Will Smith and Son Battle CGI Monsters For Three and a Half Long Hours

LOS ANGELES - USA - How about this for entertainment, you empty your wallet to go and watch some overpaid…

12 years ago

Scottish Scientists Invent the Secret to Immortality

GLASGOW - Scotland - Scottish scientists have come up with a novel way of preserving humans before they die so…

12 years ago

Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons From His Own Mind

ROME - Italy - The Catholic Church's top exorcist, who claims to have sent 160,000 imaginary demons back to hell,…

12 years ago

Obama: “You Still Got Four More Years of Me”

HAWAII - USA - President Obama may be fought on every single hurdle but he is still as determined as…

12 years ago

Bilderberg Food Fight Cost UK Taxpayers Millions

WATFORD - England - What do you get when you have a bunch of miscreant world statesmen, politicians, business leaders…

12 years ago

Woman Displays Ailments on Daily Mail Site

GRIMSTHORPE - England - A 56-year-old woman was featured in a front page Daily Mail article yesterday showing off the…

12 years ago

“Now’s an Ideal Time to Bring in Snoopers Charter” the Party Says After Woolwich Killings

LONDON - England - Sometimes coincidence is purely considered, and sometimes the Hegelian Dialectic is all too obvious for those…

12 years ago

Comrade Obama Warns Britain NOT to Leave Union of Soviet Socialist Europe

WASHINGTON DC - USSSA - Supreme Comrade in Chief Barack Obama, of the Union of Soviet Socialist States of America,…

12 years ago

Cameron: “Darling, Will You Please Pass the Olive Oil Jug”

IBIZA - Spain - Mr Cameron has been pictured soaking up the Balearic sunshine and sipping coffee with his wife…

12 years ago

Everyone Should Chip In to Buy Shariah Law Loving Muslims One Way Tickets to Middle East

BRADFORD - England - If you see men and women coming around with a collection box for one way tickets…

12 years ago

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