BREAKING: Stephen Hawking Abducted by Aliens

LONDON - England - Police fear the worst for astrophysicist Stephen Hawking after his disappearance last night from his home.

15 years ago

Obama Spotted Hiding in Woods From Goldman Sachs Creditors

NORTH CAROLINA - USA - President Barack Obama, who received $950,000 of campaign funding from the disgraced Goldman Sachs bank…

15 years ago

Astronomers: Newly Discovered Black Hole to be Named After Greece

ATHENS - Greece - Astronomers are to dedicate a newly discovered black hole in our solar system to the Greeks,…

15 years ago

Lady GaGa's New Look Includes Leg Amputation

LOS ANGELES - USA - The bizarre American pop starlet, Lady GaGa, astounded fans and TV audiences Friday when she…

15 years ago

Ambulance Service Getting Ready For Brown Number10 Departure

LONDON - England - The ambulance service have been practicing for two months already for the final departure of unelected…

15 years ago

Man Blows Brains Out at Britain’s Got Talent Show

LIVERPOOL - England - The audience and judges at the Britain's Got Talent show got more than they bargained for…

15 years ago

Tory Plot to Kidnap Clegg Foiled by Police

LONDON - England - In dawn raids this morning, 38 Conservative MPs, including Tory leader, David Cameron, were held at…

15 years ago

Apple to Release iPodPadPhone

CUPERTINO - USA - Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, today unveiled the latest gadget in the companies product line that has…

15 years ago

Police Warn About ‘Jenkem’ the New Legal High

LONDON - England - Just hours after the ban on 'miaow miaow' mephedrone came into force, officers are on the…

15 years ago

Unite Union Suspected Behind Iceland Volcano Eruption

REYKJAVIK - Iceland - It has been discovered that a contingent of Unite union members had made a trip to…

15 years ago

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