The Good Thing About Time Is People Forget

LONDON - England - Government experts have detailed how easy it is to get away with certain actions, purely with…

11 years ago

Israel to Give Palestinians Land in the Sea

TEL AVIV - Israel - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed a radical solution to the former Palestinian people now…

11 years ago

10 Great Reasons For Population Control

LONDON - England - Unnecessary over population of the planet is a delicate subject but must be addressed. Here are…

11 years ago

Illegal Immigrants Caught Sending Illegal Text Messages With Illegal Words Illegally

LONDON - England - Illegal immigrants were today caught sending illegal text messages with illegal words in the illegal messages,…

11 years ago

Obese Giraffes Causing Trouble in Africa

SERENGETI - Tanzania - Obese giraffes in the Serengeti National Park have been put on slimming diets by park rangers…

11 years ago

Boehner to Sing Castrato in GOP Choir

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Republican House Speaker, John Boehner has signed up to the GOP choir as a castrato…

11 years ago

The Rich Will Be First Target During American Unrest

LOS ANGELES - USA - With a warning shot fired by the 'accidental' shutdown of the EBT card system, president…

11 years ago

Happy Birthday Obama!

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Today it is president Barack Hussein Obama's birthday and many across the United States are…

11 years ago

Saatchi Gallery Installation Under Fire

LONDON - England - As art gallery installations go, the latest exhibition at the Saatchi gallery has not gone down…

11 years ago

Mount Rushmore Sold to China to Finance U.S. Debt

SOUTH DAKOTA - USA - Chinese emissaries were today hailing the Federal government's decision to sell the Mount Rushmore national…

11 years ago

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