Ed Miliband Vows to Take Over Daily Mail Once Labour In Power

LONDON - England - The Labour leader today has vowed to use public funds to buy out the Daily Mail…

11 years ago

Obama Dismantling Whitey’s Empire From the Inside

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Obama's tenure as President of the United States has been one giant big payback say…

11 years ago

Hitler Would Have Been Proud of the EU

BERLIN - Germany - Adolf Hitler would have been proud of the EU's achievements if he were alive today, prominent…

11 years ago

News From the Syrian Front By Senator Feinstein

ALEPPO - Syria - U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein has been fighting on the Syrian front for two weeks now and…

11 years ago

Obama: “When I Lie, That’s the Truth”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Obama has made another keynote speech on the eve of the government shutdown.

11 years ago

Record Company Orders Miley Cyrus to Have Mouth Sewn Shut

LOS ANGELES - USA - Pop mimer Miley Cyrus is to have her mouth sewn shut once and for all,…

11 years ago

Ed Miliband Calls For Marxist Bolshevik Revolution

LONDON - England - Comrade Ed Miliband has called for workers and his exiled commissars to rise up and bring…

11 years ago

Obama Off to Hawaii During U.S. Gov. Shut Down

WAIKIKI - USA - President Obama has already left Washington D.C. in Air Force One for an extended holiday during…

11 years ago

British NHS Better Than American Health Care

SCUNTHORPE - England - Britain's ailing oversubscribed health service, the NHS, has been hailed as better than the American health…

11 years ago

Jesus to Land On Earth Tomorrow at 06.15 (UTC)

WISCONSIN - USA - Christians around the world are preparing for the return of Jesus Christ tomorrow at 06.15 hrs.

11 years ago

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