don’t eat your meat, how can you have any pudding”…

  10. And what kind of credible fact do you have in the bible. Besides, the bible is not adapted to today. Many things have been interpreted differently to save its face. But look, the man has to be th main provider is silly now. Women work, they want to, theyhave an education and many do earn more than their partner. Can you imagine a CEO in banking, would could she marry to fit the bible text? Another bank CEO, what a celebration of love…..

  11. Insanity is believing that your hallucinations are real. Religion is believing that other peoples’ hallucinations are real.

  12. Logically something from nothing makes no sense. Getting from 0 to 1 in a state of no outside forces baffles the mind. For any particle, any gas, let alone whole systems with organic life to evolve in any which way to actually BE when it’s accepted there had to be nothing all around at some point. Nothing can explain that. You can explain all day after the fact, how the galaxies formed, how the orbits came to be. Even how stars work, their age, and burnout point. All impressive, but it skips the origin, the unknowable and is a truth only after the fact.

    Truth is stranger than fiction for me. Anything is possible, it hurts the head real bad like to think like this Og wanna smash thinky thing on wall but hurt same, only different now. I don’t know if there is a God, or an after the fact entity that would be a God to us in what can be done but just a more capable product of this chaos like us. Maybe God is that event, thus it’s ever presence, for all is after the fact, all is of “God”. Heavens and Earth.

    I don’t believe this arguable “God” penned any books. Or took special notice of us in the whole of infinity. I strongly believe in the absence of fact (and mine/ours however you might word it is a tall freaking order to have filled!) , imagination rules.

    We are just the same of it. Role not as big as ego might have it. Stories and myths and all sorts of fantasy mashes into a nice stew of lies.

    There is no wrong in thinking of issues above your station. King size me. God size me. It’s certainly damaging to assert those thoughts in the smaller world your day to day reality is trapped in. That’s the venom. Fear,shame,pride. Based on what? Someones musings to an impossible thing? Keep that spirit of questioning, it’s not religion, it’s not irresponsible or wrong. You gotta care for our small place (Earth and each other) though if you ever want to propel yourself to realize bigger things. In all likely hood it’s a damned venture that will get us nowhere. Yet why shouldn’t we still try and at the very least love the journey.

    I hear God I no longer think Christians, Jews,Muslims or any of the imaginations of men. I add and o and make it Good. I try to live that way, treat others that way, and I hope to die that way. If my experience in chaos is over with the death of my vastly undercapable computer then so be it. I hope they don’t poison the Earth by embalming my corpse for viewing and the worms that form the last thing to go through my head have a feeling I enjoyed my journey by. This guy’s brain tastes GOOD. Full of vitamin thinky thought and fiber for smooth castings!

    We are special in a way. In that we are slow on the uptake that most everything else we share this small rock with seems to have figured out lol. I can see our alien contact. A whole litter of humans? So cute! Aren’t you special! Here, helmets and knee pads for our special friends to walk safely in. We will fix that atmosphere. CFC’s for hairspray. Silly willies. Oh yes we will fix that right up for you. Whose a good boy. You are that’s right.

    • He’s making a list, He’s checking it twice!
      He’s gonna find out whose naughty or nice.
      Satan’s claws are cooomiiiiiiing doooooown.

      Jesus taught us to not be materialistic, so let’s celebrate his birthday with the most materialistic holiday of the year! And we’ll make the hero who brings us all this materialism some guy whose name appears almost exactly like Satan!


      Perfect! And then, we can go to a rock concert that we call church, and scream and unleash our demonic-sides to work the buzz off. And then, we’ll pray away the bad things we’ve done. Can’t wait till next Christmas!! Happy Holidays!

  13. I’ll add something here, I was always unsure of religion I went to church a couple times I researched all I could on the internet. Well I was reached out to by spirits who accually interact by touch. they can feed the experience into your nervous system this alone proves there is an afterlife. I was skeptical at first but the proof is there at least for me. No I do not have any mental or physical illness this is wide awake daily experiences. Using a medium I have been able to find out that its my wife/soulmate who has crossed over and is waiting for me to finish my final life here on earth to be with her. The spirit world is very real, just religion has been manipulated to control the masses. Good luck to everyone in figuring things out for yourself.

    • In my opinion, I think god is real, but religions are not, and there is an afterlife. Even though I think there’s no religion, I will stay a Muslim because I know that at least god exists.

  14. actually, what you are talking about isn’t really islam, it’s just muslim people who aren’t right in their head. And there are a lot of other people not right in their head too, of other religions, but sadly a lot of the majority of undeveloped/backwards countries consist of muslims.
    Im a muslim myself, and I do say that half of them are completely crazy but not because of what ISLAM has taught them, but rather because of the society they live in etc.
    The Quran and Islam itself NEVER states to do anything like forced marriages etc., it’s all created by people living in a specific area and society.
    So you can’t really generalise muslims like that, maybe countries because of the mindset of people there, but not religion.
    I as a muslim have saved countless lives of people, animals and children, have multiple welfare organisations taking action against causes, am HAPPILY married to the person I fell in love myself with and do ALL of that following the basis of my religion, Islam, exactly how it tells me to. If all those stupid people were to ACTUALLY do what their God has told them too, i swear this world would be full of rainbows and unicorn dust because of just how beautiful and loving the message of Islam really is.
    So i don’t blame you for getting muslims wrong, but it’s not the religion that’s bad, it’s just the people themselves influenced by the wrong society.

    • It’s not beautiful and loving at all. The core message is ‘if you don’t believe in God you will be punished’.

      When the core message is ‘non-believers are bad people worthy of punishment’, it’s not a good start.

      And the sexism is awful, women only allowed half what a man has regarding inheritance, men being ‘a degree above’ women, twice the women needed to be witnesses, than a man, being allowed to marry up to four wives, (while the reverse is not allowed), being allowed to marry a non-muslim IF one is a male, but not if one is female.

      And of course, a man is permitted to have sex with his slave girl, and is allowed to hit his wife if she doesn’t do what she asks.

      But of course, any other line in the book about treating women with respect, sugar-coats any of those lines doesn’t it?

      Now as you say, regarding certain things in the Quran (and the same goes for any other religion like it), people can interpret it differently. But why would the supreme god of the universe, who can do anything, and who apparently helped create the Quran, not make it so it was clearly understandable by everyone, and not open to any interpretation?

      Is god not capable of creating a book in which the mesage can’t be interpreted wrongly?

  15. my experience

    i recently had some sort of message delivered to me im not one to make this stuff up took me a while to realise that it was a message not something trying to posess me or something i kept blocking it out for about 3 weeks it felt like intense energy vibrations making my whole body shake sometimes what i was seeing and feeling was energy and how it moves in different ways giving different feelings and how you can i think i was given this message because im not often calm and stress myself out worrying about what is to come after death i still dont know but in my head i could see the energy was in colours of just blue and red and moast of my life i have not let my energy flow freely causing myself to not act as myself and be a really withdrawn person anyway enough about me

    what i believe the message was

    the message was that death will come eventually and dont waste your energy on worrying about something that you cant possibly know just live your life and make the most of it because it will eventually come to an end so try not to wast a moment being depressed or unhappy because that is time of your very existence wasted just be yourself dont worry about being judged by others dont let things like that stop you form being who you want to be also we need to become familiar with our higher senses and find out what they can do

    i do believe that the writings and ways of religion is wrong and just made up by man christians killed 1000s of people and tortured people into believing and in the bible it says thou shall not kill well the way the religion was formed was thru torture and killing and giving people no choice but to say they believe then the lies are spread 1000 years later and the bible we know says all this good sounding stuff but you just think back to history of how it was started totally against what it says is right i think when religion is all gone we will basically evolve when we all realize the truth

  16. it is good,investigating religions with fact,but our research should focus on the fact as well,if not it may hurt the endless knowledge which always updates.
    as i see,the research focus on the identity and existence of god,but if focusing on facts,before that we should to know our first father if so,father of father ………………father of father and father of whom?is he had been created from nothing?if not who is the first father,on the basis of fact,and what can be logic?
    we are physicals who don’t know our origin,which can understand with our logic,if so,it is poor logic researching about the existence and identity of god, so,if we get the father of the origin,from where comes the origin ,and if we get so,the origin,origin and origin……………………………………………………….origin,from where the last origin it is?so,in the presence of not knowing ourselves origin based on the fact which our mind can accept,it is very difficult to deny and conclude the identity and existence of god!!!!!

  17. There was a mistake in the translation of the ancient records regarding the promise of one man receiving 72 virgins in paradise upon death. The correct translation is that each man will receive one 72 year old virgin in paradise upon death.

  18. hmm something strong to think about. But yes, always as an individual I thought how can there be no miracles by God / Creator to save the oppressed who are suffering in the name of religion. How can the God / Creator not help his own children when they are being bombed or killed in Africa, Middle-East and many more countries to name? There has to be an awakening!!

  19. Is there anyone out there who could advise, according to the story, how soon after Noah completed the building his Ark did the rains come?

    I ask this to understand how kangaroos, who have only ever existed in Australia, managed to get to the Middle East in time to check-in. A lot of hops would have been involved.

    • I always thought the flood was only ever supposed to have been in a relatively small region and not world wide.
      Aren’t some bible stories embellishments of real events?
      It seems quite likely that a person called Noah collected some of his animals together and saved them from a flood.
      Then the story grew……

    • All these stories found in holy books are just tales. Scientists could not find proof that all the messengers and prophets of god exist. They were able to find fossils from millions of years ago, but not trace of a person from 5000 years?

    • Except that psychiatry is based on empirical findings, rather than just what some 2000-year old book says.

      Empiricism is the one thing that sets science completely apart from religion.

      With science– you begin by collecting facts, and maybe a loose prediction of what your findings will be (so long as you are willing to abandon this early hypothesis if further testing invalidates it). Your final conclusion is one based on what was observed in reality and under testing.

      With religion, you begin with the conclusion, and then proceed from there to try and find evidence that fits that conclusion, while throwing out any that does not support it.

      Science is self-correcting, in the event that mistakes are made or wrong conclusions are reached. Peer review ensures accuracy over time.

      Religion is non-self-correcting, and its believers will continue to make the same mistakes, year after year, century after century, because there is no baseline in reality by which to compare “fact” from “fiction”.

      • A science which relies upon ‘Physical facts’ and the ‘Religion’ of ‘Empiricism’ is as bad as any so called ‘Religion’.

        If you restrict yourself to a definition of ‘Facts’ derived only from the evidence of the five senses, you assume that this is the whole of ‘Reality’! Not very scientific in my view!

        • Well, your view means shit – because that’s what science is. And science gave us electric and modern medicine – not your “view”.

          • Yeah! Keep believing! Science is still a belief system like all human views.:-) Beliefs are part of the furniture. We use them, in every thought.

          • pardon me, science for most is factual. Science is based on that.
            If you think that glucose being mainly controlled by glucose input, insulin and glucagon for example, is a beleif, that light is energy etc…. them then just go to lala land

          • All scientific ‘Facts’ are only provisional – open to change or reinterpretation. They are ultimately ‘Ideas’ within conscious minds. Like a definition of ‘La La land’ is.

          • Well, you can always say it, but that is a complete delusion. And you probably have a lack of scientific eduction to make the statement you made.
            Yes there is exploratory science and fields where uncertainties do exist is frequent that is why it is called science reserach. Social science, health science and, space sciences etc… are full of that.
            But a large part of science is rock solid room. There is no room for interpretation. Things can be repeated controled, replicated, cross checked, by many scientist all over hte woeld and they will come to the same conclusions.
            The latter by the way, in contrast to religion, several religions are present, and within each of them, religion are notorious for interpretation leading to disagrements. the issue is, nothing can be check or tested, all is interpretation of lines in a book.

          • Yes, it IS difficult to argue against those things that relate to the ‘evidence of the physical senses’. This is (largely) the arena that science restricts itself to. How can one argue with that etc. But, if one says; that reality as a whole, or in fundamental terms, is defined by the physically perceived aspect of it – then we surely deny validity to the phenomena of consciousness. Such a science, even views our consciousness as a collection of physical interactions.

            To quote yourself.. in another answer you gave….

            “…there is mystery, a force, something is going on, matter is here, where is it from, it is crazy!
            A big question, But I can’t put God as an answer”

            So come on… you think there is ‘something else’ besides that which a physically oriented science focuses on! And there is plenty of ‘Evidence’ – within consciousness – to indicate this is so. But, this is not apparent when one requires explanations of reality to always have ‘Physically perceivable evidence’

            You are correct. I don’t have a ‘scientific’ education. And for that reason allow myself to think outside of that paradigm. I’m content with my understanding of reality.
            I don’t dismiss the scientific approach, but I can see where it relies on assumptions. (That physical reality is an ‘objective’ reality, for example)

            Those that rely on it should ponder how acceptance of any viewpoint, can inhibit further understanding. This applies to all of us in my view!

            To be clear – I’m not arguing for the religious view of reality here.

            Thanks for sharing your views!

  20. The light is a lie, the words are lie, and everything you have ever been taught is a lie. From everything you believe to everything you take for granted. Things are not what the government told you, or has ever told you, and that goes for their science to their religion. It is all lies, wake up to the nothingness and eternity of consciousness. Death is only a step, this is a step, it is a process, but one that will soon end if we do not do something different. For thousands of years we have let evil live, and it is time for a change, because look at the destruction they have brought to this world. All I know is that I am not the one that stole what they had that would be government and every governmental agent. Wake up and see the truth for who the criminals really are and have always been.

        • The only thing we can verify 100% is the existence of our own consciousness. I think therefore I am. Material is fundamentally empty space and waves. “It will remain remarkable in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world lead to the scientific conclusion that consciousness is the ultimate reality” – Alain Aspect.

    • there is lot of crap going on, many things we do not know, yes.
      But my dear, I do not know what you smoke, but it must be very strong

      • I rather walk on my feet with the devil by my side, then on my knees as a slave in front of an imaginary god of gold or greed or government.

        Walking. (looking at footsteps.)

        I walk this land and cross a beach and look back and see a broken set of prints leading to me.

