Cameron Vader first turned to the dark side when he visited his new master the Chancellor Merkeltine on the death star, somewhere in the constellation of Brussels, Belgium.
Obi Dung Borisjobi, a former close friend, reveals that “Cameron Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force.”
The dark side provides powers that cause great harm to other people and nations — collectivism, totalitarianism, hypnosis, poverty, austerity, and brainwashing — but draws energy from passion, greed, unlimited expense accounts and violence, an energy that is enhanced by emotion (generally by fear, greed, anger, hatred and rage).
There is only one hope for the universe, Luke Referendumvoter, he who steps forward with his vote and plonks it into the vote box using the Force.
He wont do it because the EU boys have something on Cameron dont know what it is but theyve got him by the goolies.