
Two-tier Policing: Nightmare of the Notting Hill Carnival

LONDON - England - A Notting Hill resident describes the "nightmare of the Notting Hill Carnival" and two-tier policing.

We asked a Notting Hill resident what they thought about the yearly carnival. What the individual said was quite a shocker: “There’s a reason why residents and businesses here board up, and fortify their properties every year at about this time — the nightmare of the Notting Hill Carnival. With multiple stabbings, heavy drug use and dealing, surprise machete attacks, as well as the lurid vulgar loud anthropomorphic so-called music and shouting blaring out at insanely high distorted decibel levels, drugs, wild gangs, the animalistic beastly twerking and blatant public sex acts make this a carnival celebrating a culture that is something that should not be celebrated. The smell of it all is even more obnoxious, imagine serious levels of BO, butt sweat, bodily fluids mixed in with ganja and deep-fried greasy food. All of this horrid, turgid grotesqueness continues whilst the police calmly stand by watching from afar. This is a prime example of two-tiered policing because none of this would be allowed to happen if this horrific event was performed by another group of people exhibiting the same animalistic savage acts of violence, but because of the police imprisoned by woke chains and fearing they will be called the “r” name they calmly stand by as female police officers are subjected to sexual assaults masked as ‘cultural dancing’, blatant drug use and gangs walking around brandishing deadly weapons to use on some unsuspecting victim. We are prisoners in our homes here, and have to wear headphones or ear plugs to get by, or simply go away for a few days. There is nothing beautiful about the Notting Hill Carnival, it is not something that inspires joy or hope in a culture, but instead displays only ugliness and brute hellery. This is not a culture to be celebrated it is against all tenets of civility and decency, a vulgar display of barbarism and thuggery, yet here are the police merely standing by. Even an ex-police inspector has come forward to proclaim this atrocious ‘festival’ as a prime example of two-tiered policing. Naturally, if the criminal acts committed and celebrated at the Notting Hill Carnival were committed by any other group of people the prison sentences would be very harsh and there would be outrage by the media, but because it is this group of people, nothing happens. Cleaning up the blood stains, used condoms, used tampons, bloodied rags, buckets of semen, faeces, used nappies, urine, discarded weapons, dead bodies and tonnes of rubbish after the ‘carnival’ has ended is all part of the celebration of something that ultimately should have never been celebrated in the first place.”


Two die after Notting Hill Carnival attacks

Two people who were attacked in separate incidents at the Notting Hill Carnival have died.

Scotland Yard said Cher Maximen, a mother who was stabbed in front of her three-year-old daughter, had died. The 32-year-old was stabbed in the groin after attempting to break up a fight at the west London event on Aug 25.

She was taken to hospital and went into a coma after one of her lungs collapsed, and she lost 20 units of blood. The Met said she died on Saturday morning.

Mussie Imnetu, a Swedish national who was found unconscious near the carnival on Monday evening, has also died from his injuries, the force said.

Mr Imnetu, 41, who worked under Michelin starred chefs including Gordon Ramsay, was found unconscious with a head injury.

Officers had provided emergency first aid until paramedics arrived and Mr Imnetu was taken to a west London hospital, where he died on Friday. He had been visiting the UK on business from Dubai, where he lived and worked.


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