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HomeBusinessHow to Use Instagram for Business: 8 Strategies You Need to Know

How to Use Instagram for Business: 8 Strategies You Need to Know

LONDON - England - Using social sites like Instagram can be a very powerful business tool for brand awareness, and promotion.

Instagram started out as a fun, photo-sharing network, but soon became a powerful platform for raising brand awareness. If you want your business to thrive on social media, you need to make the best out of your Instagram Business account.

The problem is that promoting your company on a platform that attracts over 1 billion users every month is difficult. Some of these accounts may very well be competing brands in your niche. If you are at a loss on how to use Instagram to get your business ahead in the game, you should check out these eight effective strategies!

Find out who makes up your audience

Using your Instagram business account for driving sales gets easier with the Instagram Analytics Tools. This convenient set of instruments and statistics offers precious data about the people following your IG profile.

You can discover information about your followers’ geographical location, demographics, and the content that they prefer the most. You can use this info to your advantage and tweak your content to appeal to more users like those that are already in your audience.

This way, you can build a loyal following in the long-term that is more likely to make purchases.


Settle on your main goal

Before you alter your content to attract more followers, you should decide on what the goal of your Instagram strategy is. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Do you wish to promote a specific product only? Do you wish to build an attractive brand image for affiliates?

By having a clear objective of your promotional strategy, you will know how to create future content, and how to advertise it. With a clear target to aim at, it will be easier to make your Instagram business account stand out in the niche in which you activate.

Use social media expert support

Now, you know who your audience is, and you know what you want to get from your strategy. The next step should take your Instagram Business account to the next level. To do so quickly and effectively, you will need social media expert support.
Professional services like Instagrowing ensure that you stand out from your competition.

These industry experts have the necessary know-how to help your account grow quickly and safely on Instagram. You can use their hard-earned experience and convenient tools to boost your profile, attract more followers, and become an authority in your niche.

Employ a regular posting schedule

Your arsenal of powerful tools to promote an Instagram business account grows steadily already. You now benefit from social media expert support, a good understanding of your audience, and you even have a goal to build your strategy around.

With all these advantages in your pocket, it is time to get to work. Use the data you have on your audience to understand when your followers are most likely to open the Instagram app. Next, create a posting schedule that will synchronize with their behaviour and activity on the platform. Make sure that your posts go online around the same time as they log onto the app.

This strategy is one of the easiest social media marketing methods that you can use for your brand. It makes your posts land at the top of the Instagram feed for most of your followers. In the long run, it can result in a visible increase in sales and profits.


Make your profile stand out

Up until now, you used your Instagram business account to increase brand awareness. You also used strategies to get your content to your followers as soon as possible. The next step involves applying a bit of makeup on your profile.

More than 75% of U.S. businesses with a social media presence use Instagram to promote their brands. You are facing stiff competition, regardless of the industry that you are trying to dominate.

You can make your profile stand out by having a unique Instagram business account. Take the time to spruce up your profile page. Make sure that you have an attractive logo image as your profile picture. Always include a link to your latest promotion on your bio page. And last, but not least, include a catchy description, too.

Focus on content quality

One of the key ingredients to having a remarkable Instagram business account is to post premium quality content. You must never make an exception to this rule. Every photo that you post has to be clear, appealing, and withhold optimal resolution. The same goes for every video that you upload.

Another aspect that you should never neglect is the quality of your Instagram Stories. Make sure that you never have a “dead period” in which the story doesn’t have new content. Even when you run out of new, high-quality posts, you can always supplement your IG Story with a “throwback post” or a short teaser about a future one.

Team up with relevant influencers

Even if you represent a seasoned business that has been dominating a niche for many years, you still need to work with other brands in your industry. Some of these brands may be similar businesses to yours. Others might be Instagram influencers that can promote your products and services to their followers.

You can collaborate with them to reach an audience that maybe it is not familiar with your brand yet. Reach out to these influencers and offer them something in return for featuring your Instagram business account in their posts. The success of this strategy will astound you.

Promote your IG Business account on other channels

After going through all the strategies of promoting your business account on Instagram it is time to think outside the box.

You can reach a wider audience for your brand if you promote your IG business account on other social media channels. Fortunately, you can easily do so by choosing to upload every new post that you make on Instagram on other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or LinkedIn among others.

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