Labour: Voters Controlled by Hypnotism Will Stop Tory Win

LONDON - England - Labour plans to stop the Tories winning the general election by hypnotising the electorate and by…

15 years ago

Gordon Brown: “Oh No! What Have I Done?”

LONDON - England - Gordon Brown, the unelected PM who has brought the country to its economic knees, is said…

15 years ago

Liam Gallagher to have Woman's Breast Surgically Sewn onto Head

LONDON - England - Oasis frontman and Neanderthal extraordinaire, Liam Gallagher is set to have a woman's mammary gland surgically…

15 years ago

Israeli Hitmen Told to Get Better Disguises

TEL AVIV - Israel - American intelligence services have ordered the Israeli Mossad agency to at least try to disguise…

15 years ago

£56 Million Lottery Winner Buys Greece

ATHENS - Greece - After winning the huge Euromillions jackpot last week, Nigel Page and his partner have acquired the…

15 years ago

Sarah Palin Taking Intensive Geography Lessons

WASILLA - USA - The prospective Republican 2012 election candidate, Sarah Palin, is taking intensive geography lessons in a bid…

15 years ago

BNP Members Avoiding Sunbeds

LONDON - England - British National Party members avoid tanning products or anything to do with the sun, an insider…

15 years ago

Iran Stuns the West by Announcing First McDonald’s Restaurant

TEHRAN - Iran - After threatening Western countries with a "big surprise to end all surprises" the Islamic Revolutionary Government…

15 years ago

Global Warming Scientist Freezes to Death

WASHINGTON DC - USA - One of the scientists who prepared the notorious 'global warming' dossier has frozen to death…

15 years ago

Footballer’s Wife Tearfully Reunited With Footballer’s Wallet

MAGALUF - Spain - An England footballer's wife was tearfully reunited with her estranged husband's wallet today much to the…

15 years ago

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