Get Ready For Third, Fourth and Fifth EU Bailouts

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Nothing has changed, another bailout another German taxpayer rout.

13 years ago

Brussels Orders End to British Curries

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Unelected EU officials have ordered the death of the famous British curry and the introduction of…

13 years ago

Kung Fu Fighting Deng Saves Murdoch

LONDON - England - Rupert Murdoch's Fox films has come up with a surprise summer hit that has hit the…

13 years ago

Police to be Armed With Brown Paper Bags

LONDON - England - The Metropolitan Police has got a new weapon in its fight against crime and disorder. The…

13 years ago

Lady GaGa Has Other Leg Amputated

LOS ANGELES - USA - The self-proclaimed pop Queen, Lady GaGa, has had her remaining leg amputated, it has been…

14 years ago

Rupert Murdoch and Son Taken to Guantanamo Bay

GUANTANAMO BAY - Cuba - The FBI arrested the two men yesterday in a dawn raid and were immediately shipped…

14 years ago

Obama's American Ghetto

WASHINGTON DC - USA - If you were to travel through America from coast to coast and to ask people…

14 years ago

News International Staff to Get New Identities

LONDON - England - The Metropolitan Police said today it would offer new identities to the "vast majority" of staff…

14 years ago

Corrupt Politicians Investigating Corrupt Media Investigating Corrupt Police

LONDON - England - Corrupt MPs have called in corrupt News International journalists and managers for a full investigation of…

14 years ago

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Labour-ite Scorned

LONDON - England - Rupert Murdoch switched sides from Labour to Conservative after Blair was ousted by Brown and Balls.…

14 years ago

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