Gordon Brown Praises Obama For Being Just Like Him

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - Former British prime minister Gordon Brown arrived at the American capital yesterday in a surprise…

11 years ago

Pussy Riot Girls Free to Pussy Riot Once Again

MOSCOW - Russia - The two imprisoned Pussy Riot women were released this week under a Russian parliamentary amnesty.

11 years ago

Experts: Snowden Has Not Achieved Anything

SOMEWHERE - Nowhere - Edward Snowden says he has won. Well, what has he won exactly? He has not revealed…

11 years ago

Japan Sharpening the Katana Once Again?

TOKYO - Japan - Shinzo Abe is the first Japanese prime minister to visit the Yakusuni shrine in seven years.…

11 years ago

How Brits Have Evolved Over the Centuries

MANCHESTER - England - Brits have evolved since the good olde days. Yes, they really have honest.

11 years ago

Shoppers Told They Can Refuse to Shop at M&S

LONDON - England - Shoppers angry at a religious M&S policy of kowtowing to religions have vowed to vote with…

11 years ago

Why Saying Goodbye to NHS, Free Schools and Benefits Could be Easier Than You Think

LONDON - England - There's no need to mourn the inevitable demise of Britain's much loved welfare system.

11 years ago

New ‘Ducky Dynasty’ Show Coming After Phil Robertson Gay Re-Education

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - The latest offering from A&E is a glad re-entry for Phil Robertson after a brief…

11 years ago

Welcome to the United Kingdom of Romania and Bulgaria

DOVER - England - David Cameron has welcomed 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians to their new home today.

11 years ago

Daily Squib Predicted Correctly in 2012 EU Wanted Own Army

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Martin Schulz, the speaker of the European Parliament has called for the creation of a European…

11 years ago

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