Scientists Reveal How Having Too Many Birthdays Can be Bad For You

LOS ALAMOS - USA - Scientists researching birthdays, have come to the conclusion that too many can be fatal to…

15 years ago

Ku Klux Klan Advising Obama on Job Approval Ratings

WASHINGTON DC - USA - The Ku Klux Klan have flown senior members to the White House to advise the…

15 years ago

Riots in Greece as Greek Workforce Told to Work

ATHENS - Greece - There were prolonged riots in Greece lasting for over a week, after the Greek prime minister…

15 years ago

Gordon Brown: "Why the Destruction of the Pound is Necessary"

LONDON - England - Speaking from his bunker deep within the bowels of Number10 Downing Street, the unelected prime minister…

15 years ago

Decrease in British Babies Born Drunk Institute Reports

MIDDLESBROUGH - England - New statistics from the British Institute of Medical Natal Research Centre has revealed that the number…

15 years ago

Tiger Woods Finally Cured of Sex Addiction

FLORIDA - USA - The serial philanderer and boinking golfing ace, Tiger Woods has been finally cured of his so-called…

15 years ago

David Cameron Not Good at Making Coffee Either

LONDON - England - Conservative party leader and electoral candidate, David Cameron can't even make a cup of coffee, party…

15 years ago

Victoria Beckham’s Bunion Sued by Californian Woman

LOS ANGELES - USA - Posh Spice seems to be in a spot of bother after being sued for $15…

15 years ago

Bob Geldof to Organise Another Fund Raising Concert for Arms Dealers

LONDON - England - Sir Bob Geldof is busy organising another major charity rock concert to stoke up his ego…

15 years ago

Feral Campbell May be Released Back into the Wild

NEW YORK - USA - Feral animal, Naomi Campbell, may have to be released back into the wild, her handlers…

15 years ago

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