Seventies Girl: “Saint Jimmy Savile Fixed it For Me to Meet Gary Glitter”

DUNCROFT - England - BBC personality Jimmy Savile was such a saint that he fixed it for a twelve year…

12 years ago

Think Tank: “Revolution Can Not Come From the Few”

GENEVA - Switzerland - You can dam a stream, you can dam a river, but you cannot dam a tidal…

12 years ago

Police Fury Over New Children’s Show PC Pleb

LONDON - England - Metropolitan police officers were furious today after a new children's TV show depicting policemen as mindless…

12 years ago

Netanyahu Talks About Daily Squib at UN

NEW YORK - USA - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought out a prop at the UN to illustrate what…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Banned From Air Force One

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney has been banned from flying on Air Force One by Pentagon…

12 years ago

New Maths Exam For 15-Year-Olds Causes Stir

EASTBOURNE - England - Pupils and parents at an East Sussex school are questioning a new Maths exam for 15-year-olds.

12 years ago

Israeli PM Netanyahu to Attend Letterman Show

NEW YORK - USA - The Israeli Prime Minister has finally had an attempted humour transplant and is set to…

12 years ago

Nick Clegg Attains Human Shield Status

LONDON - England - One thing the Tories should be thankful of is getting a human punch bag like the…

12 years ago

Clegg Anti-affluence Marathon to Start Next Week

BRIGHTON - England - Affluent Britons are set to leave the UK in droves when the Lib Dem leader's anti-affluence…

12 years ago

The Queen ‘Speaking With a Polish Accent’ Says Mirren Ahead of New Role as Monarch

LONDON - England - Actress Dame Helen Mirren, who has announced she will return to play the Queen in a…

12 years ago

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