Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”

NEW YORK - USA - In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East.

KISSINGER DRUMS OF WAR political satire

Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, Henry Kissinger, who will be 89 in May, is all too forward with his analysis of the current situation in the world forum of Geo-politics and economics.

“The United States is baiting China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them. We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang. The coming war will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”

Mr Kissinger then added: “If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”

After pausing for a few minutes to collect his thoughts, Mr Kissinger, carried on: “We told the military that we would have to take over seven Middle Eastern countries for their resources and they have nearly completed their job. We all know what I think of the military, but I have to say they have obeyed orders superlatively this time. It is just that last stepping stone, i.e. Iran which will really tip the balance. How long can China and Russia stand by and watch America clean up? The great Russian bear and Chinese sickle will be roused from their slumber and this is when Israel will have to fight with all its might and weapons to kill as many Arabs as it can. Hopefully if all goes well, half the Middle East will be Israeli. Our young have been trained well for the last decade or so on combat console games, it was interesting to see the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 game, which mirrors exactly what is to come in the near future with its predictive programming. Our young, in the US and West, are prepared because they have been programmed to be good soldiers, cannon fodder, and when they will be ordered to go out into the streets and fight those crazy Chins and Russkies, they will obey their orders. Out of the ashes we shall build a new society, a new world order; there will only be one superpower left, and that one will be the global government that wins. Don’t forget, the United States, has the best weapons, we have stuff that no other nation has, and we will introduce those weapons to the world when the time is right.”

End of interview. Our reporter is ushered out of the room by Kissinger’s minder.

Update: We revisited Mr Kissinger in 2018 for a follow up interview.

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  1. I doubt this is an actual interview with Kissenger. But, in the satire there is truth and I think most miss the truth. World War IV (the cold war being WWIII) is not about conquest and great new empires built from former city states, nor is it to be a war to establish one religion's dominace over all the others. That is the myth we are being fed so our passions rise to the "Call of "Duty". World War IV will be a war of genocide, in the aftermath there will be no Rome, no Jerusalem, no Mekka left standing, no crystal cathedrals, no mega churches, no Russia, no China, no United States and no Europe. There will be only chaos and survivors longing for the good old days, and then after much sufferring the elites will wringle their ugly heads out of their dirty holes and backed by thier standing armies, having no national allegence will carve a new world order out of the body of survivors; those opposing will simply be exterminated. This is what our collective hate towards others who are not like us have earned us. This is the reward provided by religion without tolerance and politics without purpose, and in this way civilization will be born again; and it will be our fault because rather than becoming a united world offering peace, progress and prosperity for everyone, we became island states insisting all that there was belonged to only us and no one else because God willed it.

  2. Nasty evil old Jew. The Muslim world has been patiently awaiting your move and we already know the outcome for you. The USA your obedient satanic slave will be left in ashes too.

  3. If jews were not guilty of what is going on, how come they dont get out of Palestine, they are Khazars and they dont have the right to invade, kill and loot. But the "good" jews are still there, how come they dont get out of there and leave the Palestinians alone. So, you tell me that is not the jews but the elitists, Elitists and jews are the same, khazars and criminals, i have no pity for those people, they stiil live on stolen land and of the blood of Palestiniansb965

  4. "After pausing a couple of minutes to collect his thoughts"….You don't think he hasn't thought of this before? Come on, people.

    Pure tripe.

  5. Realpolitik is disgusting, it abdicates moral responsibility and therefore is amoral. This explains the horrible mess we are all in.

  6. I wish you live to see. There will be no Isreal, not because 300.000 missile will hit it in two days. but because there will be no UAS to help it.

  7. It's not the Jews. it the Eliteists. its the Builderbergs, the Council of foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Illumantai.

  8. "Our young have been trained well for the last decade or so on combat console games, it was interesting to see the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 game, which mirrors exactly what is to come in the near future with its predictive programming."
    LOL dude.. The whole world is training then… Oh sorry, did i mention the " gamers dont die, we just respawn" thing, eh?
    Yeah, thats what i thought…

  9. Jews are destroyers of nations . They have been expelled ,in their history ,by many nations.Everything about Jews is deceit.