        I remember my hard time, and told that you held me, but it never felt like that, it felt like you were not there.

        I look and see this broken set of prints and always seems to be in my time of need, and you said you held me, then why did I feel so alone?
        I look and wonder about that second set, and you never seemed to be there when my heart got broken, and I needed a shoulder to cry on, it did not seem like you were there.
        I rather walk with the devil and know that those steps are both mine and his and have him there in my times of need, and not on my knees.

        I rather know that he was there then tell me it is not as it seem.
        I rather walk as a free man upright and with my own footsteps and see two steps when I look back.

        I rather know that he was there in my time of need, then the claim of him not having faith in me to walk beside him.
        I rather walk with the devil by my side and 2 sets of footprints in the sand, then one that claims he works in mysterious ways.
        And wants me to praise him on my knees as a slave.

        I am no slave to god, gold, or government.

        I walk free, and if that means it is by the devils side, then it must be.

  21. Science , I am afraid to say , is itself a religion. Quite a dangerous one at that. Therefore , this study only “proves” itself to be a big old heap of Darwinian dung. I have no religious inclination at all but I have to advise that science <>past this bible bashing constant droning on and on.

    • How is science a religion? what the fuk is wrong with you??
      So you get sick and get some amoxicillin, and that is some how a religion? Science is about natures law, fuken idiot!

      • Oh my word. My point has just been beautifully illustrated, thanks for that.
        That irrational , defensive , nonsensical response is exactly what I would expect from a true believer.
        Aside from treating your bacterial infections and all that, where is nature or the law in the modern myth of climate change? I think science is a wonderful thing, but I do not like this elite, exclusionary, corrupt system in which it resides.
        Have a look at these links and just take some time out to actually look into the current state of science.



        Scientific studies have proven the academic , scientific peer review process to be totally corrupt. Why you trust them with natural law? Is cloning natural? What about genetic engineering? They care not a jot for natural law. This is OBVIOUS if you spend a little bit time on research.



        • You are a moron of the highest degree.

          The peer review process almost depends on human greed and yearning for knowledge to succeed– the very things you erroneously claim invalidate it

          The incentive to being able to prove somebody else’s theories wrong? $$$$$……

          The incentive to get your facts straight and come to a correct and useful conclusion that CAN’T be proven wrong later? $$$$$…….

          **** “Aside from treating your bacterial infections and all that, where is nature or the law in the modern myth of climate change?”

          Have you even bothered to read the IPCC’s findings? The “myth” is well-supported from 24 independent lines of research– all developed by observing natural pehnomena. The “myth” is based on well-understood scientific principles that you have benefitted from everyday, but now denounce because your Bronze-Aged belief system requires you to do so in order for it to stay relevant.

          **** “I think science is a wonderful thing, but I do not like this elite, exclusionary, corrupt system in which it resides. ”

          There is nothing “corrupt” about the search for truth through honest and empirical means. Praying for answers has not provided any new technologies, new miracle cures, new ways of doing things better. All praying has done for the last 2000 years is to cause wars, genocide, bigotry, and keep societies tribal and uneducated.

      • ok well please expand on your critique or explain your argument with more substance than pasta monster vomit balls in your eye

    • Empiricism is the one thing that sets science completely apart from religion. Scientific truths do not hinge upon popularity or personal desires– rather, it is based on observable reality. That is why science is NOT a religion– it requires no faith, only objectivity.

      With science– you begin by collecting facts, and maybe a loose prediction of what your findings will be (so long as you are willing to abandon this early hypothesis if further testing invalidates it). Your final conclusion is one based on what was observed in reality and under testing.

      With religion, you begin with the conclusion, and then proceed from there to try and find evidence that fits that conclusion, while throwing out any that does not support it.

      Science is self-correcting, in the event that mistakes are made or wrong conclusions are reached. Peer review ensures accuracy over time.

      Religion is non-self-correcting, and its believers will continue to make the same mistakes, year after year, century after century, because there is no baseline in reality by which to compare “fact” from “fiction”.

      That is why religion is going obsolete.

  22. Anyone who studies human history, world religions, and the psychology of the transcendental temptation is more likely to understand the subsequent pathology of the majority of human beings. Religion is not just a mere mental delusion, but a great moral evil. Theists need our help…..through compassionate understanding and guidance…but, most importantly, through a comprehensive and proper education.

    • Agree with you. I realised this very late in case of my religion. The God / Creator is just an illusion used to manipulate people to divide and rule. I’m glad, I now have no worries.

      • Better late than never, Mujahid. Yet, I think it is more wholesome to have experienced religion and rejected it than to reject religion without the experience. More apt to appreciate the folly of it all. Welcome to true freedom.

  23. “there are religious zealots and ordinary people still entrenched in a control belief system that is so far removed from reality that it borders on madness”

    Almost correct. These systems do not “border on madness”. They are madness.

  24. I say to all people of this world,there is a Creator, and I also say, that, Religion, is man made, and that the great Architect of the universe, was indeed a great God, who has visited planet earth many times, try reading about the Sumerians and also Lloyd Pie, ”Everything you ever knew was a lie”

  25. Well for me if there is a God,then it won’t be from any book, everyone comes here with brain. And what I feel about God that, God is who gives us this life and things for Living. So for me that’s only our Mother EARTH.. We r made from her, she gives us everything. But we give her pain, lot of pain, and no prayer can make her feel better. Went ppl r so blind, and praying other objects or Gods, which r just from the books. If we don’t respect our Mother Earth then I bet u no God will save us. Don’t ppl feel that Earth itself is ALIVE??? It’s protecting herself and us. If there is Heaven or Hell exist!! It’s on earth. If u do well u be at a better place. For me other Gods are just an excuse. Or maybe those days ppl use to write whatever they feel can be good. But if u personally ask me what is God?? I would say it’s the whole EXISTENCE……

  26. Let’s not forget that this all merciful, all loving god with make you burn forever for simply not believing in him. I would spend that eternity in his hell before I kneel to any such being.

    • Whilst giving us a book of answers that neither fundamentally correlates with the way nature is known to work nor the evolution of social order. Basically making it even harder to believe if you use unbiased logic and have the capacity for critical thinking.

      • Well put Brooke. Reminds me of Hitchen’s observation: “What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.”

  27. Why a God, any God doesn’t come down or send someone to get rid of the issues we are currently dealing with? Don’t tell me ‘if you look hard enough or pray hard enough, he would show up or listen to you!’ Don’t even try that non-sense. Why have the Gods given us such horrible diseases? Why would he take out children by cancers? Why children are being autistic? What have they done to anyone? Why are they brought to this world without the senses to enjoy it? Why the main issue in this world is ‘killing each other’? Why do human have that tendency? Why God gave us that? Don’t tell me, ‘I won’t understand!’ Don’t even try it!! Yeah, when I ask questions, “you are going to eternal hell!!!” Don’t quote some books. Give me proper answers. You can’t, you know why? You don’t know. You (we) are doing what other people are telling you to.

    Anytime/every time I ask anyone anything semi intelligent regarding religion, there is no answer. It’s crickets in the room and then ‘I am going to burn in eternal hell’. You mean to tell me if I help other human beings all my life, do good deeds without going to the mosque/church, I am going to hell compare to some selfish jerks who prayed everyday who would go to heaven? Does that make any sense to anyone? ‘Oh, religion doesn’t have to make sense!’ Yeah, that’s the explanation!!!

    No human being in this world is going to tell me how to live my life. Never gonna happen. No book that is written thousands of years ago is going to tell me how to live my life in 2016. Never gonna happen. My parents raised me as a good person (I think), I take care of my family/friends/relatives as much as I can, try not to harm others, try not to lie. That is my religion. I believe if there is an Almighty, He/She would accept my religion as I described. I don’t need a book or any book for that!!

    • I agree, as an ex-Muslim I have also finally seen the light. I do believe in a Creator of the universe, but that creator cannot be the one described in those schizophrenic “holy books”.

      • Completely with you here, there is mystery, a force, something is going on, matter is here, where is it from, it is crazy!
        A big question, But I can’t put God as an answer

  28. The mere fact that multiple religions, many extremely different from one another, exist and contradict each other so much is proof enough to me that all religions that existed, exist, and will exist are wrong.

    If there is a form of all powerful deity, then no one would be able to deny it and every one would believe in it.

    • Interesting, because that is also what medieval Iranian polymath al-Razi said centuries before the European enlightenment occurred. Some quotes;

      “On what ground do you deem it necessary that God should single out certain individuals [by giving them prophecy], that he should set them up above other people, that he should appoint them to be the people’s guides, and make people dependent upon them?”

      Concerning the link between violence and religion, Razi expressed that God must have known, considering the many disagreements between different religions, that “there would be a universal disaster and they would perish in the mutual hostilities and fighting. Indeed, many people have perished in this way, as we can see.”

      He was also critical of the lack of interest among religious adherents in the rational analysis of their beliefs, and the violent reaction which takes its place:

      “If the people of this religion are asked about the proof for the soundness of their religion, they flare up, get angry and spill the blood of whoever confronts them with this question. They forbid rational speculation, and strive to kill their adversaries. This is why truth became thoroughly silenced and concealed.”

      Al-Razi believed that common people had originally been duped into belief by religious authority figures and by the status quo. He believed that these authority figures were able to continually deceive the common people “as a result of [religious people] being long accustomed to their religious denomination, as days passed and it became a habit. Because they were deluded by the beards of the goats, who sit in ranks in their councils, straining their throats in recounting lies, senseless myths and “so-and-so told us in the name of so-and-so…”

    • Doesn’t the fact that humanity through the ages has had religious belief, at least point to the possibility, of ‘something’? All the difference in the many views of a mountain, or whatever reality, don’t prove it isn’t there!

      I can understand the rejection, or questioning, of the ‘God’ of religion, but the creative source – call it what you like – surely exists. There are only two choices. A ‘physically caused reality’, or a reality which emerges from an intelligent source. I’m with the latter. This source, doesn’t ‘Have’ to be ‘Religionized’. It simply IS the source. No beginning no end.

      Scientific types want ‘Proof’ in big dependable letters. The proof stares you in the face, when you look in a mirror! It follows you around as you live your day. Like the nose on your face is invisible, so is your source.

  29. Religion is a form of brainwashing. Humans have had some sort of “GOD” thousands of years before Jesus or Mohammad. Human nature drives us to want to explain our existence. A higher power. Someone or something greater than humans has to exist right? Why? Can’t we just exist on this blue ball spinning in space like all the other creatures? Must there be a grand plan? Humans are very insecure by nature so we look to something to explain why people die, the sun, water, earth. Funny how the Bible and Quran were written long before we discovered the earth wasn’t the center of the universe and it was infact round not flat. If someone comes up to you and says “God told me to do…” would you believe that God actually stood in front of him and talked to him or would you think you need to call for some medical help? “We are GOD” as humans and should treat each other with love, tolerance, respect and help each other best we can. Not push our beliefs on each other as a way of controlling. If we don’t we will end up slaves of death like the dogs of ISIS.

    • Your on the fuken money right there! , cant agree with you more! Its human nature to believe in a “superior being” Oh not to mention people being in comfort thinking their loved ones are watching them/ they will see them one day. Yes it is sad seeing life like that…. But its true.!

    • theories theories theories…the fact of the matter is that GOD (Allah) exist from always and will always exist, it is just we who dont see him and this is the test, to believe in Allah with free will without any reasons or him coming to us himself (though he will reveal himself to the paradisers). But still, to be on the safe side, a wise person will always trust a legitimate proven source i.e. The Holy Quran first, than going onto the theories. There is a reason that the Quran is a proven record of unchanged words of wisdom, and not just wisdom but the rhythm, the tone, the GODLY behaviour is so very clear in Quran, no human can reproduce such a material and never has.
      Disclaimer: The disbeliever will not believe coz there a stamp on their hearts, coz even the king who was shown the split of the moon by Prophet Muhammad PBUH denied and said its magic…no magic can break the moon now, but for a disbeliever everything right can be wrong and everything wrong can be right, they are destined for this faith thing.

  30. I agree with this “opinion” however, Julius Sanreso does not exist, and or has no connection to IHR, also there is no research paper, or scientific report.

    • I don’t think Buddhism is based on paganism. Shamanism pre-dates pagan rituals. Most Abrahamic religions are bastardised versions of paganism.

      • Abrahamic religions are NOT bastardized versions of paganism. Have you even read about Abraham or what they believed?

        • LOL, the entire Jewish religion was created by man and it is a collection and amalgamation of all religions before it. Abraham is not a real historical person, he is a fictional character.

      • Buddha is the SUN, like Jesus is the SUN. He never really existed, Abraham = Abram = Aries, he is also a fictional character that never really existed. All of these characters in the Bible Torah and Quran are fictional including Jesus and Muhammad.

        • Man!! I don’t know why u all r anti-religion, but, well, just like y’all i am too finding answers. Actually I am a Christian myself(a strong believer) and the answers I am searching for is not whether Christianity is true ( I already know it’s true) but about why can’t the world find enough proof and then criticize a religion. Like u’ll say that for a religion the only proof is its own “holy book”, yeah that may be true, yet its not the same for Christianity. There r other documentary evidences, which are not simply written by nobodys but by ancient scientists, mathematicians etc….
          Take the following into account please :

          Thallus (52AD)
          Thallus is perhaps the earliest secular writer to mention Jesus and he is so ancient his writings don’t even exist anymore. But Julius Africanus, writing around 221AD does quote Thallus who previously tried to explain away the darkness occurring at Jesus’ crucifixion

          “On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun.” (Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18:1)

          If only more of Thallus’ record could be found, we might find more confirmation of Jesus’ crucifixion. But there are some things we can conclude from this account: Jesus lived, He was crucified, and there was an earthquake and darkness at the point of His crucifixion.

          I also saw someone above saying that Jesus never really existed nor is there any proof about His life. That’s just hilarious cuz I am gonna put up a non Christian document written by Cornelius Tacitus :

          “Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.”

          In this account, Tacitus confirms several historical elements of the Biblical narrative: Jesus lived in Judea, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and had followers who were persecuted for their faith in Christ.

