
Bob Geldof to be Launched Into SpaceBob Geldof to be Launched Into Space

Bob Geldof to be Launched Into Space

HERTOGENBOSCH - Netherlands - Saint Bob Geldof is to be launched into space in a rocket his publicist revealed today.

12 years ago
This Article Went Viral TomorrowThis Article Went Viral Tomorrow

This Article Went Viral Tomorrow

LONDON - England - Hello. You are now reading this viral article from the future and it has gone kind…

12 years ago
Samsung Watch Also Doubles Up as Microwave, Dishwasher and Washing MachineSamsung Watch Also Doubles Up as Microwave, Dishwasher and Washing Machine

Samsung Watch Also Doubles Up as Microwave, Dishwasher and Washing Machine

SEOUL - S. Korea - The latest tech explosion has reached us and the new Samsung Galaxy Gear watch has…

12 years ago
3D Printed Girlfriend Doesn’t Talk Back3D Printed Girlfriend Doesn’t Talk Back

3D Printed Girlfriend Doesn’t Talk Back

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12 years ago
Religious Experts Debunk ScienceReligious Experts Debunk Science

Religious Experts Debunk Science

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12 years ago
God Says Chem Trails Are Lines of Heavenly CokeGod Says Chem Trails Are Lines of Heavenly Coke

God Says Chem Trails Are Lines of Heavenly Coke

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12 years ago
Are Solar Flares Still Stuck in the Seventies?Are Solar Flares Still Stuck in the Seventies?

Are Solar Flares Still Stuck in the Seventies?

MARYLAND - USA - NASA's Solar Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO has come with an interesting theory regarding the solar flares that…

12 years ago
Why the Google Glass is the Next Step For HumanityWhy the Google Glass is the Next Step For Humanity

Why the Google Glass is the Next Step For Humanity

MOUNTAIN VIEW - USA - If you want to see the future of technology, then Google is the sure-fire leader,…

12 years ago
The Big Bang Could Have Been a Little Bang Say ScientistsThe Big Bang Could Have Been a Little Bang Say Scientists

The Big Bang Could Have Been a Little Bang Say Scientists

NEW MEXICO - USA - Astrophysicists working at the Nermil Observatory Station have come up with an amazing theory that…

12 years ago
Snowden Could Get Sanctuary On the MoonSnowden Could Get Sanctuary On the Moon

Snowden Could Get Sanctuary On the Moon

MOSCOW - Russia - NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden could get sanctuary on the moon, a Russian billionaire has told Russia's…

12 years ago