ONTARIO - Canada - A trans teacher who tried to milk his large fake breasts in the school canteen when…
WINDSOR - England - The Meghan Markle tears shed at the Queen's funeral are analysed by royal commentators.
LOS ANGELES - USA - Trans-Hulk is the latest Marvel creation to rival She-Hulk and The Hulk.
WASHINGTON DC - USA - My Son Hunter is a new film released by conservative-leaning company Breitbart.
MONTECITO - USA - Meghan Markle enjoyed talking about herself for over an hour yesterday.
LONDON - England - You can listen to the latest podcast episode by the Daily Squib editor here.
CANNES - France - Our pick of some of the most striking digital winners from the Cannes Lions Festival of…
SHEFFIELD - England - Quite rightly, Jarvis Cocker and Pulp will be back in 2023 to collect for old time's…
FLORIDA - USA - Disney World is a great place to take the family for fun, thrills and brawls.
LONDON - England - The Squib listened to and reviewed Dearly Deported from Canadian comic, Zoe Brownstone.
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