Humanity Getting ‘Dumberer’ Says Scientist

CALIFORNIA - USA - Humanity is not getting cleverer but 'dumberer' says a scientist at Stanford University.

12 years ago

Petraeus to Feature in Next Bond Movie ‘The Spies Who Loved My Every Move’

VIRGINIA - USA - Retired General Petraeus is going to star in the next James Bond feature film set to…

12 years ago

Fiscal Cliff Next to Deficit Mountain Near S*** Creek

WASHINGTON DC - USA - You know the U.S. election is over because no one cares about Ohio any more,…

12 years ago

North Korea Gangnam Infection Has Worked Says Leader

PYONYANG - North Korea - The Communist state has revealed that they were the ones who implanted the Gangnam Style…

12 years ago

Man Trapped in Two Year You Tube Video Hell

GRIMSBY - England - A 28-year-old unemployed man who has been trapped in a vicious You Tube video cycle for…

12 years ago

Depression Covered By Obamacare

TEXAS - USA - Millions of Republicans across the United States were said to be signing up for anti-depressant drugs…

12 years ago

If You Don’t Get the Hispanic Vote You Lose

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Romney's sad attempts at bronzing up with a fake tan sadly went awry as his…

12 years ago

Michelle Obama to Take First Multi-Million Dollar Vacation in Year

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Michelle Obama has sighed in relief at her husband's election win and is already planning…

12 years ago

World Fearing U.S. Election Results

LONDON - England - There's something about a U.S. election that is quite scary to millions of people around the…

12 years ago

David Beckham Calls New Zealand PM an Eproctolagniac Cervicalgiac Cretin

LOS ANGELES - USA - Ex-footballer David Beckham is fighting back with some pretty big words at the New Zealand…

12 years ago

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