Obama Brewing Own White House Kool-Aid

WASHINGTON DC - USA - This is just the news his followers want to hear, how Obama is brewing his…

12 years ago

New Clint Eastwood Film to Be About Furniture

EL PASO - USA - Veteran film star and director, Clint Eastwood, is directing a new film about furniture, his…

12 years ago

Brokers Make $4 Buy Recommendation For Facebook

NEW YORK - USA - Finally some good news for NASDAQ listed social networking company, Facebook, as brokers are now…

12 years ago

Euro Wants to Leave Greece

ATHENS - Greece - The Greek Minister of Finance has announced that the euro currency wants to leave the ailing…

12 years ago

Next Round of Simon Cowell Creations Hits Music Charts This Week

LONDON - England - Not content with polluting the world's entertainment industry with his awful creations, Simon Cowell assaults the…

12 years ago

Obama Approval Rating May Need Another Bin Laden Shooting

WASHINGTON DC - USA - The Pentagon is planning another Osama Bin Laden shooting because of Obama's appalling approval ratings…

12 years ago

Paralympics Proof That Disability Allowance Could Be Cut

LONDON - England - The amazing dexterity and strength of the Paralympians is proof that the government may not need…

12 years ago

Britain Could Send First Chavs to Mars By 2021

LONDON - England - The British government have taken on the interplanetary challenge of colonising Mars with chavs by the…

12 years ago

Shamed Kristen Stewart Has Joined Nunnery on Isle of Skye

PORTREE - Isle of Skye - Shamed Hollywood Twilight starlet, Kristen Stewart joined the nunnery of 34 nuns yesterday and…

12 years ago

New Eco Car Runs On Coal

BOSTON - USA - A new breed of coal powered eco cars could be running on the roads soon according…

12 years ago

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