Americans Tried to Escape Taxes But Now Swimming in Them

BOSTON - USA - America was created as a place which was away from the punitive taxes of England, but…

12 years ago

Global Recession Starting to Really Annoy Me Says Man

GRIMSBY - England - The bankers have had their multiple bailouts as have other business leaders in high places and…

12 years ago

Reading the Daily Squib Can Raise Your IQ By Minus 56 Points Say Experts

SCUNTHORPE - England - A group of highly decorated experts have come up with some amazing research results that has…

12 years ago

Rowan Atkinson Wrote Off My Car As Well

GRANTCHESTER - England - A 76-year-old man is claiming that Rowan Atkinson wrote his Ford Fiesta off and wants it…

12 years ago

Britain Set to Be Hit With More Snow Headlines

LONDON - England - As if the first round of snow headlines was not bad enough, now the whole country…

12 years ago

What Do George W. Bush’s Paintings Mean?

TEXAS - USA - Art critics and gallery owners all over the world are coming together to discuss the paintings…

12 years ago

Madonna to Play Richard III In New Movie

NEW YORK - USA - Pop star Madonna is to make her next film about tragic British monarch Richard III,…

12 years ago

Findus Lasagne Daily Squib Offer

LONDON - England - We're offering a lucky Squib reader a whole year's supply of Findus 100% Beef Lasagne ready…

12 years ago

Bankrupt Argentina Wants to Move Whole Country to Falklands For UK Benefits Culture

BUENOS AIRES - Argentina - It has finally been revealed what Cristina Kirchner, the Argentine leader is planning to do…

12 years ago

UK Government Plans to Track ALL Day to Day Activity: MI5 to Install ‘Spiked Black Box’ Spy Devices in Peoples Bodies to Monitor Everything

LONDON - England - Just when you thought it was safe to venture out of your frozen hovel, news that…

12 years ago

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