YORK - England - The Daily Squib has acquired exclusive pictures of the man who threw eggs at King Charles.
THE JUNGLE - Australia - Former Health Secretary, Matt Hancock has been found with a large cache of sedative drugs…
PORTSMOUTH - England - Following the resounding success of my hateful film reviews, I subject another slew of motion pictures…
PORTSMOUTH - England - When I graduated with a PhD in Film theory, my hilarious friends started calling me Dr.…
LONDON - England - The cold dark cobbled foggy streets will trigger your woke sensibilities this Halloween.
MOS ESPA - Tatooine - The makers of the latest Star Wars film have unveiled one of the new featured…
DETROIT - USA - Now pop rapper Kanye West has declared his ambition to invade the country of Poland, just…
LONDON - England - A brief communiqué from the Daily Squib HQ regarding our first book review.
TEXAS - USA - Shock jock conspiracy broadcaster Alex Jones is being sued for a cool billion dollars.
NEW YORK - USA - Rapper Kanye West has committed career suicide by social media with antisemitic comments.
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