  10. I totally agree with this cunning old man, however this third war will be the end of the US. I believe, as all Arabs and Muslims all over the globe that there is a third war and Muslims and Islam will prevail. the US will be wiped from Earth. we do not heat America but America will start the war and we will fight back. we see that every nation take a span of time, Do you remember the ancient empires? where are they now? they thought that no one can even touch them, however they gone underground just like America. ISLAMIC EMPIRE IS COMING SOON, VERY SOON.

  11. http://cccp-kpss.narod.ru/ Стара, как Мир – война на истребленье! Но не на много Мир взрослее стал… Не хочется, конечно, умирать… жаль детей… жаль Россию-матушку… старичок-пердунок! Может передумаешь, а?.. Пока не поздно… Скажи своей крысе Клитор (или клинтор… или клинтон… мать её…), чтоб не пищала на Лаврова! Дай ей фалоиммитатор и отправь на пенсию… И пусть будет мир во всём Мире!!! Давай, дедок, не дрейфь! Плюнь Рокфеллеру в рожу и стань Спасителем Мира!!! Будь крутым! Удачи! From Russia wish Lowe!

  12. You know what, I tend to disagree with his forecast generally. But just by reading the comments all the people left on the interview, you notice that he managed to make the readres all selfish and enemy to each other. they all felt like they are in war already and started to take a side. They forgot the humanity priorities. His words are just for brain washing 🙁

  13. ok so many of us have come across this BS before , and yeah it is the plan ever since a very long time ago , and yeah u have delt many winning cards , but no , u forgot that u r not gods , and that no matter how much u plan and how hard u work on achieving and how close u think u r to gaining world effin dominance , u can not control the out come , not everything is under your power u know , there r many aspects at hand , and u r coming down matey , u and the rest of your gang bec the people r waking up and u cant stop that , u can not control the outcome there r forces as strong as your if not stronger on the side of the people , and u know it so go head give it a shot its your last game anyway , but mark my words mister u r about to lose tp the power of the people , to the faith in freedom , to the invincible force of universal justice , may u burn in hell as u jerk to your cruel intentions. your r cursed , by all the souls u plan to kill.

  14. لا تعش سن غيرك ،وما كان صحيح يتبدل و القوة ليست دائما عسكرية….

  15. What a joke! this fellow is talking about,
    He's is in Fantasie World, just look back at the super power since 2011, fighting the taliban with 45 Allies and now it's nearly 11 years and they still can't leave their Military base for a patrol LoL.They have the greatest technology compared with an old rpg dated from the Russian old time 1980,but they giving it to them hardly, that they got pissed off and started to piss on the dead body of Taliban.They also got wipped out in Iraq what more he wanted to talk about.

  16. Hello Henry! If you can read this and if this was really your interview there is a message for you. You are the smart and great person, one of the smartest persons on Earth (if not the smartest).
    You are quite old now and you have made a great game, whatever the final will be the game was great. The great player knows where to stop, but the best players know how to defeat themselves and reverse the chess party even if they change figures from black to whites and whites to blacks. If you think that your game is over and you are close to final – do not believe into this! Soon aging will be defeated, people will stop being old and you can make new game again. That is difficult, that is a real challenge. If you think that you have already played your game then you surrender to yourself. You can soon become young again and play a new game, that is the real challenge for real player.

  17. Yes. I quite a bit agree.
    Its a tad strange that he had said this in an interview
    why whould he admit to such thing openly if they were really going to do something big like this.
    However I do believe and always believed that a WW3 has always been inevitable. Hope we are on the right side.

  18. He is right about US having the super fire power to destroy the world, and survive the big one with least losses. But to call it his dream, and the opportunity for Israel to kill as many Arabs as they can; is most likely his true feelings revealed by chenillety & old age. Either way, don't be too surprised if someone with mindset same ad Cheney or Gingrich would deliver on this dream. So better get that house in the country; just in case 🙂

  19. Australia is running out of natural resources . You already have to import 85% of everything you consume. You guys are effed just as much as anybody so watch out ozzies. Mad Max anyone?