          And u hv this too :

          Josephus (37-101AD)

          In more detail than any other non-biblical historian, Josephus writes about Jesus in his “the Antiquities of the Jews” in 93AD. Josephus was born just four years after the crucifixion. He was a consultant for Jewish rabbis at an early age, became a Galilean military commander by the age of sixteen, and he was an eyewitness to much of what he recorded in the first century A.D. Under the rule of Roman emperor Vespasian, Josephus was allowed to write a history of the Jews. This history includes three passages about Christians, one in which he describes the death of John the Baptist, one in which he mentions the execution of James (and describes him as the brother of Jesus the Christ), and a final passage which describes Jesus as a wise man and the messiah.

          “Now around this time lived Jesus, a wise man. For he was a worker of amazing deeds and was a teacher of people who gladly accept the truth. He won over both many Jews and many Greeks. Pilate, when he heard him accused by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, (but) those who had first loved him did not cease (doing so). To this day the tribe of Christians named after him has not disappeared”

          From this text, we can conclude: Jesus lived in Palestine, was a wise man and a teacher, worked amazing deeds, was accused by the Jews, crucified under Pilate and had followers called Christians.

          There is enough proof to say that a man named Jesus lived and he performed amazing deeds defying the laws of nature (actions which Denys the laws of nature are known as miracles ). All these documentaries contains the same info that is contained in the Holy Bible itself. SO CAN YOU STILL DENY THE EXISTENCE OF JESUS AND SAY THAT THE BIBLE IS JUST A PIECE OF CRAP WRITTEN BY HUMAN IMAGINATION TO MAKE HUMANS, SLAVES UNDER A RELIGION NAMED CHRISTIANITY.

          • All of that is false. There are no records of people talking about Jesus, Josephus’ account is known to be a fraud. Same with Thallus. All religions are man made and based on paganism. That is an absolute fact. Religion is for the weak minded masses, the intelligent reject it and the government use it. Religion is a control mechanism, and a toxic one, that’s all it is. Jesus, Abraham, Moses etc. are all fictional characters. The difference with normal people and religious people is that the latter do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality, or the meaning of mythology.


    • Why do you think this ? has somebody told you ? as tis said here it was always some sort of brain washing and some people are more able to be brain washed than others. Man developed a bigger more capable brain than other animals and yes that helped to think up gods because of the fear of death, ceasing to exist. NO man or woman has the right to deprive another of all that they are by taking a life, regardless. Religion was & is a control tool so the masses could more easily be controlled and bought to heel. If there are just laws and people abide by them there is no need for a religion, in fact it hinders mankinds development.

    • Wow, talk about a brainwashed religious fanatic, we’ve got a live one here.

      You are the dumb arse who has been conned.

      Some people have an innate desire to be controlled and for those people religion seems to fill a void. Take all those people who join sects and/or cults who believe the words of a real person, not some imaginary/superior God. Jim Jones conned a thousand people to join his cult and then had them take their own lives. It was later proven that he was nothing more than a conman who was often referred to as “The Mad Messiah”

      If you want to believe your God crap then keep it to yourself and don’t insult others just because they don’t believe in your imaginary friend. This is exactly how radical Muslims react ….. kill all the non-believers.

  32. Scientifically, we are not able to prove if God actually exists; Even if God does exist, there might also be a possibility that we do not have the technology or the knowhow to prove it, as the presence of God may be in a non-physical form beyond our perceptible dimensions. Perhaps we’d never know.

    I don’t dare comment on the authenticity of any religious holy books and scripts. They have been around for thousands of years and along that timeline, anyone could have written them, or tampered with them and we would never know.

    But I don’t think this matters. The main point is, religion has brought about good and bad over the history of mankind. Its similar to culture, it cannot be erased and it should not be forgotten, religion can be regarded as one of mankind’s greatest heritage, if you may.

    As long as we keep to the right sides of religion, to do good and build a better world; not to get ourselves in conflict with others to prove a (at most times worthless) point. If God does exist, I’m sure He wants the best for us, but at the same time God gave us freedom to think. So, think well, think good, think right.

    Buddhist here by the way, but I choose to believe in the good faith of all religions and their representations of God, because what could be better than living in a peaceful and harmonious world.

    • Religion dude, is the narcotic of the masses OK, as its faith based and your given the chance of eternal life as most all are afraid of death, and NOTHING IS ETERNAL, NOT EVEN THE UNIVERSE. How stupid do you have to be to believe in such outrageous fiction, very stupid is clear. So along come the many religions over the millenniums due people needed an explanation for the wind, sun etc. and life, So some sociopaths /psychopaths ie.uneducated barbaric hallucinating savages concoct religions, as all are violet in some form or another,as in ALL! Christianity/ the tora / islam were all taken from the sumerian / egyptian and mirthism types of religion, all mixed later into judaism, christanity/ islam. Which this in itself should open up your blind mind and I say blind due the most ignorant statement yet about all the good religion has brought came from your mind. For your enlightenment (if possible) it’s caused more wars than any political / territory gain / cause and as I stated above, the bible / koran are the most violent books ever written, so wake your wishy washy brain up. Just goggle evilbible.com if you doubt the violent part and then you’ll see what a fool you have been for thinking the bible is so perfect, so good. Just do it so then you’ll see what you think is so good / perfect is the most vile / violent crap ever written. all verses are given OK, and the bibles they came from. God even says::Kill all who believe in any other god but me! Damn, what a thing to believe in and it gets worse.

  33. Scientifically, we are not able to prove if God actually exists; Even if God does exist, there might also be a possibility that we do not have the technology or the knowhow to prove it, as the presence of God may be in a non-physical form beyond our perceptible dimensions. Perhaps we’d never know.

    But I don’t think this matters. The main point is, religion has brought about good and bad over the history of mankind. Its similar to culture, it cannot be erased and it should not be forgotten, religion can be regarded as one of mankind’s greatest heritage, if you may.

    As long as we keep to the right sides of religion, to do good and build a better world; not to get ourselves in conflict with others to prove a (at most times worthless) point. If God does exist, I’m sure He wants the best for us, but at the same time God gave us freedom to think. So, think well, think good, think right.

    Buddhist here by the way, but I choose to believe in the good faith of all religions and their representations of God, because what could be better than living in a peaceful and harmonious world.

  34. Im not very religious, im not a scientist, im just a random guy that believes in common sense and i agree and disagree some comments people here have made. I believe evolution just because it makes sense . I also hope that there is something happening after death maybe not a heaven or a hell but maybe something peaceful where i can just relax and be at peace 🙂

    • No, evolution does not make sense, as it is sense, as you can actually see the changes over the millions of years. Seeing is believing in this matter. yet christians deny what they see due so mentally deficient / irrational and delusional. And that is friggin scary.

  35. By renouncing Jesus Christ all those on here are doomed to burn in the eternal fires of hell. You are slaves to Gog and Magog you are slaves to Satan and his minions. You can only gain salvation in Christ.

    13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

      • John is beyond a retard, as to even be a retard you have to have a semblance of a brain. This guys 3 brains cells are in his ass, like his thoughts.

    • You, like I’ve said in my post, need serious mental health help and massive doses of prozac / thorazine and other antipsychotic drugs and possibly a lobotomy. Only you need a brain for that, get it, hope so you raving nut case.

  36. There it is!!!Anyone with a ounce of reasoning would agree with this finding….It want change too many people belief in Religion,Gods and Books..I believe most people are stuck on stupid when Religious matters are brought forth…We NEED a Deity in our Life because of the fear of been in the dark..Sad I know!!But that is how Homo-Sapien Roll..IT speaks on so many level about Humans and the Life they are born into…And the Fear of it ALL.What ever brings you peace,,even if it entails Religion,Gods,ETC,ETC…Go with it…I just Refuse to believe in boggy mens!!

    • All you need is common sense and believe in your abilities, even if non, as you damn sure will be screwed if you depend on magic /supernatural crap to intervene and make your life wonderful. Only the individual can do that without fooling themselves, which sadly over 2 billion do, as they are LOSERS!

  37. “how come the writings only occur within a very limited period in human history?”

    Taking this line of questioning I guess one can safely question the validity of scientific research by asking the following:

    “How come scientific writings only occur within a very limited period in human history and not before? This means all science is pure bull because nature and the physical universe could not have behaved so before man started writing about it”

    Sounds illogical? Now please ask these so-called researchers to explain….

    • Science is ongoing. I think the author is trying to posit that the bible for example and all its miracles were only written within a specific time thousands years ago and no one has written another since especially since the proliferation of science. Scientific research was condemned by early Christians but is now an established system of analysis and proof. Religion has ceased to be a valid meter of truth today.

      • Scientific research was not condemned by early Christians but proliferated by early Christians! Most of the colleges in the United States that started over 300 years ago were Bible-proclaiming schools originally. Harvard and Yale (originally Puritan) and Princeton (originally Presbyterian) once had rich Christian histories. Harvard was named after a Christian minister. Yale was started by clergymen, and Princeton’s first year of class was taught by Reverend Jonathan Dickinson. Princeton’s crest still says “Dei sub numine viget,” which is Latin for “Under God she flourishes.” In the United Kingdom, the earliest university-type establishment was probably the College, established by the Celtic preacher St. Illtyd in about AD 500. Oxford University was established by various religious orders. Likewise, Cambridge University was established in 1209 by Christian leaders. Saint Andrews, Scotland’s oldest university, was founded principally for the teaching and study of theology. The commitment of these religious founders might be suspect, but many of the later colleges were founded by Bible-believing Christians. The University of Edinburgh had a thoroughly evangelical beginning, being founded under Presbyterian auspices.
        Then came the change in American universities from the Christian worldview to naturalistic philosophy. Universities across the board fell first in the area of science in the 1870s.
        Methodological naturalism was the critical innovation that turned the universities around. (Methodological naturalism says, that scientists must do their work as if there is no God and that everything they study must be explained by three things: time, chance, and the laws of nature. In other words, only study things that INSIDE the box. Such a methodology for studying the physical world rules out the miraculous and providential works of God in His creation, even before investigation begins.)
        God is still THE measure of reality and TRUTH today…. Just read the Ten Commandments!

        • Rhazes (865-925)

          Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī or Rhazes was a medical pioneer from Baghdad who lived between 860 and 932 AD. He was responsible for introducing western teachings, rational thought and the works of
          Hippocrates and Galen to the Arabic world. One of his books, Continens Liber, was a compendium of everything known about medicine. The book made him famous, but offended a Muslim priest who ordered the doctor to be beaten over the head with his own manuscript, which caused him to go blind, preventing him from future practice.

          Michael Servetus (1511-1553)

          Servetus was a Spanish physician credited with discovering pulmonary circulation. He wrote a book, which outlined his discovery along with his ideas about reforming Christianity — it was deemed to be heretical. He escaped from Spain and the Catholic Inquisition but came up against the Protestant Inquisition in Switzerland, who held him in equal disregard. Under orders from John Calvin, Servetus was arrested,
          tortured and burned at the stake on the shores of Lake Geneva – copies of his book were accompanied for good measure.


          The Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei was trialled and convicted in 1633 for publishing his evidence that supported the Copernican theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun. His research was instantly criticized by the Catholic Church for going against the
          established scripture that places Earth and not the Sun at the center of the universe. Galileo was found “vehemently suspect of heresy” for his heliocentric views and was required to “abjure, curse and detest” his
          opinions. He was sentenced to house arrest, where he remained for the rest of his life and his offending texts were banned.

          Henry Oldenburg (1619-1677)

          Oldenburg founded the Royal Society in London in 1662. He sought high quality scientific papers to publish. In order to do this he had to correspond with many foreigners across Europe, including the Netherlands and Italy. The sheer volume of his correspondence caught the attention of authorities, who arrested him as a spy. He was held in the Tower of London for several months.

          Gerhard Domagk (1895-1964)

          Domagk was a German pathologist and bacteriologist who is credited with the discovery of the first commercially-available antibiotic, sulfonamide, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1939. Because a Nazi-critical Carl von Ossietzky had won the
          Nobel Peace Prize in 1935, Domagk was forced by the Christian Nazi regime to refuse the prize. He was arrested by the Gestapo for a week. After the war, in 1947, he was finally able to receive his Nobel Prize, but not the associated cash prize because too much time had elapsed.

          Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

          Born in Ulm in Germany, Einstein was a non-practicing Jew. His work on the General Theory of Relativity and his pacifist politics roused violent animosity from right-wing members of German society. When Christian Hitler
          came to power in January 1933, Einstein was in California and was almost immediately deprived of his posts in Berlin and his membership of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. His property was seized and his books were burned in public. Einstein never returned to Germany, and signed a letter to President Roosevelt alerting him to the fact that Germany might be developing an atomic weapon. He recommended that the US begin similar research.

          • There is NO LOGICAL thought process to these posts!

            You have to have just crawled out from under a rock to not know that Hitler was NOT a CHRISTIAN~ The religious views of Adolf Hitler are a matter of debate, with a consensus of scholars agreeing that Hitler was not a Christian and was skeptical of religion generally. According to Alan Bullock, Hitler was a rationalist and materialist “who believed neither in God nor in conscience”.[1] Nonetheless, Hitler opportunistically employed the language of “divine providence” in defence of his own myth.[2] When young, Hitler was baptised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church and raised by an anti-clerical father and practising Catholic mother. In adulthood, he became disdainful of Christianity, but retained some respect for the organisational power of the Church. Although he was prepared to allay conflicts for political reasons, according to Kershaw, Bullock, Evans, Fest, Phayer, Shirer and others, he eventually hoped to eradicate Christianity in Germany.[3] Prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials submitted that Hitler engaged in a slow and cautious policy to eliminate Christianity.[4] Historians such as Fischel and Dill have written that if the regime could not eradicate Christianity, it hoped instead to subjugate or distort it to a Nazi world view. Steigmann-Gall interprets Hitler’s language to mean that Hitler held Jesus in high esteem as an “Aryan fighter” who struggled against Jewry, but notes that, over time, his Nazi movement became “increasingly hostile to the churches”.
            Gerhard Domagk (1895-1964)
            The “Christian Nazi regime” that you quote is totally untrue also. The Catholics at the time of the Nazis in Germany were passivists and the Nazis exploited them because they were in power. There is no such thing as a Christian Nazi!! Even back then, they truly didn’t realize what the Nazis were all about. If Domagk was forced by the Christian to refuse his Nobel Peace Price, it was because the Nazis would attempt his life.

