LOUISIANA - USA - A $20 billion BP cash spill has been cleaned up by thousands of compensation lawyers who…
WASHINGTON DC - USA - Foreign Secretary, Hillary Clinton ate a bluebottle fly that was nestling on president Barack Obama's…
WASHINGTON DC - USA - The ailing president of the United States is going to reprogrammed by special CIA operatives…
LIVERPOOL - England - The Unite union is to expand its fleet of aircraft overtaking its rival British Airways, chairman,…
LONDON - England - The famous Times newspaper, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News International Corp. has been erased from the…
KIRKCALDY - Scotland - Since leaving office, the disgraced ex-prime minister has gone from bad to worse say his friends…
LOS ANGELES - USA - Disgraced former Mirror editor, Piers Moron has flown to America to speak with TV executives…
CAPE TOWN - South Africa - Millions of noisy angry African bees have been attracted to the stadiums where the…
RUSTENBERG - South Africa - English goalkeeper, Rob Green, was outdone by a treacherous American oil strike on goal yesterday.
LOUISIANA - USA - The American company that built and owns the Deepwater Horizon rig, Transocean, as well as another…
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