New Plastic War Memorials For War Heroes

LONDON - England - After the spate of thefts and desecration of war memorials across Britain by scrap metal thieves,…

13 years ago

Ashton Kutcher Grounded

LOS ANGELES - USA - Serial Twitterer, Ashton Kutcher, has not been seen in public, Facebook or Twitter for two…

13 years ago

Wall Street Bankers Arrested in Dawn Raid

NEW YORK - USA - Police wearing helmets and carrying shields early on Tuesday began to clear the Wall Street…

13 years ago

Greeks Told to Speak German From Now On

ATHENS - Lower Germany - The former Greek people have been told by Dusseldorf EU officials that they will have…

13 years ago

Hipster Disease Infecting Thousands in UK

LONDON - England - Just when you thought it was safe to go out into the streets after the Labour…

13 years ago

Mr Clean to Get Second Term

WASHINGTON DC - USA - President Barack Obama is certain to get a second term because of his clean record,…

13 years ago

Gordon Brown to Save the World Again

KIRKCALDY - Scotland - Former British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has come out of hiding to save the world from…

13 years ago

If You Want a Job Go to China or India

LONDON - England - People from both sides of the Atlantic are taking their employment into their own hands by…

13 years ago

The French Surrender Easily But Will the British?

PARIS - France - Anyone who walks through the beautiful leafy boulevards of Paris will realise one thing -- they…

13 years ago

Monica Lewinsky Never Interned For Herman Cain

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Famous former White house intern, Monica Lewinsky, is at the centre of another political scandal…

13 years ago

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