            In your Henry Oldenburg (1619-1677) blurb, there is no mention of Christians. The words “authorities, who arrested him as a spy” does NOT imply Christians.

 (1564-1642) Though famous for his scientific achievements in astronomy, mathematics, and physics, and infamous for his controversy with the church was, in fact, a devout Christian who saw not a divorce of religion and science but only a healthy marriage: “God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word.” He made a triumphant visit to Rome, where the papal court vied to do him honor. The head of church astronomers confirmed his discoveries, and Jesuit astronomers jostled to look through the telescope. Then what followed was a purely political manuvre by his academic enemies. The then Pope was inticed to get involved. Pope Paul V ordered the Inquisition to look into the matter. Galileo contended that proper interpretation of Scripture would agree with observed fact. The “Book of Nature,” written in the language of mathematics, would agree with the “Book of Scripture,” written in the everyday language of the people. Besides, the “Bible teaches men how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go,” and that it would be “a terrible detriment for the souls if people found themselves convinced by proof of something that it was made then a sin to believe.”

            But the Inquisition ruled against him in 1616. This was not as unreasonable as it appears. His position flew in the face of common sense and 1,500 years of academics. It violated the accepted laws of physics. The star parallaxes demanded by this system could not be observed (and would not be until 1838). The Inquisition condemned the Copernican system and forbade Galileo from teaching it as fact.

            But Galileo the scientific combatant never gave up. When a friend was elected pope in 1623, Galileo went to see him, but Urban VIII would not lift the injunction for fear of undermining church authority. The Catholic church was clearly wrong as it is in many things. It wasn’t until 1981 that the Catholic church ordered a commission to look into Galileo’s case, and another 11 years before the commission acknowledged the “errors” of Galileo’s judges.

            Michael Servetus (1511-1553)
            In Restitutio, Servetus posits correctly that blood travels from the right to the left ventricle via the lungs so that the blood might absorb the Holy Spirit, which Servetus believed to be, as it were, airborne. Previously, blood was thought to pass through the flesh between the ventricles. Clearly, Servetus was a talented doctor as well as a resolute heretic. He was burned at the stake for his heretical views not his science.

            Rhazes (865-925)
            It was a Muslim priest who beat him over the head, not a Christian. There is a distinct difference if you’re paying attention.

          • “The anti-Semitism of the new movement (Christian Social movement)

            was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty

            Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord’s work.”

            [Adolph Hitler, Speech, Reichstag, 1936]

            “I have followed [the Church] in giving our party program the

            character of unalterable finality, like the Creed. The Church has

            never allowed the Creed to be interfered with. It is fifteen hundred

            years since it was formulated, but every suggestion for its

            amendment, every logical criticism, or attack on it, has been

            rejected. The Church has realized that anything and everything can be

            built up on a document of that sort, no matter how contradictory or

            irreconcilable with it. The faithful will swallow it whole, so long

            as logical reasoning is never allowed to be brought to bear on it.”

            [Adolf Hitler, from Rauschning, _The Voice of Destruction_, pp. 239-40]

            “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a

            fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded

            by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and

            summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest

            not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian

            and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord

            at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the

            Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight

            against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with

            deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact

            that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As

            a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have

            the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is

            anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is

            the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty

            to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and

            work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week they have only

            for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning

            and see these men standing in their queues and look into their

            pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very

            devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two

            thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people

            are plundered and exposed.”

            [Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich on April 12, 1922, countering a

            political opponent, Count Lerchenfeld, who opposed antisemitism on

            his personal Christian feelings. Published in “My New Order”, quoted

            in Freethought Today April 1990]

            “I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of

            the Almighty Creator.”

            [Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, pp. 46]

            “What we have to fight for…is the freedom and independence of the

            fatherland, so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission

            assigned to it by the Creator.”

            [Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, pp. 125]

            “This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the

            practical existence of a religious belief.”

            [Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, pp.152]

            “And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his

            estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove

            those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God.”

            [Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, pp.174]

            “Catholics and Protestants are fighting with one another… while the

            enemy of Aryan humanity and all Christendom is laughing up his sleeve.”

            [Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, pp.309]

            “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so”

            [Adolph Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941]

            “Any violence which does not spring from a spiritual base, will be

            wavering and uncertain. It lacks the stability which can only rest in

            a fanatical outlook.”

            [Adolph Hitler, _Mein Kampf_, p. 171]

            “I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn

            splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the

            abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my

            father, the highest and most desirable ideal.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 1]

            “I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from

            time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought. At

            all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man

            and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna’s destinies: Dr.

            Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 2]

            “…the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party… was to

            assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “As long as leadership from above was not lacking, the people

            fulfilled their duty and obligation overwhelmingly. Whether

            Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, both together and particularly

            at the first flare, there really existed in both camps but a single

            holy German Reich, for whose existence and future each man turned to

            his own heaven.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “Political parties has nothing to do with religious problems, as long

            as these are not alien to the nation, undermining the morals and

            ethics of the race; just as religion cannot be amalgamated with the

            scheming of political parties.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “For the political leader the religious doctrines and institutions of

            his people must always remain inviolable; or else has no right to be

            in politics, but should become a reformer, if he has what it takes!

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “In nearly all the matters in which the Pan-German movement was

            wanting, the attitude of the Christian Social Party was correct and


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “It [Christian Social Party] recognized the value of large-scale

            propaganda and was a virtuoso in influencing the psychological

            instincts of the broad masses of its adherents.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3]

            “If Dr. Karl Lueger had lived in Germany, he would have been ranked

            among the great minds of our people.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 3, about the leader of

            the Christian Social movement]

            “Even today I am not ashamed to say that, overpowered by stormy

            enthusiasm, I fell down on my knees and thanked Heaven from an

            overflowing heart for granting me the good fortune of being permitted

            to live at this time.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 5]

            “I had so often sung ‘Deutschland u:ber Alles’ and shouted ‘Heil’ at

            the top of my lungs, that it seemed to me almost a belated act of

            grace to be allowed to stand as a witness in the divine court of the

            eternal judge and proclaim the sincerity of this conviction.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 5]

            “Only in the steady and constant application of force lies the very

            first prerequisite for success. This persistence, however, can always

            and only arise from a definite spiritual conviction. Any violence

            which does not spring from a firm, spiritual base, will be wavering

            and uncertain.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 5]

            “I soon realized that the correct use of propaganda is a true art

            which has remained practically unknown to the bourgeois parties. Only

            the Christian- Social movement, especially in Lueger’s time achieved

            a certain virtuosity on this instrument, to which it owed many of its


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 6]

            “Once again the songs of the fatherland roared to the heavens along

            the endless marching columns, and for the last time the Lord’s grace

            smiled on His ungrateful children.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 7, reflecting on World

            War I]

            “The more abstractly correct and hence powerful this idea will be,

            the more impossible remains its complete fulfillment as long as it

            continues to depend on human beings… If this were not so, the

            founders of religion could not be counted among the greatest men of

            this earth… In its workings, even the religion of love is only the

            weak reflection of the will of its exalted founder; its significance,

            however, lies in the direction which it attempted to give to a

            universal human development of culture, ethics, and morality.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 8]

            “To them belong, not only the truly great statesmen, but all other

            great reformers as well. Beside Frederick the Great stands Martin

            Luther as well as Richard Wagner.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 8]

            “The fight against syphilis demands a fight against prostitution,

            against prejudices, old habits, against previous conceptions, general

            views among them not least the false prudery of certain circles. The

            first prerequisite for even the moral right to combat these things is

            the facilitation of earlier marriage for the coming generation. In

            late marriage alone lies the compulsion to retain an institution

            which, twist and turn as you like, is and remains a disgrace to

            humanity, an institution which is damned ill-suited to a being who

            with his usual modesty likes to regard himself as the ‘image’ of God.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 10]

            “Parallel to the training of the body a struggle against the

            poisoning of the soul must begin. Our whole public life today is like

            a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of

            fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will

            hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food,

            particularly for the youth…Theater, art, literature, cinema, press,

            posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations

            of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political,

            and cultural idea.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 10, echoing the Cultural

            Warfare rhetoric of the Religious Right]

            “But if out of smugness, or even cowardice, this battle is not fought

            to its end, then take a look at the peoples five hundred years from

            now. I think you will find but few images of God, unless you want to

            profane the Almighty.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 10]

            “While both denominations maintain missions in Asia and Africa in

            order to win new followers for their doctrine– an activity which can

            boast but very modest success compared to the advance of the

            Mohammedan faith in particular– right here in Europe they lose

            millions and millions of inward adherents who either are alien to all

            religious life or simply go their own ways. The consequences,

            particularly from a moral point of view, are not favorable.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 10]

            “The great masses of people do not consist of philosophers; precisely

            for the masses, faith is often the sole foundation of a moral

            attitude. The various substitutes have not proved so successful from

            the standpoint of results that they could be regarded as a useful

            replacement for previous religious creeds. But if religious doctrine

            and faith are really to embrace the broad masses, the unconditional

            authority of the content of this faith is the foundation of all


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 10]

            “Due to his own original special nature, the Jew cannot possess a

            religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks

            idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely

            foreign to him. And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined

            which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form.

            Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter,

            but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 11]

            “The best characterization is provided by the product of this

            religious education, the Jew himself. His life is only of this world,

            and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his

            nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the

            new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude

            toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to

            drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who

            then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his

            business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while

            our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for

            Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles

            with atheistic Jewish parties– and this against their own nation.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 11]

            “….the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil

            assumes the living shape of the Jew.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 1, Chapter 11, precisely echoing

            Martin Luther’s teachings]

            “Faith is harder to shake than knowledge, love succumbs less to

            change than respect, hate is more enduring than aversion, and the

            impetus to the mightiest upheavals on this earth has at all times

            consisted less in a scientific knowledge dominating the masses than

            in a fanaticism which inspired them and sometimes in a hysteria which

            drove them forward.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 1 Chapter 12]

            “The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this

            world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which,

            fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its

            will against all others.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 1 Chapter 12]

            “The greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations

            for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the ancient

            world, but in its inexorable fanaticism in preaching and fighting for

            its own doctrine.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 1 Chapter 12]

            “All in all, this whole period of winter 1919-20 was a single

            struggle to strengthen confidence in the victorious might of the

            young movement and raise it to that fanaticism of faith which can

            move mountains.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 1 Chapter 12]

            “Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable

            stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the

            fight for the ‘remaking’ of the Reich as they call it.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 1]

            “Of course, even the general designation ‘religious’ includes various

            basic ideas or convictions, for example, the indestructibility of the

            soul, the eternity of its existence, the existence of a higher being,

            etc. But all these ideas, regardless of how convincing they may be

            for the individual, are submitted to the critical examination of this

            individual and hence to a fluctuating affirmation or negation until

            emotional divination or knowledge assumes the binding force of

            apodictic faith. This, above all, is the fighting factor which makes

            a breach and opens the way for the recognition of basic religious


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 1]

            “Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord

            commits sacrilege against the benevolent creator of this miracle and

            contributes to the expulsion from paradise.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 1]

            “A folkish state must therefore begin by raising marriage from the

            level of a continuous defilement of the race, and give it the

            consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images

            of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 2]

            “It would be more in keeping with the intention of the noblest man in

            this world if our two Christian churches, instead of annoying Negroes

            with missions which they neither desire nor understand, would kindly,

            but in all seriousness, teach our European humanity that where

            parents are not healthy it is a deed pleasing to God to take pity on

            a poor little healthy orphan child and give him father and mother,

            than themselves to give birth to a sick child who will only bring

            unhappiness and suffering on himself and the rest of the world.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 2]

            “That this is possible may not be denied in a world where hundreds

            and hundreds of thousands of people voluntarily submit to celibacy,

            obligated and bound by nothing except the injunction of the Church.

            Should the same renunciation not be possible if this injunction is

            replaced by the admonition finally to put an end to the constant and

            continuous original sin of racial poisoning, and to give the Almighty

            Creator beings such as He Himself created?”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 2]

            “For the greatest revolutionary changes on this earth would not have

            been thinkable if their motive force, instead of fanatical, yes,

            hysterical passion, had been merely the bourgeois virtues of law and


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 2]

            “It doesn’t dawn on this depraved bourgeois world that this is

            positively a sin against all reason; that it is criminal lunacy to

            keep on drilling a born half-ape until people think they have made a

            lawyer out of him, while millions of members of the highest culture-

            race must remain in entirely unworthy positions; that it is a sin

            against the will of the Eternal Creator if His most gifted beings by

            the hundreds and hundreds of thousands are allowed to degenerate in

            the present proletarian morass, while Hottentots and Zulu Kaffirs are

            trained for intellectual professions.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 2]

            “It may be that today gold has become the exclusive ruler of life,

            but the time will come when man will again bow down before a higher


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 2]

            “Christianity could not content itself with building up its own

            altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the

            heathen altars. Only from this fanatical intolerance could its

            apodictic faith take form; this intolerance is, in fact, its absolute


            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 5]

            “For how shall we fill people with blind faith in the correctness of

            a doctrine, if we ourselves spread uncertainty and doubt by constant

            changes in its outward structure? …Here, too, we can learn by the

            example of the Catholic Church. Though its doctrinal edifice, and in

            part quite superfluously, comes into collision with exact science and

            research, it is none the less unwilling to sacrifice so much as one

            little syllable of its dogmas… it is only such dogmas which lend to

            the whole body the character of a faith.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 5]

            “The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in

            his own denomination, of making people stop just talking

            superficially of God’s will, and actually fulfill God’s will, and not

            let God’s word be desecrated. For God’s will gave men their form,

            their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is

            declaring war on the Lord’s creation, the divine will.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 10]

            “In the ranks of the movement [National Socialist movement], the most

            devout Protestant could sit beside the most devout Catholic, without

            coming into the slightest conflict with his religious convictions.