  20. This guy is about to die and he still is living in the 1960's. America is very weak now. Game over!

  21. What is it with all the people saying they defeated Mongol? maybe because it's so big, Iran says it, chinese say it, afghanistan says it, turks say it. The Mongolian empire CAVED IN.

  22. H.K. laughs while the military do his bidding all while telling them what good brainwashed slaves they are. Repent and stop killing each other, Jesus Christ is coming back and you do not want to be found Murdering your brethren. Remember always that GOD IS in Control of ALL things. H.K. and the other satanic minions just hate it when they are reminded that they can NEVER compete with or be GOD.

  23. You surely sent a ripple through Russian minds & Kissinger was on the verge of getting blasted by TV here. This story will live on here and may make it into our textbooks!

  24. Umm … somebody probably forgot to tell that to the afghani cave dwellers, when Russian troops left their country with a bloody nose, leaving burnt out tanks and choppers behind … 😉

  25. All empires throughout the history were crushed when they tried to fight Russia. Mongol, Hitler etc. Never approach Russia if you're planning to last longer the Not United States . I'm gonna marry Russian women, too. 🙂

  26. I do not know, might be we underestimate Kissenger. When he said – "we gave time to Russia and China", he might mean that at the end of US political game it is China and Russia, who will wage the real war, not US. Sure, the same scenario we had in the Second World War. And it is very profitable and secure war for US, as we could see. Moreover, as WWII allowed to overcome Great Depression in US, the same could a new one. So, the question is, how to make quarrel between Russia and China, how to make them fight?

  27. USA was defeated long ago. USA foundin fathers, their anglo-germanic roots are being buried with the USA. Now, they just have fat woman, bainwashed people eating popcorn watching tv and voting Obama Hussein. Have what they deserve after all…

  28. This is not the last HK proposal for salvation
    this episode is written to make politic wave
    when the ocean is windy those who are prepared can easily catch the fish
    HK knows it as well

  29. Mr. Kissinger,

    In politics, when you really want to do something, you never mention it. However, when you want to see how people think about you, you bluff like this.

  30. you're completely brain washed. This is not about nukes. Every body knows that Israel has hundreds of them, they can't blow the whole earth in a second. All the countries around Iran has nukes as well. India, china, Russia, Pakistan, Turkey. American wants to control everything and they shout for democracy! They removed Saddam and destroyed the Iraq, then amercian companies went to build it up again, now Iraq owes them! So they are under control! Afghanistan is as well. Arabic countries like Saudia Arabia are following their instructions already so no threat from them!

    Gaddafi regime removed because he started to trade with China! Why you people don't see these things! Now US established a military base in North Australia only for China! They are gonna put them under their control. This is the same Matrix as seen on the famous movie

  31. If observe 300 years development of USA and 50 years of Israel (early known as Khazaria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars , defeated by Russian Sviatoslav), we may see unstoppable aggression and cheat by propaganda ("Democracy !, Freedom ! Liberty !" and all these shite ). Already killed – Indians, Africans and now – Arabs? Who is next ? – Persians (Iranian), Russian, Chinese ? The question … what good they brings to the World ? Do they have morale right to decide who can exist and who not ? Are THEY SELF HELPFUL AND USEFUL for the World ? Now, see America, they control 40% of Worlds' resources and still can't guaranty Free Education and Med Care to Americans, so WHERE THE MONEY GONE ?!! I bet it was stoled, cheated and expropriated by Khazars (now called – Jews), and now this khazar Kissinger , look like old overfeed crocodile, teach us how to life and what we should to do ?!! – America and the World need good all Bright Day and Diamond Night for rethink and wakeup, and shake off some leeches from bodies of our societies. IMHO.

