NEW YORK - USA - Allegations of serious tax fraud worth tens of millions of dollars will probably not affect…
BRUSSELS - Belgium - Orwell could not have put it any better, the EU is planning a European Tax ID…
LONDON - England - The heavily EU funded Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has released a skewed, biased report supporting…
LONDON - England - Today's publication by the Osborne controlled Treasury is misleading disseminating false projections and has been debunked…
LONDON - England - Today's publication of the ICSA report shows a 24% collapse in support of the EU from…
LONDON - England - Iain Duncan Smith has said that 'people will not believe Osborne's economic forecasts of doom' as…
LONDON - England - More than 20 MP's from Commonwealth backgrounds, or representing constituents from BME backgrounds, have written an…
ROME - Italy - The Eurozone is on the brink of an economic cataclysm never before witnessed as Italy's debt…
LONDON - England - Vote Leave's, Priti Patel MP, has commented on the vast sums of money big corporations lobby…
LONDON - England - In a speech to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), former Home Secretary, Lord Howard of…
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