Why Obama Has to Finish His American European Project

WASHINGTON DC - USA - President Barack Obama is only part through the project he embarked on when he begun…

12 years ago

Next European Fascist Leader Waiting in Wings As Euro Crisis Deepens

BERLIN - Germany - Chancellor Merkel's days are numbered, as are the weak unelected technocrats amongst the fractured eurozone countries.…

12 years ago

Greek Erinyes Fury at Germany Will Reap Its Revenge

BERLIN - Germany - Ratings agencies are set to downgrade Germany's previously solid AAA rating soon, and this will be…

12 years ago

American Society Created Batman Shooter

AURORA - USA - When people condemn James Holmes they are condemning their own violent society, where the gun is…

12 years ago

Euro Saved By Dismantling Churches Across Europe

BRUSSELS - Belgium - There were cheers in the streets of all European countries today when billions of Euros were…

12 years ago

London Olympics Will Leave Glorious Legacy of Debt and Decline

LONDON - England - Holding the Olympics in Britain as it is sucked under by huge trillion pound deficits is…

12 years ago

Sacha Baron Cohen New Jewish Character For Movie

LOS ANGELES - USA - The comedian, who is most famous for portraying minority group characters is now going for…

12 years ago

New Batman Movie Quite Violent Say Moviegoers

DENVER - COLORADO - The latest installment of the Batman franchise is quite violent according to cinemagoers across America.

12 years ago

Man Dies After Reading Daily Squib 40 Hours Straight

TAINAN - Taiwan - A man was found dead in an internet cafe after reportedly reading the Daily Squib newspaper…

12 years ago

Martin Luther King Honoured at Walmart Flash Mob Robbery Event

FLORIDA - USA - It was a wonderful demonstration on how far race relations have come in America with 450…

12 years ago

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