  32. Change is coming fast in my Nation and when it does we shall form a new alliance with the right guys. Even if some of them are considered to be "targets". Bring the fight on, we shall make our ancestors proud once again. Spread this article via social media and let people know. Prepare your brothers and sisters for what's coming. Get ready and join the resistance against the freemasons and the j€ws. Honor your past, protect the future. BLOOD AND HONOR.

  33. when Solon the legislator went in Egypt in 900 BC. for consultation from the Egyptian priests they told him that Athens is the oldest city of all and that 9000 years before a great were between a nation out of the Heraclian columns and the Greek army took place somewhere in southern Europe.So we are talking about a sth at 10.000 BC and you are talking about summerians and babylonians??are you crazy?? The priests also told to the Greek legislator that the Greek civilization is 1000 years older than the egyptian one and that Egypt and the rest of the nations depended their existence on the civilization opf Greeks.Stop spreading bullshits.
    sources for reading Plato Timaeus and Kritias where the battle is also being described.
    sorry for my poor english

  34. Apparently Kissinger is senile. There can be no war with Russia, even if USA will attack and occupy ALL the countries except Russia, Russia won't attack USA. Why? Cuz Russia knows it's army is too weak to fight against superpower. Moreover Russia has NO reasons to attack any other country, since its already hard to hold and control its own vast territories covering most of Eurasian continent. And Russia already got its own abundant natural resources that it can use and sell for centuries to come.

    WHY would Russia attack USA????? ONLY if USA invades Russia. But at that case, Russia knows it can't win, so Russia WILL use NUKES – and that ladies and gentlemen is the end of the world. USA know that and won't invade Russia – which means: Kissinger is bullshitting on us.

  35. the only government and people who really are dengerous are the Isreal goverment which kill inocent people and has alot of nuclear weapons not Iran.

  36. Yours old chap became mad.
    Even if you think that Russia is so week and you are secured from their rockets by NMD, which is nit true ) : ), please think twice about China.
    They may call up to 200 millions into the army which is 2/3 of US population, including children and aged + there is no NMD in Pacific ocean, . Guys, it is crazy to think that US is a goad on the EARTH. If you will start such a WAR you will pray as IRAN now does.

  37. that's a great achievement of very few greek men since most of them was festively-homosexual. we should truly be thankful to those very few greek men.

  38. If you do not finish the life of Islamic Republic of Iran,Today tomorrow, is too date.
    If this regime access to atomic bomb the international societies must pay very heavy penalty
    for this delay. I know them and their craziness

    Harry H. Davallou.

  39. Who ever Alfred Heinz is and this rag, the Daily Squib…. i have to commend you on getting this amazing interview. Kissinger has truly lost all sanity…….

  40. hi all,

    the may the second fancy dream of all arabs' enemies, go fuck ur selves jerkasses !!

    ur such busterds trying to raise and be famous !!

    fuck all Christians and Jewish !!

  41. The coming collapse will be more severe than any 1920/30 collapse. Your gold and paper money will be meaningless the only thing you and your family should prepare for is learning how to grow food from seeds and how to harvest your food. You will need to know about water filtration and medicine. You will need to know about survival in different climates and combat techniques, building weapons and how to repair machinaery. Through the use of EMP weapons most electronics will be fried so you will need to know how to survive without computers or other gadgets.

    Good resources for those who will be prepared,

    These are just some resources out there but do your own research too…

    God bless you all…


  42. Этого нельзя допустить. Джигурда очень заразна. Мир погрузится во мрак безумия!

  43. Россия сильная держава, у нас есть новое секретное оружие"Джигурда" , если мы его применим никому мало не покажется, весь мир в труху!!!!

  44. After months of whispers…
    From wall street to main street to capital hill
    From Rothschild UK to Zurich Bank Commission
    From Privy Counsel to FINMA to BIS

    What is left? Principal to Principal?
    The Table of Integrity is set in the Safe Harbor.
    Seats by Reservation ONLY!