            The mighty common struggle which both carried on against the

            destroyer of Aryan humanity had, on the contrary, taught them

            mutually to respect and esteem one another.”

            [Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 10]

            “For this, to be sure, from the child’s primer down to the last

            newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising

            pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this

            one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor

            patriots: ‘Lord, make us free!’ is transformed in the brain of the

            smallest boy into the burning plea: ‘Almighty God, bless our arms

            when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now

            whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!’

            [Adolf Hitler’s prayer, “Mein Kampf”, Vol. 2 Chapter 13]

            “The Government, being resolved to undertake the political and moral

            purification of our public life, are creating and securing the

            conditions necessary for a really profound revival of religious life”

            [Adolph Hitler, in a speech to the Reichstag on March 23, 1933]


            Berlin Churches Establish Bureau to Win Back Worshippers

            Wireless to the New York Times.

            BERLIN, May 13. – In Freethinkers Hall, which before the Nazi

            resurgence was the national headquarters of the German Freethinkers

            League, the Berlin Protestant church authorities have opened a bureau

            for advice to the public in church matters. Its chief object is to

            win back former churchgoers and assist those who have not previously

            belonged to any religious congregation in obtaining church membership.

            The German Freethinkers League, which was swept away by the national

            revolution, was the largest of such organizations in Germany. It had

            about 500,000 members …”

            [New York Times, May 14, 1933, page 2, on Hitler’s outlawing of

            atheistic and freethinking groups in Germany in the Spring of 1933,

            after the Enabling Act authorizing Hitler to rule by decree]

            “I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a


            [Adolf Hitler, Speech, 15 March 1936, Munich, Germany.]

            “The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost

            duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It

            will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation

            has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our

            national morality, and the family as the basis of national life….”

            [Adolf Hitler, Berlin, February 1, 1933]

            “Today Christians … stand at the head of [this country]… I pledge

            that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy

            Christianity .. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian

            spirit … We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in

            literature, in the theater, and in the press – in short, we want to

            burn out the *poison of immorality* which has entered into our whole

            life and culture as a result of *liberal excess* during the past …

            (few) years.”

            [The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford

            University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872]

          • It’s COMMON KNOWLEDGE that Hitler was NOT a CHRISTIAN. He duped the people with his speeches and so he controlled them. Much the same as Obama, Clinton & Trump dupe so many today that they are Christians. They simply are NOT! History shows his HUGE ARROGANCE & his total RACISM which a follower or Christ would not exhibit.
            It’s too bad that you think you actually have a point to stand on here. Especially since what Hitler did is extreme common knowledge up to this very day.

          • Common knowledge?

            I prefer the academic sort myself. You are obviously someone easily swayed by ‘common knowledge’. hahaha

          • Obviously you are someone easily swayed by academic polemic debates of circular logic.

          • You only know part of your Hitler rhetoric / history, then put what suits you in print. Their was much more going on in Germany than your one sided over view deals in, and one sided it is due your half truths stated. What little I know, is that even though Hitler used deceit like all rulers, he was not without his religious views, that were christian, but did use it in part like all politicians to gain favor from the idiots who believe in such fiction. You only know the viewpoints of certain anti Hitler historians. So put all the facts in by using other non biased authors before you try and make your rhetoric sound like it’s 100% true.

          • There is an absolute logical thought process to nom nom nom’s posts. He is proving that throughout history, religious powers have chosen to dramatically oppress any scientific findings. The only explanation for such behavior is either the loss of control or the fear of the lies being uncovered.

          • I commend you on your vast but not hidden knowledge( except to the brainless jerk off of the millennium servantheart, OH excuse me FART, of these early for runners of modern medicine / science. the horrible fate of these more than brilliant/ great men was due the pure and total evils that the bible and christian/ muslim so called religions PRACTICED, AS IF NOT FOR THESE MOST EVIL OF RELIGIONS, WE’D BE 500 YEARS A HEAD IN SCIENCE ETC. YET, WE ARE NOT DUE THAT MOST POWERFUL NARCOTIC OF THE IGNORANT MASSES OF A SUPER BAD DRUG CALLED RELIGION, MEANING CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM. DAMN THOSE 2 CURSES OF MANKIND.

        • What a load of baloney.

          “miraculous and providential works of God in His creation”

          It’s called evolution over millions of years. How can you function as a human being believing anything other than evolution?

          “God is still THE measure of reality and TRUTH today…. Just read the Ten Commandments!”

          Bullsh!t of the highest degree. Just because you say something does not make it true. I can say what I believe but it could be anything. You are so brainwashed you are blind to anything else.

          • “How can you function as a human being believing anything other than evolution?” Comfortably well, thank you very much for asking!
            “Just because you say something does not make it true.”
            That’s correct! But, if God says something, one should listen carefully!!! ESPECIALLY YOU!!!

            “You are so brainwashed you are blind to anything else.”
            RIGHT BACK AT YA!
            YOU REALLY SHOULD READ THE 10 COMMANDMENTS! I hear it’s a best seller!!

          • The Bible is a mish mash of folklore. Not fit for purpose. If you wish to believe in fairy tales and such that is your prerogative. Good luck.

          • since you’ve probably never read nor would understand it if you did…. I’m sure many things in your life are folklore. Sorry you can’t understand it…. Try a tutor!

          • I have studied all the Abrahamic religions as well as the Eastern religions. I have a DPhil in Anthropology from Oxford University.

          • and there lies your problem. Relying on other men’s interpretation and not the actual interpretation of the text. You need different tutors. People who haven’t been educated into foolishness like those at Oxford!

          • I think one would not be at an establishment for higher education without having the ability to think for themselves. You seem to be digging yourself into bigger holes each time you reply. Are you sure you are not someone trying to make religious zealots look like idiots on the internet?

          • He is a idiot, plus a well, a jerk off like anyone who believes crap like uh duh, the earth was created in 7 days due god took some dope (meth) or it would have taken him 49 days. Since god could do anything, he also invented meth, OK, plus since he or the idiot who wrote genis said man was created in gods image, then god like us is greatly flawed, get it? I hope so, so that proves god is ridden with cancer and has 1200 types of mental health issues like the ones he created ( US) in his image does, cause we were created in his image and that does not mean just with Tom Cruise looks either OK. Man, who ever wrote all this 2000 year old unreal crap was really really high, as the Genesis fable (BS bible story) has more flaws than Medicare, SSI, and Obama.

          • The bible was written in hebrew and other ancient languages that no one, not even your 249 IQ ass can properly translate into English or Chinese dude. Being the smartest idiot on this post, you should know these fine details. Only your not so smart, like you think. I am, but the difference between you and i, is I don’t believe in magic that 99% of all religions are based on. Also, their are only some hebrew sea scrolls written about this era. Even the Romans who were meticulous keepers of records, have no data on any of this christian stuff except the lions told the Romans they were damn good eating. So, just read a better book of fiction and shut the hell up, please! Savvy!

          • Look Einstein, just google evil bible.com. Then you’ll learn what you were not taught in your sunday school BS lessons, as their are 11 pages of verses from the old, new and other bibles of the lord ordering the murder of babies, entire villages, and anything else (human) he was pissed at, like those he created by witch craft like man made from from the dirt, you ignorant, self serving, believe any magical, supernatural crap thrown in your smug and brainless head like anyone who believes BS written by 30-49 old fools whose ideas of life they dreamed up and said, “Hey boy, now you listen up, as this crap is the real deal, 1000 years before magic man allegedly came along and feed 500 people with 2 fish. Only those 2 fish were whales! So that lie was part truth..

          • Whales are mammals, not fish. So, the fish story is a lie like everything in the,religious, fairy tale books.

          • Hey little Johnny, that shitty website of urs is total crap. I accept the facts in it is true, those incidents really happened in the Bible but most of the conclusions the web maker has brought forward r some really damned miscalculations. For ex :

            There is a fact of a person named Jephthah who promised to sacrifice the first person that comes out of his house to greet him after the war, yeah this incident is indicated in the bible, and as it was his daughter, he sacrificed her. All these r true. But here is the miscalculation : GOD DID NOT ORDER NOR ASK FROM JEPHTHAH TO SACRFICE HIS DAUGHTER NOR DID HE ASK FOR A SACRIFICE. IT THE OWN WILL OF JEPHTHAH. And if u know the bible well, in a book of the bible called “Leviticus ” God says that he detests human sacrifices. The case in this scene was that Jephthah “PROMISED” that he would give the first person that greets him as a sacrifice. But, still God detests human sacrifices, that why God brought forward the fact that the human to be sacrificed (God never asks for human sacrifices in any circumstance, yet is someone promised a human sacrifice , without the acknowledgment of God of this is what they r to do) can be replaced by an animal for the redemption of that human.

            And if God so likes sacrifices why did he put an end to them in the New Testament. The sacrifice of animals ( basically lambs) was done to ask forgiveness for the sin of people. And after Jesus’ sacrifice we no longer do sacrifices that’s because we gain forgiveness to our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

            If u want more of these miscalculations explained just send me a reply, no worries, if u want I will show u the truth about all those false prophecies in the so called EVILBIBLE.COM. So don’t think twice little Johnny, no need to be shy…

          • Did Jesus walk on water? If so, how did he achieve this feat?

            There is currently no proof that Jesus ever existed. I would like you to prove to me right now that he did exist. You must give me verifiable evidence.

          • The ten commandments were designed by Jewish leaders to control other Jews, it’s basically that simple. The god of the old testament was really portrayed as a jealous monster, if you step out of line you will be exterminated or was it stoned, the end result would be the same.
            Maybe the Jews needed this sort of control by their leaders in order to keep them from running amok. If you read the 10 commandments carefully you will find it refers to nomadic tribal people which is what the Jews had always been millennium past.
            From what country do you hail from ? sounds like there was a good deal of brain washing from your ancestors happening there. Maybe the US perhaps ?

          • He’s just another religious zealot / retard, So forget his brain dead mind, as if he ever had one. he’s a typical, delusional mentally ill nut case, as all religious freaks are in the back of their brainwashed gray matter. The sad fact is, if your not raised a religious freak,(brainwashed) then you’ll not be one. I was raised a S. Baptist (the worst ) but inherently knew that screaming, raving fool was nuts by age 9, and that was it for me and church. Then I became educated, also enlightened, studied religion in college and had a rational brain. so I was cursed with the narcotic called religion only the weak / blind minded need. Only many are not blessed with a rational mind, and therefore need psychotropic drugs to think straight.

          • The sad fact is many can’t align themselves to the fact the life here is the only life you will ever know. This is why religion was invented by leaders and as a by product they had a mob control built in. If you say to a mob that is behaving badly that you are endangering your after life than they might think about their actions with a little more care.
            Now days of course we tow the line because we don’t want police to shoot us or arrest us and spend time in prison. Remember back 2000 years ago there were no police forces only armed Roman soldiers to keep order in the provinces and major cities.
            There are a lot of people out there who cannot handle living a life without the promise of an after life. To me they seem greedy, you live the life you have as productive and as happily as you can without taking from another persons enjoyment of life, this is only fair play. To yourself be true and treat others as you would have them treat you, unless of course you are a masochist.

        • First you need to take World history fool, as the catholic church would burn you alive during the Dark Ages, 1100 AD-1500 plus AD. for ANY TYPE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND CALLED IT HERESY. THAT INSANE behavior set science back due it ran into the renaissance period, where Galileo, De Vinci, and other great scientist made great leaps forward.
          Your talking of the modern area jerk off. So, get your historical dates, facts correct before talking trash as in giving bogus info.

      • 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

        Science is that of the Beast. Soon there will be no choice but to take the mark in order to live and conduct commerce. Christians must not take the mark as it is the sign of Satan. Do not take the mark and do not worry Jesus will protect you. If you take the mark you forfeit eternal life in heaven. You have all been warned. The Antichrist is coming.

        • Please take your meds you schitzo, bible thumping moron. Wait, even morons have to have something that is called a brain, so fix yours OK befor you end up in a cult.

        • So science is also from the beast, huh? How about your ignorance, where does that come from?

      • How nice of John to provide you with a live example of what religion can do to a previously assume sane mind. Wow.

    • Welt you poor sod. By making that argument that you just made, you are comparing science (man-made) to religion (CLAIMS to be god-made). Therefore you also agree that religion is man-made (which is EXACTLY the point of this article/research).

      OF COURSE scientific writings only occur within a very limited period in human history. It’s because science is MAN-MADE. They see the same thing in religious writings – therefore it’s also MAN-MADE. That’s the whole point.

    • Man is an analytical creature, the natural world has always existed but man has over the last 150 years or so just coming out of the darkness of a religious past. We have a long way to go and many of the things we consider now as certain will be proved wrong as man progresses learning about the physical world we live in and the very real nature of the universe. To be able do this we have to shrug of religions that hold us back and have done so for millennium. The task ahead is to except we are just an highly developed animal with a biological body with a use by date. This life here on earth is the only existence we will ever know except that as fact, nothing lives forever. Even this earth has a use by date and as I suspect so do all things that exist in the universe.

      • You can blame the catholic church for holding back all sciences for 500 years while your at it. It was not called the DARK AGES for nothing, where you’d get skinned or burned alive if you dealt in science. As those religious psycho freak bastards, called it heresy. So blame that EVIL catholic church / RELIGION for the untold horror it rained down on the poor masses for over 500 years. Now they’ve evolved into child molesters due god had rather they sodomize young boys due they are prohibited from marriage, when around 600 AD plus, they were not. So chalk up another nightmare religion has caused mankind, plus ISIS.

    • God won’t very well inspire a written text before the development of a written language, will he?

    • 1st of Einstein there are matters called sciences, philosophies, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, trigonometry, that all were mostly developed by the Greeks. Just to mention a few of the more important things that allowed the human race to advance / progress, on and on. As each one of those disciplines has to progress to the next level, as we were not born with a laptop you idiot. It, like all inventions come after thousands of years of higher mathematics, chemistry etc. Your question seems to lead me to believe your slightly retarded due such a stupid remark / question, as the old saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day”. Oh, the romans invented cement for your information, and it’s very clear you need an education.

