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UPDATE: Private Eye Editor Ian Hislop Escapes “Imaginary” Gun Shots

LONDON - England - The Met police have revealed that Ian Hislop, the Private Eye satire magazine editor, was shot…

6 months ago

Why Americans Must Adopt Gun Control Now

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Gun control is a necessary fact of life, and this is why Americans really must…

7 years ago

First They Came for the Satirists, and I Did Not Speak Out— Because I Was Not a Satirist.

LONDON - England - Amongst the mass censorship purge by leftwing monopoly tech companies, there are only a few voices…

7 years ago

England Football Team Prepare For Russian World Cup

MOSCOW - Russia - The World Cup 2018 is set to be a real test for the England squad when…

7 years ago

EU Negotiator: “France Never Wanted to be Liberated in WW2”

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Michel Barnier, the EU's French top negotiator in the Brexit proceedings has revealed how deep the…

8 years ago

Labour Vote: Where British Self-Hatred and Gullibility Succeeded in Britain’s Demise

SCUNTHORPE - England - Those who voted for Labour on June 8th, 2017 despise their own country, they hate being…

8 years ago

After Many Years Britain Slowly Emerging Like an Abused Wife From a Terrible Marriage

LONDON - England - Britain emerging into the light from the EU prison hurts the eyes at first, but you…

8 years ago

Juncker: “Brexit Will Not Protect Britain From EU Army Invasion”

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Jean Claude Juncker has threatened Britain once again, this time using the menacing spectre of a…

9 years ago

Remain Voters Welcome in Siberia Says Putin

YAMAL - Russia - President Vladimir Putin has extended a hand of great generosity to any Remain voters from the…

9 years ago

Queen Backs Brexit: Her Majesty Confirmed By Royal Biographer Backing Leave EU

LONDON - England - The Queen has been confirmed as a Brexiteer by her royal biographer Robert Lacey.

9 years ago

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