    We the People vs. The Systemites

  45. I am afraid that black future is coming soon. I am afraid that 2012 war will hit us instead of commet. Also USA (global bank) is presioning Greece for totally posesion of it's teritory asuming its debt. Greece is one of the best places to have under controll Europe, Midle east etc. Also USA tell as lies and everyone knows that… Terorism with bin laden and then Oil…. Muhamar cadafi …. and then Oil…. Afghanistan….. and then Oil…. Iraq…..Oil….. Iran ….?! I am a poor albanian working hard to live my life and i hate war because all people are brothers and all planet our neighborhood. Anyway.. the moto is this… DISOBEY.. beter in jail or dead for freedom and justice than licking foots for a piece of bread

  46. It doesn't matter, Obama, or not Obama. Amarica is under big companies. They give people presidents. It is the real problem.

  47. @John Regis: "The people in Greece today are not Greeks but mainly Turkish or Albanian because of the 450 years of Ottoman rule. The Ottomans made sure that they spread their seed far and wide and bastardized the Greek people."
    Under this consumption, then you are also nothing but contemporaneous Greek sperm remains since mostly all Europe derived from swollen and fully spermed Greek nuts. So I am not mean to you my brother. Keep well and kiss me your mom

  48. Hitler and Napoleon also underestimated the Russian. You all have the same error, you can not stop in time

  49. All kind of makes sense, look at the way they made USA a Police state after 9/11, then listed nations labelled "axis of evil" mostly Arab/Middle Eastern, with vast oil resources. See what happenend with the recession starting in America, the whole world caughta cold, Europe is still in problems up to now. I believe there is a semblance of truth in this, look at how the US is playing Big Bro everywhere. I am sure there will be a 2nd scramble for Africa & its few resources btwn the rich nations after they have prved amongst themselves who is the boss.

    America as i c is run like one big company, it may change CEOs/presidents BUT the overal Objective of Profit / World domination will continue to be pursued. Look at Iraq, they invaded but who got95% of the oil exploration & infrastructure rebuilding contracts? USA companies, & where is the oil & profits therefrom going, USA. Lets not point fingers at Obama, In the US I blve you become president / CEO of that country if you belong to the right underground groups & you have the right ideologies. they will put you there.

    Maybe we are all wrong, but lets wait & c.

  50. I don't know how everyone got side-tracked. The issue here is Henry Kissinger's interview.
    Even after making allowances for his age, I STILL fail to understand how he and, unfortunately, many like him, who hold key positions in the world today, can think this way. Are they so one track minded they don't see what the consequences of the war he describes will be?
    SILLY OLD FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Actually the Greeks got all their knowledge from ancient Sumeria, Babylon and Egypt. While the Greeks were living in caves in 4000 BC ancient Sumerians for the creation of arithmetic, geometry, and algebra, astrology, cuneiform writing and had a highly civilized culture. The ancient Greeks adapted some great ideas for themselves way later but that's it. The people in Greece today are not Greeks but mainly Turkish or Albanian because of the 450 years of Ottoman rule. The Ottomans made sure that they spread their seed far and wide and bastardized the Greek people.

  52. When Kissinger says ''global government'' , let's read a world under domination of Anglo-American imperialism ! do'nt forget Irak , Chile

  53. hi, is this a genuine transcript of a real interview? It seems to have many similarities with previous actual quotes of herr kissinger. If real was there a recording? There must have been so can we hear it please?

  54. If Greeks had not existed and if Greeks had not created this vast civilization,humanity would have never been able to think,write and show signs of real life.Life not just based on materials but on spiritual thinking! For what is life if not the pursuit of our ideal self? Wake up americans!! When you had not even existed GREEKS had built the PARTHENON! SO,at least some respect to GREECE!

  55. You are brainwashed from German TV….very few people can have a pension at 50 under special circumstances…I know from friends that live in Germany that the anti-Greek propaganda of German media is unbelievable…you are one of its victims…If America didn't need Germany for Cold War purposes Germany would still be a whole in the map….and you still owe us a lot of money from WWII..Barbarians

  56. What a Zionist this Kissinger is and has been! All this gloating about the United States of America RULING THE WAVES & THE SKIES is not because the US shall be doing so. Actually what he is salivating about is that long last Yahveh's Chosen Race will rule all GOYIM on Earth using the might, blood and money of the Chosen Race's "obedient'' Goyims in America & Europe just as Yahveh had ordained centuries ago. But the God of Jesus and Allah of Muhammed, being one and the same, has ordained otherwise. What awaits the Chosen Race is ……..

