British Olympic Flame Carriers Pass On 1936 Nazi Olympics Tradition

LONDON - England - The Olympic flame carriers of today who go from city to city in the UK are…

12 years ago

A Foaming Mouth No Excuse For Treatment on the NHS

LONDON - England - Having a case of fatal rabies is no excuse for treatment on the NHS news reports…

12 years ago

Euro Crisis Voted Most Boring News Event of All Time

BRUSSELS - Belgium - A panel of 20,000 people have deemed the Euro crisis the most boring thing they've ever…

12 years ago

Travolta to Marry Cruise in Church of Scatology Ceremony

LOS ANGELES - USA - In what could be dubbed the gay wedding of the century, Tom Cruise and John…

12 years ago

Piers Morgan Has Mobile Phone Hacked

LOS ANGELES - USA - Serial liar and perverter of justice, Piers Morgan, who lied under oath about his phone…

12 years ago

Daily Squib to Float

LONDON - England - Just like Facebook has floated on the stock market, so too will the Daily Squib, our…

12 years ago

Britain Plans On Going Back to Age of Horse and Cart

MACCLESFIELD - England - Government ministers were today set to visit parts of the UK where the new Horse and…

12 years ago

Greece to Have 300 Elections

THERMOPYLAE - Greece - The Greeks want to have 300 elections to form a coherent government in the beleaguered country,…

12 years ago

Zuckerberg to Play Icarus in New Facebook IPO Movie

PALO ALTO - USA - Mark Zuckerburg has been signed up by Fox Studios to star in a new Hollywood…

12 years ago

Global Economic Collapse and Other Fun Things

LONDON - England - The 2008 economic crisis was hailed as the worst crisis for thirty years, but that was…

12 years ago

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