Could You be Killing the Planet One Breath at a Time?

ONTARIO - Canada - Eco Fascism is alive and well, and the plan the many organisations around the world are…

14 years ago

German Bombers Dropping Bean Sprouts Over London

LONDON - England - Londoners were embracing the blitz spirit tonight after the German Luftwaffe debuted their latest weapon against…

14 years ago

Obama: "Hey, At least I Still Have My Job"

WASHINGTON DC - USA - President Barack Obama has made a speech on the eve after a new jobs report…

14 years ago

Grim Reaper Dies Before Keith Richards

RIVER STYX - Limbo - The Grim Reaper, otherwise known as Death, has passed away before rocker Keith Richards, according…

14 years ago

Planking Craze Thwarted by Actors Hugh Grant and Kevin Costner

LONDON - England - The planking craze which has taken over the world's youth on the internet(s) has been thwarted…

14 years ago

EU Orders Greece Name Change

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The head of the EU's Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, has ordered that Greece forfeits their name…

14 years ago

Arnie Likes ‘Ugly Chicks’

LOS ANGELES - USA - According to a new dossier released by a Beverly Hills court, movie star and serial…

14 years ago

Judge Gives Himself Gagging Order

LONDON - England - An unnamed High Court judge has given himself a super-injunction gagging order, secret papers have revealed.

14 years ago

Deadly Cucumbers Get Revenge on Humanity

BILBAO - Spain - They've been sliced, diced and brutally had their skins peeled for too long, but now cucumbers…

14 years ago

Neglected Celebrities Lining Up For Super-Injunctions

LONDON - England - There have been reports from law courts of a remarkable increase in applications for super-injunction gagging…

14 years ago

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