  38. Indian religions are not that stuff. Indian religions aren’t organised religions. Indian religious scripts have no time frame. They are beyond boundaries.

  39. The only reason why our prayers or faith or belief has ever worked is because of our own mental focus. Religions that teach that something outside of us is answering our prayers are obsolete now as are such books that are the root of unscientific fundamentalism!

    • You claim your prayers have worked because of your mental focus. However the laws of probability state that some of your prayers will work yet some may not. Your mental focus in achieving your goals is nothing to do with some ‘supernatural’force.

  40. There is only one book that is the good book figure out which one it is, that is not man made!

        • Can you prove otherwise? If you are correct then why hasn’t a newer version be sent down with time? Why can’t we get an email from God ‘hey people here is latest version directly from me to you, don’t believe anything else?’ I am not trying to make fun, it’s a serious question. I used email as an example. My main question is why aren’t we seeing something now? Are we in such a good shape as human that God doesn’t have to look over us anymore and give us new directions (book)? Do you believe we are in such a good shape that we don’t need any help anymore?

          • Body language, facial expressions and words that were said before changing them is part of it.

  41. religion is the worsening of the bad situation in solution of which it was invented in primitive ages where society was still centered upon the “right of the stronger”.

  42. unfortunately for you, the morning star is your very “jesus christ”, as revelation “revealed”…….

    • For Pascal’s Wager not to be valid, you would need to disprove God’s existence, because as far as I’m aware, the outweighing of penalty for not believing in God is still greater, whether or not He exists..
      Proving God’s necessity, and therefore His existence, is easy. All you need is basic logical skill.
      Have you heard of the Argument from Contingency? The First ‘uncaused’ cause?

      • Sorry, you are incorrect. Someone cannot prove or provide evidence of something that does not exist. Pascal’s wager is a cop-out for people uncomfortable with not being able to provide a valid answer. As for the Argument of Contingency, an interesting philosophical argument, and that is all.
        That is not evidence or proof, it is based on inference.

      • Sorry, cannot prove the existence of an entity that does not exist. How about unicorns? The Argument from Contingency is an invention of the apologists who cannot answer a question.

        • Of course you can’t prove the existence of something doesn’t exist. No one claimed such was possible in the slightest so I don’t know where you even got that from.
          The universe requires causation, and to say it is exempt from this is to invoke just one bit of magic to explain everything else. And by the way, it will always be magic or supernatural (magic, to you, to science), because it is extra-natural.

      • Argument of First Cause is indeed a Holey piece of double-speak created by early weak-minded Catholic philsophying theologians. The argument has one HUGE HOLE in it. It magically assumes that everything (every effect) must have a cause. Who says so? Maybe
        4th Corinthians, 2:1? Maybe the Pope?

  43. i have questioned religion for many years ? ask yourself this, what was it that made you believe in god ???? i think most of you (most) believe it because someone told you that`s the way it is ( family possibly )and for those of you that are lonely gives you comfort or you read it from a book ?? . to me believing in god is something you should believe in because you believe it for yourself not because you have been told that`s the way it is . or is it that saying what goes around comes around teaches us what`s really real a little at a time . just a thought . lets not give up on good people there are some left somewhere , search and you will find , and you can start to change the world today by
    believing in yourself . that`s all i have for now.

  44. religion is all about power control and money and in the case of muslims – sex sex sex – even when dead. Gullible and ignorant peasants were kept in check by priests for the king – by not being taught to read and in the case of Rome and the catholics that was controlled by latin reading/writing priests, Henry 8 told the pope to fuck off and made himself Head of church of England and confiscated all catholic monasteries assets. Well done Harry. However, a 7th century book of lies kept arabic peasants slaves and prayed 5 times a day to a non existent allah – total bullshit much like the old testament but told them to kill all jews and christians with the rewards of sex with little girls and boys allowed by the imams who sold certificates of bad behaviour. All scams are generous, easy to make a promise to the gullible as they cost nothing to make a promise about a non existent paradise.

    Muslims are stupid gullible morons and islam must be wiped out forever. All religions are crazy but gullible muslim men are insane if they think that dying as a martyr will give them 72 virgins in a non existent paradise promised by a non existent allah. Bonkers and so must be gotten rid of now.

    • And yet, Frank, prayer works. I know that for a fact. Every one of my prayers this week have been answered. Monday, no. Tuesday, no. Wednesday, no. Proof!!!

        • What more do you need? Another two weeks have passed and my prayers continue to be answered! The answers continue to be no, but no is an answer so I have proof of God! Amen! Praise the Lord and pass the potatoes!

          • Well, just pray in front of “infidels”: ask him, say, to convert ’em at once. If “he” will answer your prayers, it will mean that he exist. Otherwise…
            P.s.: would you like mayonese on them too?

      • prayer is NOT religion-it is focused energy that we send out into the matrix and our thoughts manifest into our reality…

  45. Prehistoric people were superstitious; modern people are mostly superstitious and brain-washed starting from their earliest lives. Of course, all religions and deities are/were man-made. There have been over 10000 named deities and millions of religions (this includes all the personal and idiosyncratic) and we are to believe there is a true deity and true religion? One can understand people believing such nonsense in prescientific times, but it is apparent that most people are still inured in their prescientific state of minds. Not surprisingly these believers get extremely upset when someone challenges their beliefs in these fairy tales as I have often experienced.

  46. One of the reasons religion has hung around too long already is that it is mostly the religious people who pro-create and pass the myths along to future generations. There is a reason why churches oppose birth control… it helps insure the future of their establishment.

  47. U counterargued nothing. You said a bunch of irrelevant false stuff. Stop wasting your time 🙂

  48. Quote me where I misquoted or took him out of context, and I’ll be happy to edit my comment.

  49. Religion is a ruse used to separate rubes from their money. It obviously works rather well. My grandmother could barely afford food, yet her checkbook showed she sent weekly checks to TV Christian hucksters.

    Scum, like Pat Robertson, telling an 85 year old woman who said she could no longer afford to send him money as a retired waitress living on Social Security, to get a part time job and send him the money.

    How anyone can believe these scumbags who prey on the mentally retarded, or rape little children befuddles me.

    How can people be so stupid?

    • 🙁 i hope she’s ok and keep her away from those crazy people, and pls help her, even though i’m sure u already have been helping her!

  50. I guess you are afraid of more intelligent people than you who tell you to question everything. When there is no proof or evidence of what you believe, but comfort and complacency. If anyone should be stoned is the people like you who are led by the nose, and express righteous nonsense.

  51. No, it is religious people wo make claims about an invincible entity. No one can prove something that does not exist. Understand?

  52. You and Leya are really fearful that what you believe is a man-made fantasy. Perhaps Harry is a real wizard as it is in a book.

  53. Hi Alice 🙂 Thanks for your careful reply. I agree on 99% of what you said, if not all.
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: (hypothetically) If I were to ask God one thing face to face, I would ask Him, “Why is life so complex [having so many complications which makes simple absolutes difficult]?” I wouldn’t dare ask Him in reality but He knows our struggle as humans to understand the nature of things life, truth, existence etc. And yes, there are a few difficult verses in the bible, but often it takes you only to go back a passage or so and find the key to the conundrum.
    Take the example you gave, about the linens. This one is simple. You weren’t allowed to mix the fabrics because priests solely used particular fabrics for their role as priests of God. Another well known example is the hardening of the pharaoh’s heart. Did God infringe upon pharaoh’s will or something? And the answer is of course; no. If you go back only verses, you hear God mentioning that pharaoh has hardened his own heart. The way I view it at least, is, even given that the bible was inspired AND at the same time allowing for errors (although I don’t concede there are any), the book, as a collection of books from different authors, periods and geo-cultural settings etc, is overwhelmingly coherent and in agreement with other books. Many, many historical events recorded have been corroborated with modern findings in archaeology and such.

    As for me, I personally believe that I am safe to belief in God, given the current things we know to be true about reality. At the same time, I can totally understand how anyone would doubt God in the current climate of rampant humanism and secularism. Brought up thinking theists teach about a ‘sky daddy’ or ‘sky wizard’, which to any plastic, gullible mind will stick. I feel sorry for people who ‘don’t believe in God’ because it is my belief that at some point they knowingly or unknowingly pledged to themselves to believe life is possible naturally because otherwise they would be bound to the rule the only God anybody considers feasible; the Christian God.

    The bible says that people in the last days will be scoffers, ignorant of creation (that God created the world), the flood (God’s ability to and action of judging the world), and the coming judgement. To me, that’s what I see, and I tend to agree with what it predicted.

    As a side note, I personally have read no one else that spoke like Jesus spoke. The authority and relatability with which he chose His words etc. Claiming to be God Himself.

    I have had friends who have debated with me about the topic of the reality of God, evolution etc. All it takes is honesty with oneself. I mean this existence, as you alluded to, is nothing without honesty to oneself. And I honestly, wholeheartedly believe that there is an underlying quality about this universe and experience itself that just leads me to the only explanation I can rationalise, which is a personal creator of the kind the bible talks of.

    I don’t know what you believe, but I respect your intellectual honesty and may God bless you 😉

    • Sorry I didn’t respond to this sooner…I am not very good at checking up on these things. Thanks for your reply; I currently have only hopes, but, a little more peace of mind. Hope your day is going well.

  54. U smart U loyal U Indoctrinated U Think inside the box The key to success is to break down that box and be free

  55. Why don’t u people see the beginning of all this.How it all started..

    IDK much but just wondering how the entire thing is based on the fall of man and woman from some mysterious land of garden and their sin created the entire lineage of mankind, which is where the religion and evolution concept as explained in science go away from each other despite the saying that many things in the books could be scientifically explained !!!

    Also the religions originated from the same place have the same concept of god and the same history regarding the concepts , with just a lil bit of modifications whereas entirely different location of the world have the whole other concepts about god in the same time period.

    When people collectively start looking at things, they probably wonder how the entire system is fooled by just some concepts or notions about something they called god and religion started a long long ago.

    well obviously you will never know ..you just sit and wonder how the entire system is made,who is right or wrong or you just live ur life the way which keeps u happier with all the positiveness which is what i think the “GOD” who created all the things might be wanting..YESS to live !! Thats why god created u in this world if thats how u want to put this.. not to cry and bitch about others religion or others thinking of god.

    And ofcuz more than 90% chose their religion and GOD by their birth. not by choice.So don’t JUDGE others.MIND UR OWN PLATE. Let others eat what they wish or what they like..



    hui hui hihi ( with a grin and wink ;))

    Lots of love

    take care

    • but there isn’t any “god” like u’r saying, i mean like… idk u just sound irrelevant but thx for being nice lol and care to u tooooooooooooo umm

    • To the Admins of the webpage: You hate truth don’t you, you one-sided, truth censoring and suppressing, cowardly deceptive shills? You wouldn’t allow my comment to be posted, because it’s true… Way to be just like the people you claim to be exposing… Hypocrites!

  56. Add feminism to that list of control mechanisms.

    Religions are basically a means for men to control women. i.e. Women need to get married before having sex and in return they pay for their offspring.

    Feminism is a way for women to control men i.e. It allows women to have sex and children with more desirable men and then have the other men pay for those children through government entitlements.

    It’s all rubbish.

    • “Religions are a means to control women” ok what of atheism? A means to control those who believe different than i do?

    • no. thats like saying that racism is just a way to make sure that white people aren’t mean to any other race and its cause is specifically designed to control white people -.-

      • Racism is the act of being mean. I suspect you mean racial activism.

        Well it is.

        The question is whether that is right or wrong. I don’t think there is anyone that would question civil rights or feminism was a good thing in the 1960s to help establish a color or gender blind society. There’s a lot of people that question whether it has a need today or is it’s main aim now to control white men and to take unfairly from them.

        I suspect personal bias will determine what side of the fence you sit.

    • feminism hasn’t always been like that and as of now feminism isn’t that necessary anymore and the type of feminism u’r talking about isn’t even feminism lol but ok

      • I’m sure when people say similar things about their religion they get the same response.

        But true doesn’t believe in that or want to do that and of course I follow the true . 🙂

        Whatever feminism was supposed to be and I agree it was an important and needed movement it has long since morphed beyond what it set out to do.

  57. There is no possible way you took five years to write this “research”. All of your points that you think ‘prove’ religious books are man-made don’t seem to be scientific, but what you THINK. I’m Muslim, so i really disagree with you.
    Also…to answer your question of “Why would ‘God’ write anything anyway?”, from a Muslim’s perspective, actually most religions write books to urge people to the right path, and to make them succeed in life. That is one reason, but there are many other reasons as well.
    In addition, why would you discuss such topic, whether its man-made or made by god, they benefit us anyways. So it doesn’t really matter who wrote them. Also, it’s all about beliefs, there’s nothing you can prove 100%. I personally believe its not man-made, when you believe the opposite, there is no need to attack.
    Using words like ‘nonsense’ and ‘sham’, are really disrespectful and irrelevant when it comes to such serious topics.

    • “they benefit us anyways.”

      Religion only brings hatred, division and war to the world. As for its benefits the only people it benefits are those who use the brainwashed subjects of religion to create chaos and disorder.

      • A Pope in the vatican has existed on 3 basic lies for a long while raking in a billion dollars a year from gullible catholic peasants, much gold in thousands of churches with fake religious artifacts kept in an air conditioned museum – guarded by swiss soldiers in floppy slippers while priests bugger little boys all for a non existent god.Religion has a lot to answer for – but the pope will only excommunicate you (whatever that means ) but the crazy muslims will execute you for being a non believer. Muslim men are dangerous morons and need to wiped out asap.

    • The problem is people like you. Ever hear of Pascal’s wager. Religion is man made, and human have invented 3000 + . You have no evidence or proof to show that a god exists. People continue to make claims about a god by using all types of slogans, but that is not proof or evidence. What is the real benefit anyway. If you are a good person, you will still be good. If you are good because you may be punished, then you are not a good human being. Yes it does matter who wrote these texts.
      You go tell that to the thousand fleeing to Europe right now. So you see Leya, religion does not show the right path. For some it is a path to an early grave. Your fellow man is more important than some invincible entity that was made-up.

