Zimmerman Walks America Talks

FLORIDA - USA - Today a free man, who should never been put on trial, walked out of court a…

11 years ago

Man Talks to His Family For Whole Hour

LONDON - England - Family man, Neil McCormack, 38, was able to put down his mobile phone, laptop, 3D TV,…

11 years ago

EU Says Britain Must Be Physically Moved Closer to Europe

BRUSSELS - Belgium - A new EU directive ordered from the highest levels has said that Britain is too far…

11 years ago

Royal Baby to be Given Own Cot Palace

LONDON - England - Prince William and the Duchess's new baby will be given its own palace, royal insiders have…

11 years ago

Law Experts: “Why U.S. Justice System Should Not Be Held Ransom By Riot Threats”

FLORIDA - USA - The Trayvon Martin case has seen multiple threats of violence by African Americans on Twitter, but…

11 years ago

New Study: “Being Ignorant Really is Bliss”

LONDON - England - A new study commissioned by the British government has concluded what many have known all along,…

11 years ago

Neckless Giraffes Found in Serengeti

SERENGETI - Tanzania - Neckless giraffes have been found in the Serengeti National Park for the first time say zoologists.

11 years ago

The Big Bang Could Have Been a Little Bang Say Scientists

NEW MEXICO - USA - Astrophysicists working at the Nermil Observatory Station have come up with an amazing theory that…

11 years ago

Obama Admin Tells Zimmerman Judge to do the Right Thing

FLORIDA - USA - The law works in mysterious ways in America. One minute it is being upheld and running…

11 years ago

Twitter Twit Tweeted Tweety Tweet

LOS ANGELES - USA - There was outrage on social media site Twitter yesterday when a tweeter tweeted some really…

11 years ago

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