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HomeEntertainmentKanye West Has Teeth REMOVED and Replaced With $2.95 TIN FOIL Dentures

Kanye West Has Teeth REMOVED and Replaced With $2.95 TIN FOIL Dentures

LOS ANGELES - USA - Kanye West has had his entire set of teeth removed and replaced with tin foil dentures.

  • Kanye West, 46, proudly flashed his pointy new smile in an Instagram post – in which he likened himself to iconic James Bond villain, Jaws
  • In an exclusive photo obtained by DailySquib.co.uk, West’s lavish new dentures – which a source revealed are ‘Just about more expensive than used toilet paper’ – were shown
  • The implant is a new surgical model and is unique to the autotune talker – with the total cost rumoured to be an eye-watering $2.95

Kanye West has had all his teeth removed and replaced with aluminium tin foil dentures in his latest shock move.

The autotune pop star, 46, who is being sued for millions of dollars for allegedly hitting an autograph seeker in 2022, proudly flashed his pointy new smile in an Instagram post – in which he likened himself to iconic James Bond villain, Jaws, who appeared in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker.

In an exclusive photo obtained by DailySquib.co.uk, Kanye West’s lavish new dentures – which a source revealed are ‘more expensive than Walmart tin foil’ and were designed by the star himself – were shown.

The implant is a new surgical model developed in the back alleys of Los Angeles’ Skid Row and Beverly Hills. It is unique to the autotune pop mimer – with the total cost rumoured to be an eye-watering $2.95.

The pop star’s new dentures were fitted by Rufus D. Johnsons, a homeless physician of great repute in a Beverly Hills back alley alongside Naoki Tsuki Tsuki, Master Dental Technician.

“He [Kanye West] came into my office, which is the back alley way behind Mosher’s Jewellery shop. Kanye said he wanted a new look with teeth implants, so he told me to lose his teeth. I obliged for the $5 fee. Bubba Stax, my assistant tooth extractor, smashed Kanye hard in the mouth, and he spat his teeth out on the ground ‘n’ shit. Naumsayin?”

Rufus D. Johnsons told DailySquib.co.uk: “Ye was a muhfuggin’ pleasure to work with every step of the process ‘n’ shiet. Dat nigga’s vision for designing unique art transcendifies the dental artist progressions and shiiiet!. The marriage of his fucked up vision wit back alley dental science has created a new look that is epic on Skid Row! Who need real teeth anyway mos’ deez muhfuggas out here lose ’em in da first week on da street, naumsayin?”

“The process wuz easy ‘n’ shiiet! First we gave him an anaesthetic yep, Bubba knocked him the fuck out (shouts ‘World star!’) then I gots me a drill so I drill some holes inda nigga’s mouth but the muhfugga wake up! So, I whack him on the head one mo’ time wit a iron bar ‘n’ he out cold dis tahm. I axe muh technician to find me sum used matchsticks so we hammer those in da holes and wrap dem wit’ sum tin foil we stole from a crack addict. Kanye wuz good to go right there! We woke him with a splash of some fluid inna bucket we stole frum one of da tents along Skid Row, brother woke up and when he look in da broken mirror he cried wit joy! Best five bucks I evah spended said the Ye,” Rufus added proudly.

In 2022 Kanye West lost over $4 billion in endorsements and sponsorships when he was dropped by Adidas, Gap and Balenciaga after he went on a series of anti-Semitic rants.

It was recently revealed he owes more than $1 million in unpaid taxes.

Kanye’s much touted clothing firm, Yeezy Apparel, LLC, has had four active tax liens filed against it over the last three years for unpaid business taxes totalling $934,033.56.

Records show he owes an additional $101,093 in property taxes on two homes he owned with his ex-wife.

The total tax bill comes to $1,035,126.56.

The autotune pop star said that he is not bothered about tax and claims the IRS and U.S.government should be paying him because he is so ‘smart‘ and ‘talented’.

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  1. Who rote dis sh8t ? Kanye is hiyer betta then u m0therf8cking a$$h0le h0es! Ye mo smart in his pinkie then u evah have!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F8CK U!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kanye or whatever he calls himself today is a mental case. Imagine having to live with the thought you lost $4 billion.

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