U.S. Main Export of Terror Doing Well Says Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that America's main export of 'State sanctioned terror'…

14 years ago

Eighties Mobile Phones Now All the Rage

NEW YORK - USA - You may think that modern smart phones, with all their apps and gizmos are the…

14 years ago

News of The World to Offer Subscription Celebrity Hacking Service

LONDON - England - News Corp. boss, Rupert Murdoch was in town this week to spearhead a new initiative at…

14 years ago

"Abandon Ship, Abandon Ship!"

LONDON - England - The good ship UK plc is going under, as thousands of people abandon these hallowed shores…

14 years ago

Lucas and Spielberg Building Spaceship to be Launched

LOS ANGELES - USA - The two prominent film producers, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, have both joined forces to…

14 years ago

Miliband Gets Some Balls

LONDON - England - Labour leader, Ed Miliband, finally got the Balls he always wanted when Commissar Ed Balls from…

14 years ago

When Uncle Hu Visited Washington

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Barack Obama was visited yesterday by his employer to check on how things are going…

14 years ago

Gordon Brown Warns Against Mass Youth Unemployment Epidemic Caused by His Policies

London - England - Former prime minister, Gordon Brown, is warning the world's leaders about the unemployment explosion, and economic…

14 years ago

Ricky Gervais Nominated to Present Oscars

LOS ANGELES - USA - British comedian, Ricky Gervais, has impressed his American hosts so much after the 2011 Golden…

14 years ago

Unsocial Networking Sites Popular Now

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Forget about Social Networking, because Unsocial Networking is the new buzz phrase hitting the internet…

14 years ago

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