Meth Math the Latest Midwest Craze

LITTLE ROCK - USA - The new Meth Math craze across Midwest America is a grave concern for the Federal…

11 years ago

Feminism Was Created by Men Feminists Discover

LONDON - England - A feminist has made a radical discovery that could change everything for feminists everywhere.

11 years ago

Obama: “I Want You to Push Me For Martial Law”

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Obama is eager to introduce Martial Law across the United States.

11 years ago

Boris Johnson Not as Clever as Cameron or Osborne

LONDON - England - Boris Johnson has admitted to the media that he's not as clever as Prime Minister David…

11 years ago

Gay Man Comes Out as Olympic Diver

PLYMOUTH - England - A gay man has come out as an Olympic diver it was revealed today.

11 years ago

Swarm of Amazon Drones Spotted Over South Africa

CAPE TOWN - South Africa - Thousands of Amazon drones were spotted over the city today in a drone nuisance…

11 years ago

Cameron Bows to Chinese News Calling Britain Failure

BEIJING - China - David Cameron graciously accepted a few coins from Chinese business leaders and government officials yesterday.

11 years ago

Murdoch Releases Video of Secret Blair Meeting

NEW YORK - USA - Media magnate, Rupert Murdoch has released a secret video recording of a confrontational meeting he…

11 years ago

I Found a Bulgarian Under My Sofa Today

LONDON - England - Residents of Highgate, North London were alerted today after a local man found a Bulgarian under…

11 years ago

Hillary Clinton Joins Game of ‘Knockout’ Looking Ahead

NEW YORK - USA - Hillary Clinton is primed and ready to win back African-American votes in the coming 2016…

11 years ago

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