Who will break the spell of the cursed tongue of Gríma Wormtongue Meghan Markle on Théoden Harry?
Gríma Wormtongue has wormed her way into the soul of Théoden, he is a mere carcass of his former self, as Wormtongue snakes around the former strong royal, whispering slithering words and incantations to imprison the grey prince further into the netherworlds of total submission and catatonic death, there is no reprieve, just a relenting never ending assault of lies.
There is no respite from the serpent, its hold over Théoden grows with each day, disarmed, he is now too weak to even object to the onslaught of incapacitation, much like a spider weaves its web over its prey, Théoden is now covered in cobwebs strung by Gríma Wormtongue.
Will the Kingdom of Rohan ever be freed from this awful horrid curse?