Swine Flu Pandemic Helpline Will Advise People How to Die Quietly, Says Burnham

LONDON - England - Members of the public who die from the deadly swine flu virus will be supported by…

16 years ago

Palin to Take Over From Schwarzenegger as California Governor

WASILLA - USA - Sarah Palin is set to take over from the "Governator" Schwarzenegger say sources in California.

16 years ago

Army Orders Helicopters to Deliver More Soldiers to Their Deaths

KABUL - Afghanistan - The Ministry of Defense is demanding the government speed up the delivery of more helicopters so…

16 years ago

Getting Ready For 50pc Tax Mass City Exodus

LONDON - England - The economy was bracing itself for the massive exodus of top earners from Britain's shores as…

16 years ago

Model Katie Price to Release New Album

ESSEX - England - Record bosses were preparing for a windfall in sales this summer as Katie Price, a.k.a Jordan…

16 years ago

Obama in Doghouse

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Barack Obama's wife has not taken too kindly to seeing photographs of her husband ogling…

16 years ago

Daily Squib Offices Bugged By Rupert Murdoch

LONDON - England - Now we know how the Sun, Times, Fox News and News of the World have all…

16 years ago

Afghanistan: It’s 1842 All Over Again

KABUL - Afghanistan - You would think us Brits would have learned a thing or two from the first Afghan…

16 years ago

Old Version of Humans to be Phased Out Say Scientists

NEWCASTLE - England - Scientists have discovered a way of producing sperm thus making way for the introduction of a…

16 years ago

Health and Safety Found to be Unsafe

LONDON - England - Britain's Health and Safety commission has been found to be unsafe and will be disbanded within…

16 years ago

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