      • Yeah but the proof is that she just ‘feels’ it man…..
        Logic and reality will only fall on deaf ears, I suspect.

  58. of course it is. People can either try and have an engaging dialogue because the opinion piece raised a few interesting points of discussion, they can circle jerk it and use it to prove how correct they are to themselves or they can freak out in fear that their own opinions are being opposed and strike out. I personally prefer the first one but you know how people are.

  59. Smoke a reefer and get stoned yourself bumpkin, you need to change out of your troll costume and put your pyjamas on for the mosque you sniff arseholes in.

  60. You are related to a sneaky arab – an arab who thinks his prophet brought the world the last religion. That is what a dipshit truly is – a piss poor arab who doesn’t know his arse from a hole in the ground.

    • First of all you lot need to respect each others argument…
      then second.. Islam is a peaceful religion so is christianity etc. No religion in the world supports or provokes people to justify their anwsers by using violent actions… Muslims are all around the world… 1 billion muslim communities
      These terrorists not even cover 1% of the total muslim population so lets not blame an entire religion on actions of few. Tod brown you were right that why women should cover themselves if men cant keep themselves control. i’ll tell you something its in every man’s nature to have a desire discovering a women’s sexuality. Women who are not muslims find it ok…. they love having sex before marriage.. they love making porn videos and show it to our young generation that women have no respect and are bunch of sex toys for men. This is the reason why women in islam cover themselves so not even a single man( not only muslim men) can think about their sexuality and can easily cope with them. let me clear your misconception Islam only talks about respect and love. Even if stories of man made religions are true we atleast have a reason to live our lives in the correct manner. If there was no religion there would be no morality. The Quran or the Bible may be man made but let’s leave the argument about God and focus on the guidelines of a better life that are in those Holy Books and we need to respect them Even if you are an athiest.

      • Subhan, I live in a Muslim country and have first hand knowledge about the treatment of women in Islam – All the rape victims in Pakistan are girls who were HIJAB and cover themselves from head to toe – No body dares to do rape to Liberal empowered women. Forget women Islam allows child marriages and there are countless cases of child molestation and this is done by the religious MULLAS – and dont tell me that now girl child as young as five should cover themselves as Muslim men have higher testosterone level and when they see a female face they get aroused –

  61. A book is not proof that something exists…I read ‘The stickman’ but that’s not proof of a family of twigs being real…I am ready to believe in God and I am perfectly open to a magical baby…but not one shred of evidence? Ok the Big Bang is a theory that is hard to comprehend and but evolution is obvious and EVERYWHERE…its indisputable…even in mans recorded history we have evolved.

  62. The mind is a very powerful thing consider that we can create vast skyscrapers, intricate jet engines, microscopic circuit boards and space stations. All these things are harnessed from the human mind be it collective or singular. Humans have barely changed in thousands of years and neither has the human brain of which we use the same apparatus. The desert people had the same brains, but they never built the jet engine, they instead wrote stories, legends and in the case of the bible which was written by multiple humans prior to the Middle Ages describing in very simplistic terms things that could only be formulated by the mindset of people during the decline of the Roman Empire. The Hadron Collider has recreated your God, yet those who did so are not themselves Gods or claim to channel divine powers like prophets. No. Let us leave ignorance and myth behind us. Humans deserve more than lies written in man made books.

    • Collective knowledge evolves over time. In fact, the Christian church is now evolving via human input. There are no Gods involved in the church’s evolution to allow gays and female priests. That’s all human evolution as the bible was written by humans in the style and rhetoric of the people around at the time.

    • nope he sounds opinionated atheists sound scared when they only bash religious people in non middle eastern countries lol

      • Those goddamn opinionated atheists having them opinions! I like generalizing groups of people too, my brother!

    • Oh I hope I made no such impression upon you. It certainly wasn’t intended. And to dispel the false impression, I’m not scared. This comment was a critical review of the video, nothing more or less.

  63. True! There are contradictions in both books (Bible and Koran)… However, those who attack Islam only and claim Muhammad did some messed up stuff fail to see that Lot did similar in the Bible, Moses, David, Abraham, among others did messed up things as well, but they still showed a belief in God was a good idea and to treat others with respect. 😉

  64. “People aren’t as dumb or easily swayed as they used to be thousands of years ago” Maybe in developed countries, but in barbaric societies (like Mexico) they’re still sheep.

    • Your statement and theirs is wrong! Anyone who votes Conservative Republican would be more likely to do but Abraham in the Bible did, more likely to do what Lot, David, Moses and others in the Bible did as well. Muhammad isn’t much different in the depictions of him being a pedophile as Biblical Lot, and the others I mentioned…Neither of them were perfect, but they still encouraged others to believe in God and to treat others how they wanted to be treated…

  65. the punishment for blasphemy and adultery are same in both christianity(leviticus) and islam i.e stoning then why only Islam is targetted??

    • Because Muslims are the ones still stoning, beheading and murdering people. You have the intelligence level of an amoeba.

    • True! I am trying to peacemake with others to show they don’t have much argument about Muhammad, compared to how the Bible depicts the Biblical prophets themselves..I am basically doing all this to show a belief as a Christian, Jew or Muslim is fine, as long as you don’t vote conservative Republican. If you do, at least try to better yourself by getting a great education to be able to ignore violent commands! 🙂

  66. are you another product of cousin marriage’s in the muslim community? im surprised an inbred like you know’s how to type a comment good job 5 stars for you

  67. “We must ensure that the people who have been fooled for so long by fictitious belief systems utilised to control humans do not get too angry when they realise that what they believe in is nonsense written by humans utilising human created language. This could be dangerous for society, so we must either let them carry on believing their fiction or try to somehow support them when they realise the truth,”

  68. You are the World Teacher you come here and tell us that the lies of past books are false causing division and war. Do not forget the inequality. We must all share our resources when you look at America as an example which makes up only 5% of the population yet uses 42% of earth’s resources we must seek to address these inconsistencies. I say to you whoever wrote this you have awoken those who sleep who believe without question and those who always knew in the back of their minds what they were being taught by the churches and religious tricksters that lies and myths cannot be treated as facts or truth. Peace be upon you for your service to Mankind and a future of goodwill amongst men.

  69. No one is blindly accepting anything in the above piece. I personally read what is written in the ‘opinion piece’ as you call it and have done my own research and it makes perfect logical sense. On the other hand, there is no logic in the bible and it is obviously fabricated fantasy not based on anything that is concrete. Logic, physics, mathematics, chemistry, astro physics, medicine and biology all trump the blind faith some people still believe in the bible. That’s just a cold hard fact that people like you will never understand as you have been conditioned from birth to believe in a fictitious book of nonsense.

  70. Hello I am a creationist and I believe the earth is only 10,000 years old and man existed with dinosaurs. How do I know this to be true? Because it says so in the Bible.

    • the earth is older then 10000 years there is a lot of evidence in the form of fossils of tress and other species.

      • Oh yeah?!?! Prove it then. and don’t tell me about carbon dating that does not tell you how old things are. It’s false. God created the earth in six days.

        • and how long is a day without a moon or a sun?

          and carbon dating has nothing to do with it

          i’ve read it thousands of times in hundreds of translations in several languages, studied it in seminary, and what you say is absolutely not in the book of genesis or anywhere else. not in hebrew, not in latin, not in greek, not in aramaic.

          yom in hebrew in genesis means “ages”

          no dinosaurs or any species we don’t know are ever mentioned, so god does not say how long it took for it all to happen

          and then there is the rest of the universe never mentioned in the book of genesis

          and god never mentions how long it took to go from Adam to Abraham.

          that is in Genesis, not in any way what you describe: in fact the Book of Genesis says you are wrong, dead wrong.

          • You are a charlatan and disbeliever.

            Answer: The creation account is found in Genesis 1–2. The language of the Genesis account makes it clear that all of creation was formed from nothing in six literal 24-hour periods with no time periods occurring between the days. This is evident because the context requires a literal 24-hour period. The description specifically describes the event in a manner that a normal, common-sense reading understands as a literal day: “And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day” (Genesis 1:5). Further, each sentence in the original language begins with the word “and.” This is good Hebrew grammar and indicates each sentence is built upon the preceding statement, clearly indicating that the days were consecutive and not separated by any period of time. The Genesis account reveals that the Word of God is authoritative and powerful. Most of God’s creative work is done by speaking, another indication of the power and authority of His Word. Let us look at each day of God’s creative work:

            Creation Day 1 (Genesis 1:1-5)
            God created the heavens and the earth. “The heavens” refers to everything beyond the earth, outer space. The earth is made but not formed in any specific way, although water is present. God then speaks light into existence. He then separates the light from the dark and names the light “day” and the dark “night.” This creative work occurs from evening until morning – one day.

            Creation Day 2 (Genesis 1:6-8)
            God creates the sky. The sky forms a barrier between water upon the surface and the moisture in the air. At this point earth would have an atmosphere. This creative work occurs in one day.

            Creation Day 3 (Genesis 1:9-13)
            God creates dry land. Continents and islands are above the water. The large bodies of water are named “seas” and the ground is named “land.” God declares that all this is good.

            God creates all plant life both large and small. He creates this life to be self-sustaining; plants have the ability to reproduce. The plants were created in great diversity (many “kinds”). The earth was green and teeming with plant life. God declares that this work is also good. This creative work takes one day.

            Creation Day 4 (Genesis 1:14-19)
            God creates all the stars and heavenly bodies. The movement of these will help man track time. Two great heavenly bodies are made in relation to the earth. The first is the sun which is the primary source of light and the moon which reflects the light of the sun. The movement of these bodies will distinguish day from night. This work is also declared to be good by God. This creative work takes one day.

            Creation Day 5 (Genesis 1:20-23)
            God creates all life that lives in the water. Any life of any kind that lives in the water is made at this point. God also makes all the birds. The language allows that this may be the time God made flying insects as well (or, if not, they were made on day six). All of these creatures are made with the ability to perpetuate their species by reproduction. The creatures made on Day 5 are the first creatures blessed by God. God declares this work good, and it occurs in one day.

            Creation Day 6 (Genesis 1:24-31)
            God creates all the creatures that live on dry land. This includes every type of creature not included on previous days and man. God declares this work good.

            God then takes counsel with Himself, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness’” (Genesis 1:26). This is not an explicit revelation of the trinity but is part of the foundation for such, as God reveals an “us” within the Godhead. God makes man, and man is made in the image of God (men and women both bear this image) and is special above all other creatures. To emphasize this, God places man in authority over the earth and over all the other creatures. God blesses man and commands him to reproduce, fill the earth and subdue it (bring it under the rightful stewardship of man as authorized by God). God announces that man and all other creatures are to eat plants alone. God will not rescind this dietary restriction until Genesis 9:3-4.

            God’s creative work is complete at the end of the sixth day. The entire universe in all its beauty and perfection was fully formed in six literal, consecutive, 24-hour days. At the completion of His creation, God announces that it is very good.

            Creation Day 7 (Genesis 2:1-3)
            God rests. This in no way indicates He was weary from His creative efforts, but denotes that the creation is complete. Further, God is establishing a pattern of one day in seven to rest. The keeping of this day will eventually be a distinguishing trait of the God’s chosen people (Exodus 20:8-11).

          • Earl, as are you! You deny scientific math to “prove” your point…You have to use modern science to prove it REALLY only took 6 days or 6 periods, and so far, there is no evidence to support such a theory of 6 days…I believe there may be a God, but I know the Bible is BS in many areas, like the Koran also, so I’m sure God would’ve taken his time to create and perfect…

          • Umm, so did god work in time zones during these days? I mean it would have been too dark to work in Europe when each day was starting in the Pacific. China would have been a bitch, I mean 1 time zone for all that ground to cover. Or did he just unroll the earth into a flattish shape so he could illuminate the whole project? Or maybe he just borrowed some massive sun sized work lights to light the whole globe up? Where did he plug the lights in, I hope he used a surge protector. Why did he need to take 7 days anyway, I mean couldn’t he just bang it out in 3 or so, considering the extra industrial illumination at his disposal?

        • 6 days?! Prove that! 1 day = 24 hrs. so 6 days x 24 hrs. = 144 hrs. You really think it would have taken “God” 144 hours to create the Earth? That’s BS. He would’ve messed up some and had to recreate things afterwards. That would’ve extended the period needed to perfect the “creation”!

        • I counted about 4.5 billion candles on the cake at Earth’s last birthday, sooo. I didn’t see you at the party actually.

    • absolutely nowhere in any of the writings in the Bible does anyone say anything like that. In fact it says quite the opposite. anybody who says it is in the bible can’t read.

    • The Bible says nothing about dinosaurs! Your mathematical skills to calculate the age of the Earth would also be false because if there were only 6 periods to create the Earth, that would have taken millions and billions of years to get through each period, so your argument is a strawman!

      • Actually the Bible mentions at least two dinosaurs. Well, how else would you explain Job 40:15-24 and Job 4:1-34 (Behemoth, and Leviathan, respectively)?

  71. I have studied the Bible. We were forced to at school. I then did my own research of ancient cultures, science, physics and biology. The Bible is a book of fairy tale nonsense as this piece says it is. Any logical person of sanity could see that. I personally am interested in finding the truth and I searched in the bible and found none.

    • american pussy…gtfo.. thank god 9/11 happened and the elites were killed… only america should be bombed and raped not other countries

      • Muslims are weak, that’s why they lost all of the lands they conquered in history. Yeah muslims fought against Hitler but showed no compassion for 6 million jews murdered – You sir, are just another sneaky arab who dreams of a judgement day to come. A day that will never come but in the meantime religious pigs will feast off your ignorance until the world is burned by the Sun. Religion is another word for brain death RIP Ali

  72. It is easy to understand how you may think you have been duped.
    However, there are a lot of people who have much negativity to say about
    Christianity, without any significance to back it up. It is not a
    blind faith. Look at basic statistical figures related to any
    scientific discipline such as chemistry. In my premed days studying
    biology and chemistry, it was interesting to me to see in organic
    chemistry where the professor would give us the chemicals, tell us how
    long to “cook it” and how often we could not get the results. While
    obtaining a Biology minor, I found it interesting the complex interplay
    of organs being irreducibly complex (e.g., cant live w/o the intricate
    blood clotting cascade; or without a lung, or liver, etc) In fact, if
    you apply these same statistical principles to Christianity, you will
    find the odds of this faith being represented with historical accuracy
    on very solid ground. I would consider investigating the basic odds of
    just 10 heads of a coin in a row, and then think about the odds of the
    “mush” coming together to make complex organs without any

    • It’s called evolution moron, look it up. Christianity has no base apart from belief in imaginary creatures and fairy tales.

