The French Surrender to S&P

PARIS - France - The French are once again waving the white flag of surrender, this time to an America…

11 years ago

Did NSA Spy on Santa?

Santa's Grotto - North Pole - Rumours are filtering through from Santa's little helpers that some crucial hard disks holding…

11 years ago

Britain Ready to Accept Cream of the Crop

LONDON - England - Britons all over the country are anxiously awaiting the cream of the crop European Union citizens…

11 years ago

All Emails to be Made Fully Public

VIRGINIA - USA - A new central processing directive on all email companies has been okayed by the U.S. government…

11 years ago

Think Tank: Britain Needs Its Own European Union

LONDON - England - The GeoPolitik Think Tank has come up with an interesting solution to the current EU debacle…

11 years ago

Twitter IPO Billionaire Just Wants to Buy Bird Feed

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, who is now worth $2.6 billion after the Twitter IPO has…

11 years ago

Voodoo Priest Brought In to Fix Obamacare Website

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - A voodoo priest from deepest Africa has been especially flown in to America's capital city…

11 years ago

Man on Deathbed Wishes He Spent More Time on Facebook

OREGON - USA - Joel Wisehammer, 58, today revealed some very touching regrets about his life before he sadly passed…

11 years ago

Coulson and Brooks Pictured On Honeymoon

LONDON - England - The happy couple, former Sun and News of the World editors, Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks,…

11 years ago

Kate Middleton Found Between Palace Sofa Cushion

LONDON - England - The Duchess of Cambridge has thankfully been found after a worrying brief period of absence, Kensington…

11 years ago

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