Britain’s Jails Could be Empty in Two Years

BASILDON - England - Prison governors have made the extraordinary claim that jails could be forced to shut if Secretary…

14 years ago

Houses of Parliament Sewage Recycling to Power Half of Country

LONDON - England - A £2.5 million project will see major UK utility companies recycling biomethane produced from human waste…

14 years ago

Amy Winehouse: "I’ve Been Drug Free for Three Years"

LONDON - England - Pop singer, Amy Winehouse, has revealed that she thinks she has been drug free for three…

14 years ago

Mary Bale Banned From Zoo Visits

COVENTRY - England - Serial cat napper, Mary Bale, has been banned from ever visiting any zoos in the UK…

14 years ago

British French American German Terror Attacks 'Highly Likely' to Occur at Anytime

LONDON - England - Terror attacks are 'highly likely' and could occur at anytime, the French, German, American and UK…

14 years ago

Benefit Scroungers Revolt When Told Benefits Capped at £26,000

LONDON - England - The Coalition government has caused a near revolt amongst the benefit scroungers after revealing plans to…

14 years ago

Lady GaGa Wants Her Leg Back

LOS ANGELES - USA - Lady GaGa has ordered her record company to get her left leg back after she…

14 years ago

Obama Finds Jesus

NEW MEXICO - USA - On the campaign trail for the midterm elections, Obama has been ordered by his controllers…

14 years ago

Socialist BBC Deny Being Partial to Partiality

SALFORD - England - The BBC has been left reeling at the accusation that they are seen as being partial…

14 years ago

EU Riots Hit by Austerity Bill

MADRID - Spain - The Europe-wide Austerity Bill limits rioting to only four times a week, EU officials have stipulated…

14 years ago

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