      • Hey, you moron…OR…LOU MORON…maybe you should take a few more statistical, biology and chemistry classes and come back when you “evolve” the other half of your brain….be careful, don’t cut yourself in the process cause then you’ll have to explain the blood clotting mechanism keeping you alive while you’re trying to mutate other organs…..micro-mutations are acceptable….get on your horse to explain macro-mutations

        • Please allow me to help here.

          Examples of saltational evolution include cases of stabilized hybrids that can reproduce without crossing (such as allotetraploids) and cases of symbiogenesis. Both gene duplication and lateral gene transfer have the capacity to bring about relatively large changes that are saltational. Evidence of phenotypic saltation has been found in the centipede[41] and some scientists have suggested there is evidence for independent instances of saltational evolution in Sphinx moths. Saltational changes have occurred in the buccal cavity of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. Some processes of epigenetic inheritance can also produce changes that are saltational. There has been a controversy over if mimicry in butterflies and other insects can be explained by gradual or saltational evolution. According to Norrström (2006) there is evidence for saltation in some cases of mimicry.[46] The endosymbiotic theory is considered to be a type of saltational evolution. Symonds and Elgar, 2004 have suggested that pheromone evolution in bark beetles is characterized by large saltational shifts. The mode of evolution of sex pheromones in Bactrocera has occurred by rapid saltational changes associated with speciation followed by gradual divergence thereafter.

          Saltational speciation has been recognized in the genus Clarkia (Lewis, 1966). It has been suggested (Carr, 1980, 2000) that the Calycadenia pauciflora could have originated directly from an ancestral race through a single saltational event involving multiple chromosome breaks. Specific cases of homeosis in flowers can be caused by saltational evolution. In a study of divergent orchid flowers (Bateman and DiMichele, 2002) wrote how simple homeotic morphs in a population can lead to newly established forms that become fixed
          and ultimately lead to new species.
          They described the transformation as a saltational evolutionary process, where a mutation of key developmental genes leads to a profound
          phenotypic change, producing a new evolutionary linage within a species. Polyploidy (most common in plants but not unknown in animals) is considered a type of saltation.
          Polyploidy meets the basic criteria of saltation in that a significant change (in gene numbers) results in speciation in just one generation.
          Mammalian liver cells are typically polyploidal, but they are not part of the germ line.

          Some creationists have associated Goldschmidt’s “hopeful monsters” with the theory of punctuated equilibrium, as proposed by Eldredge and Gould.
          Creationists such as Luther Sutherland claim that both theories inadvertently appeal to the absence of fossil evidence for evolution and thereby undermining the theory of Darwinian evolution. This predicament
          is used by creationists to argue that “there are no transitional fossils.” Paleontologists such as Niles Eldredge, Stephen Jay Gould, and Steven M. Stanley avoid this by explaining that transitional forms may be rare between species, but “they are abundant between larger groups”,[56] and none of these paleontologists support Goldschmidt’s “hopeful monster” hypothesis. Steven M. Stanley argued that some of Goldschmidt’s views err mainly in exaggerating the importance of “chromosomal rearrangements” leading to “rapid changes in growth gradients or developmental sequences, and on what we now call
          quantum speciation.”

          • WoW dude, impressive, you can copy & paste thing you actually know nothing about.. That’s a rare gift, I don’t know many who can do that.. {light, rapid Golf Clap}

            ..Bravo, sir, Bravo!

          • WoW dude, impressive, you can copy & paste information on things you actually know nothing about.. That’s a rare gift, I don’t know many who can do that..

            {light, rapid Golf Clap} ..Bravo, sir, Bravo! 😉

          • Great Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V skillz bruh.
            Unfortunately this word salad (evolutionary biologists are some of the best word ‘saladists’, it has to be said) amounts to naught, and has no substance. To add to that, thee author of this must have serious, serious concentration problems. The train of thought switches and hops throughout the whole thing.

            To pick just one juicy, even;

            ‘Stanley avoid this by explaining that transitional forms may be rare
            between species, but “they are abundant between larger groups”‘

            Oh they do avoid this, do they? Yes, well, sorry. That won’t cut it. What this is precisely equivalent to saying is that transitional fossils just simply never needed to be gradual and be present between species.


            This is like your teacher asking you “What is 532-88?” and you answering “Well, there doesn’t need to be answer, per se.”

            To see so many citations and quotes and names in a piece of text so absolutely void of any substance is disappointing to say the least.

      • It’s called Christianity moron, look it up. Evolution has no base apart from belief in imaginary events and monkey tails.

        See how this works? It doesn’t.

    • Both the Bible and Koran have loads of contradictions and errors… Both are dangerous and messed up! They also have good things in them also, I won’t doubt that…People need to stop attacking Islam only and see the log in their own eyes in terms of what they read from the Old Testament and some of what they read in the New Testament as well.

    • Yeah but your sense of wonder anecdata about not being able to competently follow a chemistry method or simple misty eyed wonder at the complexity of biology does not really constitute good evidence that the mush requires any assistance. A one in a bazillion coin toss becomes reasonably likely when you have bazillions of bazillions of coin tosses. But I suspect you were already a believer before you encountered any of this?

  73. If I say “bomb” – you imagine an explosion. Amazing the brain with the word “god” does exactly the same. Your mind explodes with countless thoughts.
    I believe we have arrived at a time in humanity’s existance when we can understand that our brains are amazing and can acheive incredible ideas that can be physically realised – whether for good or evil – Never attribute this to the will of a deity, it is just your imagination. Believe in yourself and educate others to use their heads for wonder and forget religious guidance forever. Mankind does not need it.

    • yeah mankid does not need it. feel free to rape or kill anybody coz no one is watching you..the 20 % atheists should die

      • What you are saying is that unless you believe you are being watched you couldn’t trust yourself not to rape or kill. Pathetic religious bumpkin. This is why women have to cover up in the presence of muslim men – the men cannot control their urges – even though they believe the ARE being watched – STUPID.
        Televisions have remote controls – people have self control – you seem to depend on your religion to stop YOU doing bad things – I just hope the batteries don’t run out on allahs remote control or you will be OUT OF CONTROL.

  74. I want to thank you whoever wrote this. After reading the words above and the comments below I have seen the error of the Christian religion and all organized religions. I have always been on the border line but now it is really clear to me. The Bible is false and it fooled me for much of my life this is an awakening for me….almost like an epiphany. Thank you for freeing me from this terrible chain around my ankles as I have left the prison. I have stopped attending church because as I looked around all I saw were people just playing out a role it was as if they were just doing those things because they were taught to do it and only wanted to be part of a group…like lemmings they were following blindly…and they were not aware of what they were doing. So much of religion is about following without question, and this is wrong, because ask enough questions and you see the reality…that Jesus is a myth. I have researched Christ and found in many scriptures and myths from the ancient world..there was an exact replica of the Christian Jesus. He was then assimilated into the Christian religion by those who wrote the book. It is the same of the Roman calendar and how the Christians took pagan festivals then put Jesus in there. One thing is certain many have been fooled as I was and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have opened my eyes. I am still spiritual but for myself…for science and fact, and logic and the universe, the planets. Not some human fabricated book that has caused so much heart ache and division…war…hatred..and ultimately evil. I am 40 years old and I feel as if I can see for the very first time. The road is clear. Thank you…

  75. The bible can have a billion pages, or ten trillion, it is still just a book written by multiple humans on pieces of paper with ink. If you hear a voice telling you to do things in your head you are probably schizoid or schizophrenic. If the voice tells you to take your son up a mountain and sacrifice him to their god you are probably having a psychotic schizoid break down. If you see angels everywhere you are hallucinating. The bible is a fabrication. Nothing in the bible is true and your brainwashing has conditioned you from birth, through your parents, your grandparents and the churches.

    There is no hope for you.

  76. Why organised religions do not hold up to scrutiny and are teaching false lies to people.

    Make an observation or observations.

    1.Ask questions about the observations and gather information.

    2.Form a hypothesis — a tentative description of what’s been observed, and make predictions based on that hypothesis.

    3.Test the hypothesis and predictions in an experiment that can be reproduced.

    4.Analyze the data and draw conclusions; accept or reject the hypothesis or modify the hypothesis if necessary.

    5.Reproduce the experiment until there are no discrepancies between
    observations and theory. “Replication of methods and results is my
    favorite step in the scientific method,” Moshe Pritsker, a former
    post-doctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School and CEO of JoVE, told
    Live Science. “The reproducibility of published experiments is the
    foundation of science. No reproducibility – no science.”

    Some key underpinnings to the scientific method:

    1.The hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable, according to North Carolina State University. Falsifiable means that there must be a possible negative answer to the hypothesis.

    must involve deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. 3.Deductive
    reasoning is the process of using true premises to reach a logical true
    conclusion while inductive reasoning takes the opposite approach.

    4.An experiment should include a dependent variable (which does not change) and an independent variable (which does change).

    5.An experiment should include an experimental group and a control
    group. The control group is what the experimental group is compared

    • Yes, but in the past you Christians did force people. You forced them by punishment of death. Now it’s time for you to shut up you ignorant religious zealot.

  77. There must be a Creator. I’m sad that science has made someone an atheist. And what about the atheists? If there is no bad and no good, no haram and no halal, no sin and no good deed?Where would we be? We would be killing one another, stealing money and telling numerous lies. That makes no sense too. Then,what is the use of doing good? Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind. And I wouldn’t like to be a lame Person nor would I like to be blind. I’ll take both science and religion. That’s the only way to life, and afterlife. And by religion, I mean Islam.

    • Religious beliefs are myths that are blindly believed by conditioned followers, slaves. There is no science in that because scientific hypothesis or processes were not utilised to prove any religious belief. If you wish to believe in fairy tales you should be allowed to do so but do not equate science with that.

      • Sorry, I kind of think I offended you, and that’s something I don’t like. But thanks for being so nice even though you’re an atheist. Well, I have a humble request and also a small advice for you. Can you just search uP the net and find how and why many PeoPle, starting from non-believers to scientists,converted to Islam? Find your own answer. It’s a small request from this sister of yours.

        • When given the choice of Islam or death, most would instinctively choose the former. Humans have an incredible will to survive.

    • If you would be stealing killing etc without religion, that just means you’re a shitty person.

      I have no religion, I don’t kill or steal, because that’s a shitty thing to do.
      There does not HAVE to be a creator, that’s ridiculous and something only someone who does not understand evolution, chemistry and biology could say.

      • You’re not nice! Did I say that atheists are bad[don’t worry,I won’t swear at you even though you did it with me]? Did I say that atheists are fools,let alone swearing at them? So why are you calling me that word? You say,you aren’t bad at heart. That’s good, really good…But just now you have sworn at me, and swearing is something you shouldn’t do. About the creator thing,okay, I admit that evolution and science are true but tell me how were you created? And from what? Someone has to create you, right? Tell me, has science discovered how humans were created? You know, many scientists have converted to Islam when they saw the relationship between Science and Quran. I think you should, for a moment at least, forget you’re an atheist and look uP the net to find how and why millions and millions of PeoPle converted to Islam. That’s an advice and a request from this sister of yours. Sorry, if I offended you.

      • Human emotions like love, kindness, decency and loyalty/devotion existed thousands of years before any man-made religions were concocted with specific rules for living in society. You’re right, like most things, religion hijacked that sh1t…

      • You just made up own religious belief system without any foundation to back it up. their has to be a creator or otherwise we would not exist, Now the debate is whether a deity or evolution created us, but thats an even bigger subject that takes more time than a short comment to dive into.

    • Yeah but if everyone in the world suddenly forgot about religion, I think we’d be good, we would still know how to do heart transplants and make smart phones. If everyone suddenly forgot about science, we’d be back in the dark ages, dying at 30. Science doesn’t ‘make’ atheists, you are born an atheist, it’s the growing up with people in your society indoctrinating you into your particular religion that make you Muslim, Christian or whatever and making you think you need a creator.

  78. It’s weird…Was I made out of…..nothing? And what’s gonna be my story? I lived and then I died and then…I was forgotten?!What about the Earth? Was everything made out of nothing? That’s a weird thing. That makes no sense.How can anything be made out of nothing?

    • No you were not made of nothing. In the universe no matter is ever destroyed, therefore if you pour a cup of water onto the floor, the H2O molecules eventually evaporate into the atmosphere and come back down to earth later. All life on earth evolved from bacteria over billions of years. Evolution is proof that we came from SOMETHING.

      • Bacteria? I’m made from bacteria? Weird. Anyway, Evolution is right but there must be a creator, because even the something is made from something…it’s confusing…. I mean to say that you’re saying all life on earth evolved from bacteria over billions of years, but who created the bacteria? Ok, let’s think that bacteria is made from xyz. So, who made the xyz? Ok, let’s even think that xyz is made from abc, then who’s the creator of abc? Don’t get offended,okay….

        • I get your point, however the Big Bang that created the universe has something to do with things. You can call it what you want, God, the almighty etc..but the existence of something in the universe is just physical existence, we are just now learning about dark matter and black holes. The human brain is predisposed to see patterns in things, however to study the universe, one must first understand chaos. Religion is a man made interpretation of something, there were no gods involved in writing on a piece of paper…this is the folly of man, who needs something to believe in.

        • Yeah classic chicken and egg right? You are considering the universe as Newtonian, and it just isn’t, sorry.

      • Grab something in your immediate vicinity. Squeeze it, hard. Tap it against the wall. Scratch it. (Disclaimer: Make sure the windows are shut, so no one thinks you are insane)

        Where did that ‘stuff’ come from? Before the universe began to exist, it was nothing. So what caused the ‘Big Bang’ to occur, if there was absolutely nothing?

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