  57. It´s high time you die, old scoundrel Kissinger. Your life has been shame on humanity. At least do this planet the favour of stopping your heart and your mouth for good, you piece of scum. You have millions of lives to account for, and this world is so damn twisted, that the only thing we can wish for is that there is a universal punishment after life. Your racism and that of the nation you represent allow no punishment for you and the likes of you on this world.
    And I hope you get it. I feel disgusted when I see your face, I feel pity for you.

  58. So why is the government worried about free speech on the internet lately? Is it because what this video claims is true?


    If many people in government are indeed psychopaths then their life is based on gaining, and keeping, power. If the internet allows people to expose them 24/7 then that is a threat and they will want it dealt with. Politics and psychology really do go together.

  59. we dont have much time left please people listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is3sFSFzx1o

    the British royal family are dedicated to reducing the population from 7 billion to less that 1 billion. we need to get obama out of office immediately because he wants us all dead….obama is killing the earth and the world is in greatr danger.



  60. Why people curse each other? Why do you allow these message to be posted? People do not argue they curse each other?


  62. You F… idiot, the greeks are not lazy!!!!! THEY ARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU, AND LIKE ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD,BUT SINCE THEY CREATE THEIR COUNTRY PEOPLE LIKE YOU, FROM COUNTRIES LIKE YOURS, IN HIGH POLITICAL RANKS FU…..THE WHOLE NATION. Have a look around you ??? And to bare in your trouble mind of yours that whether we like it or not we ARE THE SAME!!! AND WE DO HAVE A COMMON END -DEATH-!!!!!!!!! So,I dont you know what nationality are you, BUT I am absolutely certain that you are a BIG FAT ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  63. I don't have to beg for anything. Ever. Now fuck off and die. Make the world a bit lighter. Go on.

  64. @Alexander

    Stop begging and making excuses!!! Why are you on here making stupid comments on this stupid article. You shld be working ur country needs the tax. Get back to work lazy son of a donkey.

  65. yes and ofcourse Russins are not lazy…????

    fuk to u toooo!!!!
    Οι Ρώσοι είναι το πιο στραβό ανθρώπους

  66. "Listen to me you miserable americans! We will win and you will fall! Your flesh will be our breakfast and flesh of your children our lunch. Ha-ha, we will introduce our secret weapon to the world soon and everyone will die.
    Take care.
    Your russian fiend"

    He's not russian, that's provocation and will be a lot of them. No russians, no chineese, no americans need this. That's provocation. Those are only bankers which make illusion that we need this by making crisis. But there is reason for this. They are so smart that it is better to give them power without any wars. I suggest that people will be peacful and will give all powers to global bankers, otherwise they will screw everybody anyway and will make what they want because they have a lot of resources and are very smart. Henry you are super amazing person! I love you! You are so smart! You are great!

  67. Why don't you visit Greece and see for yourself how much people work, if there are jobs available, what are the salaries and where the taxes go and form your own opinion, you media-brainwashed piece of trash. What a follower you are!

  68. The war was started by Greece because the people will never pay tax and they are lazy asshols. What are you going to do without your EU subsidies you lazy shitto. Now contagion spread to Portugal spain, Italy. If Greeks had worked and not beg like dogs there would not be any war coming. Thank you Greecy greeks. Do not blame Russin or Chineses it is Greeg idiots

  69. nonsense, it`s old man and military agitator fantasy. crazy to submit his young activity and to justify his cruel politics. such baby pane grown up

  70. Kissinger looks like my old uncle Schviksi from Poland. He had the same look and we would play chess. He was a good guy until he caught pneumonia and died a terrible death poor bastard…RIP

  71. (17) Surat Al-'Isrā' (The Night Journey)

    And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering." (104)

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