Funky Obama Photos Could Not Boost Democrat Massachusetts Votes

BOSTON - USA - Despite Barack Obama touting pictures from his youth in the 1970's against the nude photos of…

15 years ago

British Airways Staff to be Handcuffed to Trolleys

LONDON - England - In a bid to stop BA cabin crew from striking or trying to escape, British Airways…

15 years ago

How 50 Per Cent Tax Rise May Ensure Brit Win at Wimbledon

LONDON - England - Labour's punitive draconian tax rules could ensure the first British Wimbledon win since Fred Perry in…

15 years ago

Bin Laden Could Be Walking Around In Many Disguises Says FBI

WASHINGTON D.C.- USA - The FBI has published fresh photographs of Osama bin Laden to try to track down the…

15 years ago

China to Censor China

BEIJING - China - The Chinese president has declared all out war on China and will censor all communication in…

15 years ago

Tony Blair to be Paid to Talk About His War Crimes

TEXAS - USA - In a bid to get the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to talk about his…

15 years ago

Oil Futures to Surge as Obama's General Petraeus Plans Iran Invasion

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Long term oil futures have been rising steadily because of the Obama administration's plans to…

15 years ago

President Obama Sure Makes a Good Cup of Coffee Says Klan Deputy

WASHINGTON DC - USA - President Barack Obama invited the Ku Klux Klan's Deputy Imperial Wizard, William Jefferson Billy Bob…

15 years ago

New Retirement Age to be Increased to Five Years After Death

LONDON - England - Workers would only be forced to retire after dying, radical new Government proposals dictate.

15 years ago

Gordon Brown Refuses to Leave 10-Year-Old Girl’s Birthday Party

LONDON - England - Whilst attending a pre-election photo op. at a 10-year-old's birthday party, the ailing PM refused to…

15 years ago

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