George W Bush to Visit Al Qaeda Controlled Fallujah

TEXAS - USA - Former U.S. president George W Bush is going to visit the Iraqi city of Fallujah which…

11 years ago

How to Warm Yourself During the Freezing Global Warming

ANTARCTICA - The freezing global warming weather across the planet is a testament to a fraudulent scheme that has gone…

11 years ago

Knockout Game Comes to Obamacare Hospital

DETROIT - USA - America's Knockout game comes to one of the country's most blighted city's Obamacare hospital.

11 years ago

Count Dracula Arrived This Morning at Victoria Bus Station From Transylvania

LONDON - England - Count Dracula of Transylvania, Romania, has arrived in our capital city after the blood supply ran…

11 years ago

Comrade Cameron ‘Onward EU Soldiers’

SECTOR 4 - EU - Comrade Cameron appeared today in Brussels Square, to regale those assembled in his tribute to…

11 years ago

Labour Politicians Welcome New Voters at UK Airports

LONDON - England - Labour politicians headed by MP Keith Vaz welcomed EU immigrants into the country from some of…

11 years ago

People Who Follow Religions Blindly Are Happier Say Scientists

KENTUCKY - USA - People who believe in religions without question are infinitely happier and less depressed, a new scientific…

11 years ago

Australian Cricketer to Get New Year Honours From Queen

LONDON - England - Buckingham palace has announced the New Year's Honours list will include a very talented Australian cricketer.

11 years ago

Experts: Mass EU Immigration Will Get Rid of Benefits System Completely

LONDON - England - The deluge will be greater than a biblical plague of locusts descending on Egypt. Mass immigration…

11 years ago

The Daily Squib’s New Year Predictions

LONDON - England - Yep, it's time for another new year. This year we've got some great predictions for you.

11 years ago

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