According to some US tabloid magazine, Ashley Hansen, Head of PR for the Montecito, California celebrity, said she was treated by Meghan with the love and care a parent would give to her children.
The Head of PR, would of course put out a statement as crass and false as that, who wouldn’t if they were being paid shedloads of money by Meghan Markle? If anyone at the Daily Squib were being paid that kind of wonga we would attest that singing white doves fly out of Meghan Markle’s arse every half an hour along with bright rays of sunshine lighting up the entire universe.
Isn’t it great that the news is now being flooded by story after story praising the Mother Theresa virtues of Meghan Markle? Naturally, this fantastic ‘love bombing’ fluff session is being forcibly ejaculated out after a plethora of horrific accounts of bullying and nastiness committed by the errant Duchess of Sussex upon former employees ‘somehow’ leaked out.
The accounts that former employees have been telling the press are indeed very colourful, and portray the narcissist grifter Markle as we all know her as a “manipulative vindictive bully” and a “prima donna”.
This is why the media has now been flooded by anonymous former employees extolling the virtues of Markle about what a fucking “sweetheart” she is. This unfortunate deluge of cringeworthy fake praise will most probably be ongoing for the next few months, so batten down the hatches.
Maghen is not as clever as ppl think. She’s actually gotta a very low iq. OK she pays for clever ppl to do stuff but she’s as dumb as sh-t!