LONDON - England - Supreme 'unelected' leader, Comrade Brown and Commissar for Children's Brainwashing and Re-Education, Ed Balls have congratulated…
NEW YORK - USA - Former President Bill Clinton is keeping his fingers crossed that Hillary is appointed secretary of…
BLUFF CREEK - USA - Once again the Bigfoot phenomenon has struck the public's imagination with a new sighting deep…
WASHINGTON DC - USA - George W Bush's office was very offended today after hearing of the new president's demands.
FREETOWN - Sierra Leone - Preparations are underway for the biggest celebrity adoption of the century, when Angelina Jolie will…
MONTANA - USA - Obama says: "There is no more need for an American to own a gun and internal…
HURUMA - Kenya - Obama's extended African family is planning on visiting their famous relative in America.
WASHINGTON DC - USA - George W Bush, the outgoing president , plans on becoming Sarah Palin's Vice President in…
CHICAGO - USA - White supremacists across America have been rejoicing at the news that Barack Hussein Obama is to…
WASHINGTON DC - USA - Despite election results being leaked by the automated voting software owners, Diebold, the respective candidates,…
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