Eurozone Contagion: Germans Now Getting Lazy

DUSSELDORF - Germany - The German people are now becoming like their Southern European counterparts a new study has revealed.

12 years ago

Youngsters Reenact Battle of the Somme

ISLE OF WIGHT - England - Can you imagine what it must have been like at the Battle of the…

12 years ago

You Can Take Those GCSEs Off Your CV Now

LONDON - England - Anyone who has a GCSE on their CV will have to remove the useless qualification from…

12 years ago

Good News For World's Stock Markets

LONDON - England - There has been some good news about the world economy.

12 years ago

Christianity Experts: “You Missed Him, Jesus Came Back Years Ago”

MISSISSIPPI - USA - Theological experts have finally revealed that Jesus Christ came back to earth five years ago but…

12 years ago

George P Bush Next In Line For Idiots Crown?

WASHINGTON DC - USA - You would have thought that the Americans would have had enough of the Bush clan,…

12 years ago

Woman Has Bath With Bath Salts

KENTUCKY - USA - The local woman was said to have actually had a bath on Friday night and put…

12 years ago

Another Greek Election Six Weeks Later

ATHENS - Greece - The world economy and EU is preparing for another Greek election in six weeks, then one…

12 years ago

Greeks Will Refuse to Pay Back Money to EU

ATHENS - Greece - The spending splurge is over, and now that it is time to pay up, the Greeks…

12 years ago

Police to Advise People What to Say in Phone Calls, Emails, Texts and Social Networks

LONDON - England - New police powers to advise what people should say in phone calls, texts, e-mails and social…

12 years ago

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